Re: Goode's projection AVHRR

From: Dave Kennison (kennison AT XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 15:39:16 MDT

  • Next message: Xuguang Sun: "Why can't I draw correct contour over the map?"


    One more comment: There's a lot more on that page than I realized. (My
    NetScape browser displayed it in a very inconvenient form; the printed
    form uses miniscule characters, but is much easier to find things in.)

    There is a link allowing you to download the author's software. Also,
    he mentions a C version of GCTP that includes the projection you want,
    available from EROS. A word of warning: I know someone who downloaded
    this C code several years ago and found it extremely buggy; I hope it's
    been improved in the interim ...

    Good luck,


    On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Dave Kennison wrote:

    > Mike,
    > > Hello. I am working with 8 km x 8 km fractional vegetation cover
    > > data from Univ Arizona. I managed to convert the binary data to
    > > ascii and read the data values with NCL. However, I am unable to
    > > determine the latitudes/longitudes of each point in the 2168x5004
    > > grid. I believe it is a Goode's projection. Anyone know how to
    > > compute the latitudes/longitudes on such a projection?
    > The Interrupted Goode Homolosine Projection is not one that NCAR
    > Graphics handles, though NG does include the sinusoidal projection
    > and a form (but maybe not the right form) of the Mollweide projection,
    > both of which are used by the IGHP.
    > You've probably already Googled this and so know about this site:
    > It describes the projection and an algorithm for mapping from lat/lon
    > to the projection plane and vice-versa. I think I would find it rather
    > heavy going to translate this into a piece of code, but maybe you can
    > contact the author and obtain his code and/or get suggestions as to
    > how to proceed.
    > Dave Kennison

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