Rescale ncgms

From: Fred Clare (fred@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 17:18:39 MST


After I wrote my response, I recalled having worked with
Andy Mai on this several years ago. Here is a perl script
that will do what you want.



# Take a PostScript file containing an arbitrary number of frames and
# reformat it to scale the plots and place them at specified locations
# on the page. The name of the input file and a description of the
# formatting for the pasted-up pages is in another file, so that this
# command should be invoked as, e.g., "psfm description". The output
# file name is the same as the input name with "_PSFM" appended to the
# root.
# Sample description file:
# 2
# 5.0 4.25 7.75
# 5.0 4.25 4.0
# The first line is the input file name.
# The second line is the number of frames per page.
# Then follows one line for each frame:
# size, x-location, y-location all in inches from lower left hand
# corner of the page to the center of the NCAR Graphics frame

$headlines = 15; # number of lines in color PostScript header
$osiz = 7.07986111; # original size (inches) of output from ctrans ps.color

$infile = <DESCR>;
$infile =~ /\.ps$/ || die "\n Input file name must be of the form \*.ps\n\n";
($outfile = $infile) =~ s/\.ps/;
print "\n Reading from input file : ",$infile;
print " Output file : ",$outfile;

foreach (1..$headlines) {
        $line = <INPUT>;
        print OUTPUT $line;
print OUTPUT "/a {translate} def\n";
print OUTPUT "/z {initmatrix} def\n";

$nfpp = <DESCR>;
print " Number of frames per page: ",$nfpp;

$knt = 1;

$sizxy = <DESCR>;
($siz, $x, $y) = split(/ /, $sizxy);
$sf = $siz / $osiz;
$xt = ($x - $siz/2.0) * 576 / $sf - 404;
$yt = ($y - $siz/2.0) * 576 / $sf - 1124;
$scale = .125 * $sf;
printf OUTPUT "%9.7f%10.7f%s%5.0f%6.0f%s", $scale,$scale," s\n", $xt,$yt," a\n";

while(<INPUT>) {
        if (/^ h/) {
                if ($knt == $nfpp) {
                        $knt = 1;
                        print OUTPUT "h\n";
                else {
                $sizxy = <DESCR>;
                ($siz, $x, $y) = split(/ /, $sizxy);
                 $sf = $siz / $osiz;
                $xt = ($x - $siz/2.0) * 576 / $sf - 404;
                $yt = ($y - $siz/2.0) * 576 / $sf - 1124;
                $scale = .125 * $sf;
                 printf OUTPUT "%s%9.7f%10.7f%s%5.0f%6.0f%s","z\nn\n",$scale,$scale," s\n",$xt,$yt," a\n";
        elsif (/^ r/) {
                if ($knt != 1) { print OUTPUT "h\n"; }
                print OUTPUT "r\n";
        else {
                 s/^ //; # remove leading blanks
                print OUTPUT $_;

print " Normal termination of PSFM\n\n";

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