interpolate from grid to random single point (rcm2rgrid)

From: Greg Thompson (gthompsn@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 13:49:06 MST


given a grid of temperature at the points shown, I'd like to compute
the interpolated (method of bi-linear interp would be great) temp
at the "x" location. The lat/lon of the gridpoints is not regular
(not equi-spaced lat/lon is what I mean) as this is the RUC-2 model
(lambert conformal projection).

   (61,58) (62,58)
      | |
      | |
      | (lat,lon) |
      | x | the lat/lon of "x" is known like a station (DEN) and
      +----------------+ and the lat/lons of the grid are stored in 2-D arrays.
   (61,57) (62,57)

At first, I figured the routine "linint2_points" was tailor-made. It appears
this isn't the case as the arguments need to increase monotomically which my
lat/lons do not. Dennis S suggested I use rcm2rgrid but this too is sub-optimal
for my purposes. For reasons that aren't clear to me the point "x" needs to
contain more than a single lat/lon and the output value is then multi-dimensional.
The code I got to work is shown here:
; Ingest GRIB file for RUC data
    gribfile = "200131812.F00.RUCp.grb"
    file1 = addfile (gribfile,"r")

    lon2d = file1->gridlon_236
    lat2d = file1->gridlat_236


    lonDen = (/-104.867, -102.0/)
    latDen = (/39.75, 38.0/)

    denTemp500 = rcm2rgrid (lat2d, lon2d, temp, latDen, lonDen, 0)

I really want denTemp500 to automagically be either a scalar or
array depending on whether the input (latDen, lonDen) is scalar
or array. Also, given the code above, I expect "denTemp500" to
be a one-dimensional array yet it is two. Why? Shouldn't it
simply contain a value at the first point I ask and then the second
point? Does anyone have any alternate suggestions to perform
this type of operation? THANKS!

-- Greg T. NCAR/RAP

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