Re: HSV color wheel

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 23 2004 - 09:56:25 MST

  • Next message: Jonathan Vigh: "weird strippling/streaking pattern in a map"

    > Hi,
    > I am using the hsv2rgb.ncl script to create a color wheel for use in
    > some plots. I would to draw an actual color wheel to go with it like
    > those at
    > is the script which drew these color wheels available?
    > cheers,
    > jason
    > --
    > Jason Evans Ph:(203)432-3440
    > Dept. of Geology and Geophysics fax:(203)432-3134
    > Yale University email:jason.evans AT
    > PO Box 208109
    > New Haven, CT 06520-8109

    Hi Jason,

    Below is the NCL that generates a color wheel very close to the one
    you see on the page above. (The color wheel on that page was generated
    by a Fortran program.) It's not very efficient because it has
    multiple nested do loops. I just basically converted the Fortran
    program almost verbatim.

    Note that I found a minor bug in "hsv2rgb" that causes the input
    values to be changed inside the hsv2rgb.ncl script. To fix this
    bug, I edited $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl
    and changed the two lines:

    function hsv2rgb (h[*]:float,s[*]:float,v[*]:float)

    to the following five lines:
    function hsv2rgb (h_old[*]:float,s_old[*]:float,v_old[*]:float)
      h = h_old
      s = s_old
      v = v_old

    Once you have this fix, you can run the "cwheel.ncl" example:

    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl"

    ; Define the number of values, the number of hues, the number
    ; of saturations, and the number of points bounding a color box.
      nw = 3
      ncol = 16
      nsat = 4
      npts = 4
      x = new(npts,float)
      y = new(npts,float)

      pi = 3.14159265
      val = (/ 0.60, 0.80, 1.00 /)
    ; Y-coordinates for the saturation labels.
      ysat_pos = (/0.37, 0.285, 0.20/)

    ; Open workstation.
      wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","cwheel")

    ; Create variables to hold resource lists.
      poly_res = True
      text_res = True
      text_res@txFont = "helvetica"

    ; Loop on the values.
      rinc = 2 * pi/ncol
      hinc = 360.0/ncol
      sinc = 1.00/(nsat-1)

    ; One frame per "value" value.
      do il = 0,nw-1
    ; Loop on the hues.
        do ihue = 0,ncol-1
          hue = ihue * hinc
          theta1 = (ihue -.5) * rinc
          theta2 = (ihue +.5) * rinc
          x(0) = 0.0
          x(3) = 0.0
          y(0) = 0.0
          y(3) = 0.0
    ; Loop on the saturation values.
          do isat = 1,nsat
            sat = ((isat - 1) * sinc)
            rgb = hsv2rgb(hue,sat,val(il))
            poly_res@gsFillColor = NhlNewColor(wks,rgb(0,0),rgb(0,1),rgb(0,2))
            rlen = (1.*isat)/(1.*nsat)
            x(1) = cos(theta1) * rlen
            y(1) = sin(theta1) * rlen
            x(2) = cos(theta2) * rlen
            y(2) = sin(theta2) * rlen
            xndc = (x + 1.4)/2.8
            yndc = (y + 1.4)/2.8
            x(0) = x(1)
            x(3) = x(2)
            y(0) = y(1)
            y(3) = y(2)
    ; Saturation title.
            if( then
              sat_title = sprintf("S = %4.2f",sat)
              text_res@txJust = "CenterCenter"
              text_res@txFontHeightF = 0.02
            end if
          end do
        end do
    ; Main (value) title.
        main_title = sprintf("Value = %4.2f", val(il))
        text_res@txJust = "CenterCenter"
        text_res@txFontHeightF = 0.025

    ; Hue titles.
        text_res@txFontHeightF = 0.02
        hue_title = "Hue = 0."
        text_res@txJust = "CenterLeft"

        hue_title = "Hue = 45."

        hue_title = "Hue = 135."
        text_res@txJust = "CenterRight"

        hue_title = "Hue = 225."

        text_res@txJust = "CenterLeft"
        hue_title = "Hue = 315."

    ; Advance the frame.
      end do

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