US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)

Center: 7
Subcenter: 0
Parameter Table Version: 0

Usage: Operational

Note: a text version of this table suitable for use as an NCL user-defined GRIB parameter table is available here

2PRMSLPaPressure reduced to MSL
3PTENDPa/sPressure tendency
4PVORTkm^2/kg/sPotential vorticity
5ICAHTMICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height
7HGTgpmGeopotential height
8DISTmGeometric height
9HSTDVmStd dev of height
10TOZONEDobsonTotal ozone
12VTMPKVirtual temperature
13POTKPotential temperature
14EPOTKPseudo-adiabatic potential temperature
15T_MAXKMaximum temperature
16T_MINKMinimum temperature
17DPTKDew point temperature
18DEPRKDew point depression
19LAPRK/mLapse rate
21RDSP1non-dimRadar spectra (1)
22RDSP2non-dimRadar spectra (2)
23RDSP3non-dimRadar spectra (3)
24PLIKParcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)
25TMP_AKTemperature anomaly
26PRESAPaPressure anomaly
27GPAgpmGeopotential height anomaly
28WVSP1non-dimWave spectra (1)
29WVSP2non-dimWave spectra (2)
30WVSP3non-dimWave spectra (3)
31WDIRdegWind direction
32WINDm/sWind speed
33U_GRDm/su-component of wind
34V_GRDm/sv-component of wind
35STRMm^2/sStream function
36V_POTm^2/sVelocity potential
37MNTSFm^2/s^2Montgomery stream function
38SGCVV/sSigma coord. vertical velocity
39V_VELPa/sPressure vertical velocity
40DZDTm/sGeometric vertical velocity
41ABS_V/sAbsolute vorticity
42ABS_D/sAbsolute divergence
43REL_V/sRelative vorticity
44REL_D/sRelative divergence
45VUCSH/sVertical u-component shear
46VVCSH/sVertical v-component shear
47DIR_CdegDirection of current
48SP_Cm/sSpeed of current
49UOGRDm/su-component of current
50VOGRDm/sv-component of current
51SPF_Hkg/kgSpecific humidity
52R_H%Relative humidity
53MIXRkg/kgHumidity mixing ratio
54P_WATkg/m^2Precipitable water
55VAPPPaVapor pressure
56SAT_DPaSaturation deficit
58C_ICEkg/m^2Cloud Ice
59PRATEkg/m^2/sPrecipitation rate
60TSTM%Thunderstorm probability
61A_PCPkg/m^2Total precipitation
62NCPCPkg/m^2Large scale precipitation
63ACPCPkg/m^2Convective precipitation
64SRWEQkg/m^2/sSnowfall rate water equivalent.
65WEASDkg/m^2Water equivalent of accum. snow depth
66SNO_DmSnow depth
67MIXHTmMixed layer depth
68TTHDPmTransient thermocline depth
69MTHDmMain thermocline depth
70MTH_AmMain thermocline anomaly
71T_CDC%Total cloud cover
72CDCON%Convective cloud cover
73L_CDC%Low level cloud cover
74M_CDC%Mid level cloud cover
75H_CDC%High level cloud cover
76C_WATkg/m^2Cloud water
77BLIKBest lifted index (to 500 hPa)
78SNO_Ckg/m^2Convective snow
79SNO_Lkg/m^2Large scale snow
80WTMPKWater temperature
81LANDfractionLand-sea mask (land=1;sea=0)
82DSL_MmDeviation of sea level from mean
83SFC_RmSurface roughness
85TSOILKSoil temperature
86SOIL_Mkg/m^2Soil moisture content
90WATRkg/m^2Water runoff
91ICE_CfractionIce concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)
92ICETKmIce thickness
93DICEDdegDirection of ice drift
94SICEDm/sSpeed of ice drift
95U_ICEm/su-component of ice drift
96V_ICEm/sv-component of ice drift
97ICE_Gm/sIce growth rate
98ICE_D/sIce divergence
99SNO_Mkg/m^2Snow melt
100HTSGWmSig height of wind waves and swell
101WVDIRdegDirection of wind waves
102WVHGTmSignificant height of wind waves
103WVPERsMean period of wind waves
104SWDIRdegDirection of swell waves
105SWELLmSignificant height of swell waves
106SWPERsMean period of swell waves
107DIRPWdegPrimary wave direction
108PERPWsPrimary wave mean period
109DIRSWdegSecondary wave direction
110PERSWsSecondary wave mean period
111NSWRSW/m^2Net short wave radiation (surface)
112NLWRSW/m^2Net long wave radiation(surface)
113NSWRTW/m^2Net short wave radiation (top)
114NLWRTW/m^2Net long wave radiation (top)
115LWAVRW/m^2Long wave radiation
116SWAVRW/m^2Short wave radiation
117G_RADW/m^2Global radiation
118BRTMPKBrightness temperature
119LWRADW/m/srRadiance with respect to wave no.
120SWRADW/m^3/srRadiance with respect ot wave len.
121LHTFLW/m^2Latent heat flux
122SHTFLW/m^2Sensible heat flux
123BLYDPW/m^2Boundary layer dissipation
124U_FLXN/m^2Momentum flux, u component
125V_FLXN/m^2Momentum flux, v component
126WMIXEJWind mixing energy
127IMG_DnoneImage data
128MSLSAPaMean sea level pressure (Std Atm)
129MSLMAPaMean sea level pressure (MAPS)
130MSLETPaMean sea level pressure (ETA model)
131LFT_XKSurface lifted index
1324LFTXKBest (4-layer) lifted index
133K_XKK index
134S_XKSweat index
135MCONVkg/kg/sHorizontal moisture divergence
136VW_SH1/sVertical speed shear
137TSLSAPa/s3-hr pressure tendency (Std Atmos Red)
138BVF_21/s^2Brunt-Vaisala frequency (squared)
139PV_MW1/s/mPotential vorticity (density-weighted)
140CRAINyes=1;no=0Categorical rain
141CFRZRyes=1;no=0Categorical freezing rain
142CICEPLyes=1;no=0Categorical ice pellets
143CSNOWyes=1;no=0Categorical snow
144SOILWfractionVolumetric soil moisture content
145PEVPRW/m^2Potential evaporation rate
146CWORKJ/kgCloud work function
147U_GWDN/m^2Zonal flux of gravity wave stress
148V_GWDN/m^2Meridional flux of gravity wave stress
149PVm^2/s/kgPotential vorticity
150COVMZm^2/s^2Covariance between u and v
151COVTZK*m/sCovariance between u and T
152COVTMK*m/sCovariance between v and T
153CLWMRkg/kgCloud water
154O3MRkg/kgOzone mixing ratio
155GFLUXW/m^2Ground heat flux
156CINJ/kgConvective inhibition
157CAPEJ/kgConvective available. potential energy
158TKEJ/kgTurbulent kinetic energy
159CONDPPaLifted parcel condensation pressure
160CSUSFW/m^2Clear sky upward solar flux
161CSDSFW/m^2Clear sky downward solar flux
162CSULFW/m^2Clear sky upward long wave flux
163CSDLFW/m^2Clear sky downward long wave flux
164CFNSFW/m^2Cloud forcing net solar flux
165CFNLFW/m^2Cloud forcing net long wave flux
166VBDSFW/m^2Visible beam downward solar flux
167VDDSFW/m^2Visible diffuse downward solar flux
168NBDSFW/m^2Near IR beam downward solar flux
169NDDSFW/m^2Near IR diffuse downward solar flux
170RWMRkg/kgRain water mixing ratio
171SNMRkg/kgSnow mixing ratio
172M_FLXN/m^2Momentum flux
173LMHnon-dimMass point model surface
174LMVnon-dimVelocity point model surface
175MLYNOnon-dimModel layer number (from bottom up)
176NLATdegLatitude (-90 to +90)
177ELONdegEast longitude (0-360)
178ICMRkg/kgIce mixing ratio
179GRMRnon-dimGraupel mixing ratio
180GUSTm/sSurface wind gust
181LPS_X1/mx-gradient of log pressure
182LPS_Y1/my-gradient of log pressure
183HGT_Xm/mx-gradient of height
184HGT_Ym/my-gradient of height
185TURBnon-dimTurbulence Potential Forecast Index
186ICNGnon-dimTotal Icing Potential Diagnostic
188RWDCG-Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground
189VPTMPKVirtual potential temperature
190HLCYm^2/s^2Storm relative helicity
191PROBnumericProbability from ensemble
192PROBNnumericProbability from ensemble normalized to climate expectancy
193POP%Probability of precipitation
194CPOFP%Probability of frozen precipitation
195CPOZP%Probability of freezing precipitation
196USTMm/su-component of storm motion
197VSTMm/sv-component of storm motion
198NCIP-Number concentration for ice particles
199EVBSW/m^2Direct evaporation from bare soil
200EVCWW/m^2Canopy water evaporation
201ICWAT%Ice-free water surface
202CWDInon-dim]Convective weather detection index
204DSWRFW/m^2Downward short wave flux
205DLWRFW/m^2Downward long wave flux
206UVIJ/m^2Ultra violet index (1 hour integration centered at solar noon)
207MSTAV%Moisture availability
208SFEXC(kg/m^3)(m/s)Exchange coefficient
209MIXLYintegerNumber of mixed layers next to surface
211USWRFW/m^2Upward short wave flux
212ULWRFW/m^2Upward long wave flux
213CDLYR%Non-convective cloud
214CPRATkg/m^2/sConvective precip. rate
215TTDIAK/sTemperature tendency by all physics
216TTRADK/sTemperature tendency by all radiation
217TTPHYK/sTemperature tendency by non-radiation physics
218PREIXfractionPrecipitation index (0.0-1.00)
219TSD1DKStd. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area
220NLGSPln(kPa)Natural log of surface pressure
221HPBLmPlanetary boundary layer height
2225WAVHgpm5-wave geopotential height
223C_WATkg/m^2Plant canopy surface water
224SOTYP0..9Soil type (as in Zobler)
225VGTYP0..13Vegetation type (as in SiB)
226BMIXLmBlackadar's mixing length scale
227AMIXLmAsymptotic mixing length scale
228PEVAPkg/m^2Potential evaporation
229SNOHFW/m^2Snow phase-change heat flux
2305WAVAgpm5-wave geopotential height anomaly
231MFLUXPa/sConvective cloud mass flux
232DTRFW/m^2Downward total radiation flux
233UTRFW/m^2Upward total radiation flux
234BGRUNkg/m^2Baseflow-groundwater runoff
235SSRUNkg/m^2Storm surface runoff
236SIPDnon-dimSupercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing Potential Diagnostic
237O3TOTkg/m^2Total ozone
238SNOWC%Snow cover
239SNOTKSnow temperature
240COVTWK*m/sCovariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind
241LRGHRK/sLarge scale condensation heating
242CNVHRK/sDeep convective heating
243CNVMRkg/kg/sDeep convective moistening
244SHAHRK/sShallow convective heating
245SHAMRkg/kg/sShallow convective moistening
246VDFHRK/sVertical diffusion heating
247VDFUAm/s^2Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration
248VDFVAm/s^2Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration
249VDFMRkg/kg/sVertical diffusion moistening rate
250SWHRK/sSolar radiative heating rate
251LWHRK/sLongwave radiative heating rate
252CDnon-dimDrag coefficient
253FRICVm/sFriction velocity
254RInon-dimRichardson number