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Paneling WRF-NCL plots of different types

These WRF plots are from a WRF file with one time step. Two of the paneled plots have filled contours, and the other two have filled contours and vectors overlaid. This causes different lines of titles to appear, thus making it somewhat more unwieldy to panel them.

[You need to download WRFUserARW_new.ncl and gsn_code_new.ncl in order to run the scripts below.]

I realize some of these plots probably make no sense, but these are all tests only.

Using wrf_map_overlay and leaving all the titles and labelbars as is, here's what you would normally get for different kinds of plots.

Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

Note the titles on the bottom and top and the extra space above the labelbar. If you try to panel these plots, then, you get:

The text from paneled plots run into each other, because they are different lengths and longer than the plots themselves.

Paneled plots with no bottom titles

If you turn off the bottom titles by setting the special WRF resource "NoTitles" to False, you get something slightly better:


Paneled plots with no bottom titles and labelbars moved closer to plot

The labelbars are still too far from the plots, so you can move them closer using a resource:


Paneled plots with titles visible

Note that the top titles from the previous paneleds plot are chopped off. This is because the plots aren't the same size, and hence the bigger plots on the bottom are crowding the top ones. You can tell gsn_panel which plot index should be used based the resize calculation on (use one of the bigger plots).


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WRFUserARW_new.ncl gsn_code_new.ncl