plotting wind vectors (v and w components) in height longitude x-sections

From: Matt Fearon (matthew.fearon@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 14:17:08 MDT

Dear NCL users:

I would like to plot wind vectors (v and w components where w is
velocity in m/s) in a height longitude x-section plot. I've noticed
there is an
example of doing this using gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector on the web. Since
my data is in height coordinates, I suppose interpolating to pressure
would be
straight forward, but I would prefer not doing this if it is possible. I
thinking that I could put w in place of u when creating a vector using
generic gsn_vector routine;

 vplot0 = gsn_vector (wks,v,w*30.,res)

where I apply an exaggeration factor to w making more comparable to
the v component. It seems I should get vectors that have up, down tilt
to them when plotting v;w, but this does not happen. Instead I only see
vectors that are in the direction of positive or negative v. However
I set v=0. and then plot, I receive vectors that are up or down. I am
sure why the w component is only being recognized when v=0.

Is it possible to put w in place of u when creating a vector using
or must I interpolate to pressure and use gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector ?

Thank you,

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