Re: Reading ASCII Files With NCL

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 14:04:07 MST

  • Next message: Qiaozhen Mu: "ncrcat"

    >I need some help reading an ASCII file with NCL. The file
    >contains a mixture of text, floats, and times and has the
    >following format:
    > YY/MM/DD HH:MM HH.MM Kd Kn Max Ratio
    > 01/08/12 00:00 0.00 547.5 439.3 528.9 1.04
    > 01/08/12 00:05 0.08 414.2 321.6 517.5 0.80
    > 01/08/12 00:10 0.17 562.6 445.5 494.5 1.14
    > 01/08/12 00:15 0.25 426.3 338.7 482.7 0.88
    > 01/08/12 00:20 0.33 486.2 382.8 470.9 1.03
    > 01/08/12 00:25 0.42 480.9 383.2 459.0 1.05
    > 01/08/12 00:30 0.50 339.6 262.6 434.8 0.78
    > 01/08/12 00:35 0.58 382.8 296.0 422.6 0.91
    > 01/08/12 00:40 0.67 360.7 284.4 410.3 0.88
    > 01/08/12 00:45 0.75 308.9 237.7 397.9 0.78
    > 01/08/12 00:50 0.83 407.4 314.5 372.8 1.09
    > 01/08/12 00:55 0.92 357.3 275.9 360.2 0.99
    > 01/08/12 01:00 1.00 249.2 187.5 347.5 0.72
    > 01/08/12 01:05 1.08 242.9 182.8 334.7 0.73
    > <rest of file deleted>
    >I would like to skip the header and read each column into a
    >vector of appropriate type. If I use the following command


    Normally I read this type of file via a fortran subroutine.
    It is quite easy, in particular, if you have the
    WRAPIT tool that has been distributed with the more recent
    versions of NCL.

    I know that you has a very old version of NCL (4.2.0.a009)
    so you do not have WRAPIT. Still using fortran from with NCL
    is reasonably straightforward. However,
    upon examing your file, it appears that it has *2*
    carriage controls at the end of each line. This results
    is some strange behavior.

    Anyway here is a script that will read your file.

      diri = "./"
      fili = ""

      dStr = asciiread (diri+fili, -1, "string")
      dChr = stringtochar (dStr)
                                      ; FYI only
     ;nRow = dimsizes(dStr) ; includes header
     ;nrow = nRow-1 ; number of numeric rows

     ; note the (1:,..) ; this array syntax causes the 1st row to be skipped
      yy = stringtointeger( chartostring(dChr(1:,1:2)) )
      mo = stringtointeger( chartostring(dChr(1:,4:5)) )
      dd = stringtointeger( chartostring(dChr(1:,7:8)) )
      hh = stringtointeger( chartostring(dChr(1:,10:11)) )
      mm = stringtointeger( chartostring(dChr(1:,13:14)) )

      hhmm = stringtofloat( chartostring(dChr(1:,16:20)) )
      Kd = stringtofloat( chartostring(dChr(1:,22:27)) )
      Kn = stringtofloat( chartostring(dChr(1:,30:35)) )
      zMax = stringtofloat( chartostring(dChr(1:,38:43)) )
      rat = stringtofloat( chartostring(dChr(1:,47:51)) )

      print (yy+" "+mo+" "+dd+" "+hh+" "+mm+" "+hhmm+" "+ \
             Kd+" "+Kd+" "+Kn+" "+zMax+" "+rat)

    Dennis Shea

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