Time series constant value is incorrect...

From: Gary Strand (strandwg AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 13:37:44 MDT

I'm using a simple NCL script (supplied by someone else) that makes a few plots
of simple time series of data.

For one field, the values for all times is a constant, not zero, but NCL com-

"warning:TransInitialize: Zero Y coordinate span: defaulting:[errno=1104]"

and the Y-axis values range from 0. to 1., which is incorrect.

How can I fix this so the plot is correct? It's very misleading!

/\        Gary Strand (303) 497-1336                                NCAR CG2260
  \_][    www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/strandwg                    3080 Center Green Dr
      \___strandwg AT ucar.edu                       Boulder, Colorado, USA  80301
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