Re: your mail

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 08:11:20 MST

> Dear all users,
> I am a new learner of NCL. I have just learned to use NCL examples. I can
> get the plot using "ng4ex gsun#n.ncl'. But when I plot it this way,
> type "ncl", then type "ncl < gsun#n.ncl",
> why does it warn me with
> "fatal:syntax error: line 5 before or near <"
> How can I use NCL in this way, i.e., the common commands to use NCL? What else
> should I do?
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Qiaozhen

Dear Qiaozhen,

The "#" symbol in the line:

   ng4ex gsun#n.ncl

is just meant as a substitution for the numbers 01 through 11. Please
try entering a number like "01", "02", "10", etc. For example:

   ng4ex gsun01n.ncl

For more information on the GSUN examples, see:

I will make sure the documentation is made more clear about the "#"
symbol substitution.


--Mary Haley
  haley AT

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