b&w eps file coming out reversed?

From: Dave Newman (newman AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 14:44:28 MDT

Dear NCL --

I am having a problem getting a black-and-white version of a plot -- the
eps file generated has a black background, and the page is printed white
on black, not black on white. In my ncl script, I simply changed the
colormap from "gui_default" to "gsltod". The scipt, and the two
versions of the plot can be viewed at /fs/cgd/data0/djnewman/ncl.

script is test.ncl

with colormap = gui_default
--> test_color.eps

with colormap = gsltod:
--> test_bw.eps

Any help on reversing b&w would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Newman

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