Re: maps, borders of european countries

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 07:48:30 MDT

  • Next message: Joel Norris: "Re: errorbars on scatterplots"

    > Hi,
    > I've been countourplots over maps. There I recognized, that the borders
    > of the european countries are quite outdated, i.e. Germany is still
    > parted in two, which isn't true any longer (1990).
    > Does there exist another, newer map-database?
    > Regards,
    > Heiko

    Dear Heiko,

    The default map database used by NCL is indeed somewhat out-of-date.
    You can get a more up-to-date map by setting the "mpDataBaseVersion"
    resource to "Ncarg4_1".

    If you are using gsn* calls to plot your data, then you would do this
    as follows:

          res = True ; Create variable to hold resource list.
                . ; Set other resources as needed
          res@mpDataBaseVersion = "Ncarg4_1"
          contour = gsn_contour_map(wks,data,res)

    For more information on creating higher-resolution maps, please see:

    For information on the mpDataBaseVersion resource, see:


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