Re: do loops - limits

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 15:01:53 MDT

  • Next message: MUHTARJAN osman: "is there a function can calculate integral?"

    > >Does anyone have a suggestion how to do this
    > >without using a do loop, so it's faster? Thanks.
    > >
    > > do ilat=0,359
    > > do ilon=0,719
    > >
    > > if (var(ilat,ilon).ge.30.) then
    > > var(ilat,ilon)=30.
    > > end if
    > > if (var(ilat,ilon).le.-30.) then
    > > var(ilat,ilon)=-30.
    > > end if
    > >
    > > end do
    > > end do
    > **untested**
    > Use NCL's "ind" function. This will be quite fast.
    > var_1d = ndtooned(var) ; convert to 1D
    > inda = ind( 30) ; indices
    > indb = ind(
    > if (.not.any(ismissing(inda))) then ; makes sure inda not "missing"
    > var_1d(inda) = 30.
    > end if
    > if (.not.any(ismissing(indb))) then
    > var_1d(indb) = -30.
    > end if
    > var = onedtond(var_1d, dimsizes(var)) ; reconstruct

    This is a good solution, especially if you have complicated
    things that you need to test for inside the "ind" statement.

    A solution that doesn't require you to use "ndtooned" and "onedtond"
    is to use the "<" and ">" operators:

       var = var < 30
       var = var > -30

    Here's the description of these two operators:

        Less-than selection <

        For arrays, the less-than selection operator selects all values in
        the left operand that are less than the corresponding value in the
        right operand. If the value of the left side is greater than or
        equal to the corresponding value of the right side, then the right
        side value is placed in the result. For a scalar and an array, the
        same selection rules apply, but the scalar is compared against
        each value in the array operand.

    Greater-than selection >

        For arrays, the greater-than selection operator selects all values
        in the left operand that are greater than the corresponding value
        in the right operand. If the value of the left side is less than
        or equal to the corresponding value of the right side, then the
        right side value is placed in the result. For a scalar and an
        array, the same selection rules apply, but the scalar is compared
        against each value in the array operand.


    Mary Haley haley AT
    NCAR/SCD/VETS 303-497-1254 (voice)
    1850 Table Mesa Dr 303-497-1804 (fax)
    Boulder, CO 80305
    ncl-talk mailing list
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