Re: Instaling NCL on SunOS

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri Apr 26 2013 - 17:21:01 MDT

Dear Kartika,

You can install NCL wherever you like. The important thing is that you need to setenv NCARG_ROOT to the root directory of wherever you install it, and then to make sure $NCARG_ROOT/bin is on your search path.

This is all covered here:

Unfortunately we haven't supported Sun systems for a few years now, so we can't offer any precompiled binaries.

However, you should be able to compile from source code. Our source code instructions are here:

In particular, you should read the section:

for information on how what system NCL thinks you have. From this, you should be able to determine what the name of your configuration file needs to be.
We have some sample Sun configuration files in the $NCARG/config directory to help you get started: SolarisPC, Sun4Solaris, Sun3, and Sun4. My guess is that you will need to look at the SolarisPC file.

I should warn you, however, that you have relatively old version of gcc, and we have moved onto gcc versions 4.2.x and later. These are the versions we do our development work on. You appear to have a fairly old system, and I can't guarantee that newer versions of NCL will compile on this system. If possible, you may want to consider upgrading your gcc if possible. You will also need to install gfortran, and its version should match the gcc version as much as possible.


On Apr 26, 2013, at 1:18 AM, Kartika Lestari wrote:

> Hello....
> Now, I am remoting to the other institution server.
> Is it possible to install NCL under my home directory ?
> When I checked the flavor of the machine I run, I found: "SunOS kmt 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc".
> And the gcc version is: gcc3.3.6
> I didn't find the NCL version that is suitable for SunOS.
> Could you help me how to be able install NCL ?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best,
> Kartika
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