Re: Plot Map with Image Background

From: Greg Thompson (gthompsn AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 08:43:17 MST

  • Next message: Jianjun Duan: "About ezfftf"


    I have accomplished this in the past using software un-related
    to NCL. You can use a Perl script (or C/C++ program) and the
    GD image libraries to open and ingest a JPG file, then open
    a separate file (map background, streamlines, etc) as a PNG
    file, then overlay the two and output a JPG or PNG file. More
    details on the GD image library are found here:
    and support for GIF had to be removed in recent years because of
    the Unisys patent on LZW compression scheme. That isn't a problem
    because you can always convert GIF to PNG.

    I'd be pretty certain that the "ImageMagick" suite of tools
    can also accomplish the same thing. If you search Google for
    that tool-suite, I'm sure you can find it.

    --Greg T. NCAR/RAP
    > ----- Forwarded message from Addy Fu <addyfu AT> -----
    > From: Addy Fu <addyfu AT>
    > To: ncl-talk AT
    > Cc: Addy Fu <addyfu AT>
    > Subject: Plot Map with Image Background
    > Dear Everyone,
    > I have an idea to overlaying a map (e.g. streamline map) over an image
    > (e.g. a satellite image in jpeg). Is it possible to load an image file
    > and draw it with ncl?
    > Thank a lot for your help.
    > Best,
    > Addy
    ncl-talk mailing list
    ncl-talk AT

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