Re: Plotting a track on a map.

From: Jonathan Vigh (vigh AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jul 28 2004 - 12:32:34 MDT

  • Next message: Kip Smith: "Re: Plotting a track on a map."

    Hi John,
       I was working on this type of plot last year, when trying to make a
    script that plots Atlantic hurricane tracks for a given season (I had
    the fantastic assistance of Mary Haley). I've attached an example script
    and data file so you can see what I did. It is unnecessarily complex
    because I was making a publication quality plot and wanted to tweak
    things just so, but you should be able to see what we did.


    On Wed, 2004-07-28 at 12:04, Ertl, John wrote:
    > all,
    > I have been doing a lot of work with X/Y plots but nothing so far with
    > actual maps, so my knowledge of this part of NCL is limited. I would like
    > to plot the track of an object on a map and I was wounding the best way to
    > approach this. I looked around and it looks like Polymarkers and Polylines
    > has the capability to do this but I was hoping someone has already come up
    > with a routine that does this sort if thing.
    > The idea is to have a list of LAT/LON pairs and to make an image of the path
    > overlaid on a world map with the particular LAT/LON points marked with a
    > date/time label.
    > Any advise is appreciated.
    > Thanks,
    > John Ertl
    > _______________________________________________
    > ncl-talk mailing list
    > ncl-talk AT

    Jonathan Vigh
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Schubert Research Group 
    Department of Atmospheric Science
    Colorado State University
    vigh AT
    "Research is formalized curiosity. It is
     a poking and prying with a purpose."
                      -- Zora Neale Hurston

    ;******************************************************** ; tracks.ncl ; ; The purpose of this script is to plot the best tracks ; for a given season storms including all data (subtropical ; storms, depressions, extrtropical lows, etc.) ;******************************************************** load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" begin ; First set the year and number of storms in the season ; yyyy = 2001 ; ncurves = 17 ; nstorms = 17 ; yyyy = 2002 ; ncurves = 14 ; nstorms = 17 yyyy = 2003 ncurves = 21 nstorms = 21 bcurve = 0 ; Start at first storm ; Next, set the plotting parameters (which cases to plot) TypeOn = True ; If you just want the legend to have the basic (H, TS, and TD) designators (* and S), set TypeOn to False ; NOTE -- this will cause the program to grab a different input file -- one in which all the ; extratropical (E), remnant low (L), and wave cases (W) have been taken out; additionally, ; there will not be a distinction between the S and * cases (they will just be plotted according to ; intensity PlotSubTropicalSegments = True ; If you wish to exclude all subtropical line segments, set to False ; Note: if TypeOn is set to False, the following (W, L, E) cases won't be plotted regardless of their value PlotWaveSegments = True ; If you wish to exclude all wave segments, set to False PlotLowSegments = True ; If you wish to exclude all remnant low segments, set to False PlotExtraTropicalSegments = True ; If you wish to exclude all extratropical line sements, set to False ; Create new arrays for the names of the tracks name = new((/ncurves/),"string") ; Make a string variable that contains the storm numbers (for labeling purposes) ssn = new((/ncurves/),"string") if (yyyy.eq.2001) then name = (/"Allison","Two","Barry","Chantal","Dean","Erin","Felix","Gabrielle","Nine","Humberto","Iris","Jerry","Karen","Lorenzo","Michelle","Noel","Olga"/) ssn = (/"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17"/) end if if (yyyy.eq.2002) then name = (/"Arthur","Bertha","Cristobal","Dolly","Edouard","Fay","Seven","Gustav","Hanna","Isidore","Josephine","Kyle","Lili","Fourteen"/) ssn = (/"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14"/) end if if (yyyy.eq.2003) then name = (/"Ana","Two","Bill","Claudette","Danny","Six","Seven","Erika","Nine","Fabian","Grace","Henri","Isabel","Fourteen","Juan","Kate","Larry","Mindy","Nicholas","Odette","Peter"/) ssn = (/"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21"/) end if ;******************************** ; get data ;******************************** if(TypeOn) then tStr = asciiread("best_all_" + yyyy + ".inp", -1,"string") ; Info includes type so cases can be weeded out else tStr = asciiread("best_" + yyyy + ".inp", -1,"string") ; Info includes type so cases can be weeded out end if tChr = stringtochar(tStr) nrows = dimsizes(tStr) sn = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,0:1)) ) year = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,2:3)) ) month = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,4:5)) ) day = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,6:7)) ) hour = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,8:9)) ) lat = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,10:13)) ) lon = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,15:18)) ) vmax = stringtofloat( chartostring(tChr(:,21:23)) ) type = chartostring(tChr(:,30:30)) beginning = new((/ncurves/),integer) ending = new((/ncurves/),integer) ic = 0 beginning(ic) = 0 do i=1,dimsizes(hour)-1 ; Look for end of storm record (first check to see if at end of file) if (i.eq.dimsizes(hour)-1) then ending(ic) = i else if (sn(i-1) then ending(ic) = i-1 ic = ic + 1 beginning(ic) = i end if end if end do lengths = ending - beginning + 1 max_npts = max(lengths) ; Max # of points. ; Now rearrange the arrays to hold individual curve data msg_val = -999. ; Set to a safe missing value. new_lat = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),float,msg_val) new_lon = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),float,msg_val) new_hour = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),float,msg_val) new_day = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),string,msg_val) new_vmax = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),float,msg_val) new_type = new((/ncurves,max_npts/),string,msg_val) do nc = bcurve,ncurves-1 new_lat(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = lat(beginning(nc):ending(nc))/10.0 new_lon(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = -lon(beginning(nc):ending(nc))/10.0 new_hour(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = hour(beginning(nc):ending(nc)) new_day(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = day(beginning(nc):ending(nc)) new_vmax(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = vmax(beginning(nc):ending(nc)) new_type(nc,0:lengths(nc)-1) = type(beginning(nc):ending(nc)) end do ; Now create arrays that only hold the points for the 00z locations lat0 = mask(new_lat,new_hour,0) lon0 = mask(new_lon,new_hour,0) lat12 = mask(new_lat,new_hour,12) lon12 = mask(new_lon,new_hour,12) day12 = mask(new_day,new_hour,12) ;******************************** ; select sub-regions ;******************************** minlat = 0.0 ; deg N maxlat = 57.0 ; deg N minlon = -100.0 ; - deg E = deg W maxlon = -20.0 ; - deg E = deg W ;***** Define some NICE color maps to use. colors_6 = (/"White","Black","Black","MediumPurple1","MediumPurple3","Blue1",\ "CadetBlue3","Aquamarine2","SeaGreen2","LawnGreen","Green4", \ "GreenYellow","Gold","Tan1","Sienna1","Tomato","VioletRed1", \ "Yellow","DarkGreen","Grey37","Red","Orange","GoldenRod1","DarkOrange","SteelBlue1","SlateBlue1", \ "LightSlateBlue","DarkSeaGreen","Magenta","DodgerBlue","Moccasin"/) ;******************************** ; create plot ;******************************** if (TypeOn) then wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","tracks" + yyyy + "_all" ) else wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","tracks" + yyyy ) end if gsn_define_colormap(wks,colors_6) res = True res@gsnMaximize = True res@gsnDraw = False ; so we can add poly stuff res@gsnFrame = False ; do not advance frame res@gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" res@mpDataBaseVersion = "Ncarg4_1" ; Alias 'MediumRes' res@mpDataSetName = "Earth..1" res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal" res@mpLambertParallel1F = 20.0 res@mpLambertParallel2F = 40.0 res@mpLambertMeridianF = -60.0 res@mpLimitMode = "LatLon" res@mpMinLatF = minlat res@mpMaxLatF = maxlat res@mpMinLonF = minlon res@mpMaxLonF = maxlon res@mpFillOn = True ; False to turn off gray continents res@mpOutlineOn = True ; turn on continental outline res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "AllBoundaries" res@mpLandFillColor = "GoldenRod1" res@mpInlandWaterFillColor = "PaleTurquoise3" res@mpOceanFillColor = "PaleTurquoise3" res@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Grey37" res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 0.5 res@mpUSStateLineColor = "Grey37" res@mpUSStateLineThicknessF = 0.5 res@mpNationalLineColor = "Grey37" res@mpNationalLineThicknessF = 0.5 res@mpGridAndLimbOn = "True" res@mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder = "Draw" res@mpGridMaskMode = "MaskLand" res@mpGridSpacingF = 5.0 res@mpGridLineColor = "Grey37" res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.005 res@tmXBMajorLengthF = -0.001 res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" ;*************************************** ; plot base map * ;*************************************** plot = gsn_csm_map(wks,res) ; draw one of eight map projections ;*************************************** ; Draw best track history as polylines * ;*************************************** res_poly = True ; polyline mods desired ; create array of dummy graphic variables. This is required, b/c each line ; must be associated with a unique dummy variable. dum = new(dimsizes(hour),graphic) ic = 0 do i=0,ncurves-1 do k=0,max_npts-2 if(.not.ismissing(new_lat(i,k))) res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 0 res_poly@gsLineThicknessF = 4 if(.not. TypeOn) then ; Plot hurricane segments if((new_vmax(i,k).gt.64).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Red" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical storm segments if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.64).and.(new_vmax(i,k).gt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Yellow" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical depression segments if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "DarkGreen" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Now plot the subtropical segments with dashed lines ; Plot hurricane segments of subtropical systems with dashed red lines if((new_vmax(i,k).gt.64).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."S")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Red" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical storm segments of subtropical systems with dashed yellow lines if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.64).and.(new_vmax(i,k).gt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."S")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Yellow" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical depression segments of subtropical systems with dashed dark green lines if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."S")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "DarkGreen" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if else ; if(TypeOn) -- plot pure tropical segments as solid lines (red for hurricane, etc.). ; Plot hurricane segments if((new_vmax(i,k).gt.64).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Red" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical storm segments if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.64).and.(new_vmax(i,k).gt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Yellow" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot tropical depression segments if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."*")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "DarkGreen" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if if(PlotWaveSegments) then ; Plot tropical wave segments if(new_type(i,k).eq."W") then res_poly@gsLineColor = "DarkGreen" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if end if if(PlotLowSegments) then ; Plot remanant low segments if(new_type(i,k).eq."L") then res_poly@gsLineColor = "SlateBlue" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if end if if(PlotSubTropicalSegments) then ; Plot subtropical storm segments if((new_vmax(i,k).gt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."S")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "DarkOrange" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if ; Plot subtropical depression segments if((new_vmax(i,k).lt.34).and.(new_type(i,k).eq."S")) then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Blue1" dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if end if if(PlotExtraTropicalSegments) then ; Plot extratropical segments if(new_type(i,k).eq."E") then res_poly@gsLineColor = "Black" res_poly@gsLineDashPattern = 2 res_poly@gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 dum(ic) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,new_lon(i,k:k+1),new_lat(i,k:k+1),res_poly) ic = ic + 1 end if end if end if end if end do end do ;*************************************** ; Draw black polymarkers at 00Z locations ;*************************************** res_mark = True res_mark@gsMarkerIndex = 1 ; polymarker style res_mark@gsMarkerSizeF = 0.012 ; polymarker size res_mark@gsMarkerColor = "Black" ; change marker color duma = new(ncurves,graphic) do ic=bcurve,ncurves-1 duma(ic) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon0(ic,:),lat0(ic,:),res_mark) end do ; Now draw white polymarkers at 12z locations res_mark@gsMarkerIndex = 1 res_mark@gsMarkerSizeF = 0.012 ; polymarker size res_mark@gsMarkerColor = "White" ; change marker color dumb = new(ncurves,graphic) do ic=bcurve,ncurves-1 dumb(ic) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon12(ic,:),lat12(ic,:),res_mark) end do draw(wks) ;*************************** ; Plot some text labels * ;*************************** txres = True ; Now draw the day labels each 00Z marker txres@txFontHeightF = 0.0035 txres@txJust = "TopCenter" do i=bcurve,ncurves-1 do k=0,lengths(i)-1 gsn_text(wks,plot,day12(i,k),lon12(i,k),lat12(i,k)-0.45,txres) end do end do ; Draw storm number (actually these are strings) at beginning of track txres@txFontHeightF = 0.0044 txres@txJust = "CenterLeft" txres@txPerimOn = True txres@txPerimColor = "Black" txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.0 txres@txPerimSpaceF = 0.4 txres@txBackgroundFillColor = "White" do i=bcurve,ncurves-1 gsn_text(wks,plot,ssn(i),new_lon(i,0)+0.6,new_lat(i,0),txres) end do ; Now draw them at the end txres@txJust = "BottomRight" do i=bcurve,ncurves-1 gsn_text(wks,plot,ssn(i),new_lon(i,lengths(i)-1),new_lat(i,lengths(i)-1),txres) end do txres@txFontHeightF = 0.004 txres@txJust = "CenterCenter" txres@txPerimSpaceF = 1.0 txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.5 txres@txConstantSpacingF = 1.0 txres@txFontAspectF = 1.5 txres@txFontThicknessF = 0.4 gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ Lambert Conformal Conic ~C~ True at 20~0557~ and 40~0557~ North ",0.500,0.300,txres) if (.not. TypeOn) then txres@txFontHeightF = 0.006 txres@txJust = "CenterCenter" txres@txPerimSpaceF = 0.7 txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.5 txres@txConstantSpacingF = 1.0 txres@txFontAspectF = 1.5 txres@txFontThicknessF = 0.8 gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ Remnant low, tropical wave, and ~C~ extratropical stages are not shown. ~C~~C~ Subtropical stages are dashed.",0.715,0.680,txres) end if txres@txFontHeightF = 0.008 txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.5 txres@txPerimSpaceF = 0.5 txres@txConstantSpacingF = 1.0 txres@txFontAspectF = 1.5 txres@txFontThicknessF = 1.6 gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ " + yyyy + " Atlantic Tropical Cyclones",0.420,0.695,txres) txres@txFontHeightF = 0.005 txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.5 txres@txPerimSpaceF = 1.0 txres@txConstantSpacingF = 1.0 txres@txFontAspectF = 1.5 txres@txFontThicknessF = 0.8 if (yyyy .eq. 2001) then gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 1 T Allison 05-17 Jun. ~C~ 2 Two 11-12 Jul. ~C~ 3 T Barry 02-07 Aug. ~C~ 4 T Chantal 14-22 Aug. ~C~ 5 T Dean 22-28 Aug. ~C~ 6 H Erin 01-15 Sep. ~C~ 7 H Felix 06-18 Sep.~C~",0.263,0.650,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 8 H Gabrielle 11-19 Sep. ~C~ 9 Nine 19-20 Sep. ~C~10 H Humberto 21-27 Sep. ~C~11 H Iris 04-09 Oct. ~C~12 T Jerry 06-08 Oct. ~C~13 H Karen 12-15 Oct. ~C~14 T Lorenzo 27-31 Oct.~C~",0.263,0.355,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~15 H Michelle 29 Oct.-05 Nov.~C~16 H Noel 04-06 Nov. ~C~17 H Olga 24 Nov.-04 Dec.~C~" ,0.263,0.310,txres) end if if (yyyy .eq. 2002) then gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 1 T Arthur 14-16 Jul. ~C~ 2 T Bertha 04-09 Aug. ~C~ 3 T Cristobal 05-08 Aug. ~C~ 4 T Dolly 29 Aug.-04 Sep.~C~ 5 T Edouard 01-06 Sep. ~C~ 6 T Fay 05-08 Sep. ~C~ 7 Seven 07-08 Sep.~C~",0.263,0.650,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 8 H Gustav 08-12 Sep. ~C~ 9 T Hanna 11-14 Sep. ~C~10 H Isidore 14-26 Sep. ~C~11 T Josephine 17-19 Sep. ~C~12 H Kyle 20 Sep.-12 Oct.~C~13 H Lili 21 Sep.-04 Oct.~C~14 Fourteen 14-16 Oct.~C~",0.263,0.360,txres) end if if(yyyy .eq. 2003) then gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 1 T Ana 20-24 Apr. ~C~ 2 Two 10-11 Jun. ~C~ 3 T Bill 29 Jun.-02 Jul.~C~ 4 H Claudette 08-17 Jul. ~C~ 5 H Danny 16-21 Jul. ~C~ 6 Six 19-21 Jul. ~C~ 7 Seven 25-27 Jul.~C~",0.263,0.650,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~ 8 H Erika 14-17 Aug. ~C~ 9 Nine 21-22 Aug. ~C~10 H Fabian 27 Aug.-08 Sep.~C~11 T Grace 30-02 Sep. ~C~12 T Henri 03-08 Sep. ~C~13 H Isabel 06-19 Sep. ~C~14 Fourteen 08-10 Sep.~C~",0.263,0.380,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,"~F02~15 H Juan 24-29 Sep. ~C~16 H Kate 25 Sep.-07 Oct.~C~17 T Larry 01-06 Oct. ~C~18 T Mindy 10-14 Oct. ~C~19 T Nicholas 13-23 Oct. ~C~20 T Odette 04-07 Dec. ~C~21 T Peter 07-11 Dec.~C~",0.263,0.320,txres) end if ;****************** ; Plot a legend * ;****************** lgres = True lgres@lgAutoManage = False lgres@vpWidthF = 0.1 ; was 0.08 ; width of legend (NDC) lgres@vpHeightF = 0.1 ; was 0.08 ; height of legend (NDC) ; lgres@lgBottomMarginF = 0.17 ; was 0.25 lgres@lgPerimFill = 0 ; Use solid fill (0) instead of the default hollow fill lgres@lgPerimFillColor = "Background" ; lgres@lgBoxMajorExtentF = 0.4 lgres@lgBoxMinorExtentF = 0.2 ; controls how wide the box holding the legend items (lines and markers) can be in relation to legend ; lgres@lgBoxBackground = "PaleTurquoise3" lgres@lgMonoItemType = False ; indicates that we wish to set the item types individually lgres@lgMonoMarkerIndex = False lgres@lgMonoLineThickness = False lgres@lgMonoMarkerThickness = False lgres@lgMonoMarkerSize = False ; position fine elements of legend relative to some positional values: if (yyyy .eq. 2002) then xlegend = 0.710 ylegend = 0.350 else xlegend = 0.680 ylegend = 0.390 end if if(TypeOn) then lgres@lgLabelFont = 0 lgres@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.004 lgres@lgLabelFontAspectF = 1.2 lgres@lgLabelConstantSpacingF = 0.0 lgres@lgItemCount = 11 lgres@lgLineDashSegLenF = 0.1 lgres@lgItemTypes = (/"Markers","Markers","Markers","Lines","Lines","Lines","Lines","Lines","Lines","Lines","Lines"/) lgres@lgMarkerIndexes = (/ 1, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/) lgres@lgLineThicknesses = (/ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0/) lgres@lgMarkerColors = (/ "White", "Black", "Black"/) lgres@lgMarkerSizes = (/ 0.0001, 0.004, 0.004/) lgres@lgLineColors = (/ "White", "Black", "Black",\ "SlateBlue1", "DarkGreen", "Black", "Blue1", "Dark Orange", "DarkGreen", "Yellow", "Red" /) ; colors for legend lines lgres@lgDashIndexes = (/ 0, 0, 0,\ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /) ; dash indexes gsn_legend_ndc(wks,10, (/"Tropical Cyclone No.","1200 UTC Position/Date","0000 UTC Position",\ "Remnant Low","Tropical Wave","Extratropical","Subtropical Dep.","Subtropical Storm","Tropical Dep.","Tropical Storm (T)","Hurricane (H)"/),xlegend,ylegend,lgres) yoffset_day = -0.0858 yoffset_storm = -0.0910 else lgres@lgLabelFont = 0 lgres@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.004 lgres@lgLabelFontAspectF = 1.2 lgres@lgLabelConstantSpacingF = 0.0 lgres@lgItemCount = 6 lgres@lgItemTypes = (/"Markers","Markers","Markers","Lines" ,"Lines" ,"Lines"/) lgres@lgLineColors = (/"White", "Black" ,"Black" ,"DarkGreen","Yellow","Red" /) ; colors for legend lines lgres@lgLineThicknesses = (/ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0/) lgres@lgDashIndexes = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/) lgres@lgMarkerIndexes = (/ 0, 4, 16, 0, 0, 0/) lgres@lgMarkerColors = (/"White", "Black" , "Black"/) lgres@lgMarkerSizes = (/ 0.0001, 0.004, 0.004/) gsn_legend_ndc(wks,5,(/"Tropical Cyclone No.","1200 UTC Position/Date","0000 UTC Position",\ "Tropical Dep.","Tropical Storm (T)","Hurricane (H)"/),xlegend,ylegend,lgres) yoffset_day = -0.0750 ; offsets for the case where we don't plot all the extra cases yoffset_storm = -0.0875 end if ; Now draw a day label on the legend txres@txPerimOn = False txres@txFontHeightF = 0.003 txres@txPerimSpaceF = 0.0 txres@txJust = "CenterCenter" gsn_text_ndc(wks,"21",xlegend + 0.0183, ylegend + yoffset_day,txres) ; Draw storm number on the legend txres@txFontHeightF = 0.004 txres@txPerimOn = True txres@txPerimColor = "Black" txres@txPerimThicknessF = 1.0 txres@txPerimSpaceF = 0.4 txres@txBackgroundFillColor = "White" gsn_text_ndc(wks,"3",xlegend + 0.0142, ylegend + yoffset_storm,txres) frame(wks) end

    0103041800 291N 662W 30 1008 E 0103041806 299N 660W 30 1008 E 0103041812 308N 658W 30 1008 E 0103041818 319N 663W 30 1007 E 0103041900 330N 669W 30 1007 E 0103041906 338N 676W 35 1006 E 0103041912 345N 686W 35 1006 E 0103041918 343N 691W 35 1006 E 0103042000 336N 690W 40 1005 E 0103042006 327N 689W 40 1003 S 0103042012 320N 682W 45 1000 S 0103042018 317N 673W 45 998 S 0103042100 314N 664W 50 995 * 0103042106 306N 658W 50 995 * 0103042112 300N 648W 50 995 * 0103042118 294N 631W 50 994 * 0103042200 294N 615W 50 994 * 0103042206 295N 601W 50 994 * 0103042212 296N 585W 45 995 * 0103042218 297N 566W 45 996 * 0103042300 300N 547W 40 998 * 0103042306 306N 530W 40 1000 * 0103042312 314N 515W 40 1000 * 0103042318 319N 506W 35 1001 * 0103042400 321N 496W 35 1003 * 0103042406 320N 487W 35 1004 E 0103042412 318N 478W 35 1005 E 0103042418 315N 466W 35 1005 E 0103042500 315N 454W 35 1005 E 0103042506 316N 442W 35 1004 E 0103042512 317N 431W 30 1003 E 0103042518 318N 421W 30 1004 E 0103042600 319N 408W 30 1005 E 0103042606 323N 384W 35 1002 E 0103042612 329N 356W 35 1002 E 0103042618 336N 328W 40 1002 E 0103042700 344N 292W 40 1002 E 0103042706 353N 258W 40 999 E 0103042712 361N 224W 40 1000 E 0203061100 95N 408W 30 1009 * 0203061106 96N 425W 30 1008 * 0203061112 97N 442W 30 1008 * 0203061118 97N 459W 30 1010 * 0303062806 195N 890W 20 1009 L 0303062812 200N 893W 20 1008 L 0303062818 203N 894W 20 1008 L 0303062900 210N 898W 20 1008 L 0303062906 220N 900W 30 1007 * 0303062912 234N 905W 35 1007 * 0303062918 246N 911W 40 1009 * 0303063000 259N 913W 45 1008 * 0303063006 271N 915W 45 1007 * 0303063012 282N 915W 50 1002 * 0303063018 291N 910W 50 997 * 0303070100 304N 903W 45 998 * 0303070106 316N 893W 30 1003 * 0303070112 327N 884W 25 1004 * 0303070118 336N 870W 20 1007 * 0303070200 341N 860W 20 1007 * 0303070206 350N 845W 20 1007 * 0303070212 356N 835W 20 1009 * 0303070218 365N 820W 20 1009 E 0303070300 373N 795W 20 1009 E 0403070700 111N 535W 25 1010 W 0403070706 118N 553W 30 1010 W 0403070712 126N 575W 30 1010 W 0403070718 132N 598W 35 1010 W 0403070800 137N 620W 35 1009 W 0403070806 140N 648W 40 1009 W 0403070812 144N 676W 40 1009 W 0403070818 148N 700W 45 1006 * 0403070900 150N 720W 50 1001 * 0403070906 151N 744W 60 1003 * 0403070912 153N 765W 55 1004 * 0403070918 158N 786W 55 1002 * 0403071000 161N 803W 55 1002 * 0403071006 166N 817W 55 998 * 0403071012 175N 828W 70 988 * 0403071018 186N 841W 55 1003 * 0403071100 197N 855W 50 1010 * 0403071106 204N 863W 50 1009 * 0403071112 211N 872W 50 1009 * 0403071118 218N 882W 45 1009 * 0403071200 226N 892W 45 1008 * 0403071206 233N 902W 45 1007 * 0403071212 239N 907W 45 1006 * 0403071218 246N 909W 45 1008 * 0403071300 249N 915W 45 1003 * 0403071306 249N 919W 45 1005 * 0403071312 251N 921W 50 999 * 0403071318 253N 922W 50 995 * 0403071400 256N 922W 55 991 * 0403071406 260N 923W 55 993 * 0403071412 267N 926W 55 991 * 0403071418 273N 930W 60 989 * 0403071500 277N 936W 60 988 * 0403071506 279N 946W 65 987 * 0403071512 283N 955W 75 982 * 0403071518 286N 969W 70 984 * 0403071600 285N 982W 50 995 * 0403071606 285N 994W 40 999 * 0403071612 288N1008W 35 1003 * 0403071618 293N1026W 35 1007 * 0403071700 299N1043W 30 1014 * 0403071706 305N1060W 25 1016 L 0403071712 309N1077W 25 1016 L 0503071612 308N 541W 25 1017 * 0503071618 317N 547W 30 1015 * 0503071700 325N 552W 35 1013 * 0503071706 334N 556W 45 1011 * 0503071712 344N 564W 50 1009 * 0503071718 353N 566W 55 1008 * 0503071800 362N 564W 55 1007 * 0503071806 371N 560W 55 1006 * 0503071812 381N 549W 60 1003 * 0503071818 392N 534W 65 1002 * 0503071900 401N 517W 65 1001 * 0503071906 411N 500W 65 1000 * 0503071912 421N 478W 65 1001 * 0503071918 427N 458W 60 1003 * 0503072000 427N 440W 55 1005 * 0503072006 425N 424W 45 1007 * 0503072012 419N 407W 40 1008 * 0503072018 409N 392W 30 1009 * 0503072100 398N 379W 30 1009 * 0503072106 388N 368W 30 1010 L 0503072112 379N 363W 25 1011 L 0503072118 371N 359W 25 1013 L 0503072200 363N 358W 25 1015 L 0503072206 357N 362W 25 1017 L 0503072212 353N 367W 25 1018 L 0503072218 351N 372W 25 1019 L 0503072300 350N 378W 20 1020 L 0503072306 349N 386W 20 1020 L 0503072312 355N 390W 20 1020 L 0503072318 360N 400W 20 1020 L 0503072400 360N 405W 20 1021 L 0503072406 366N 405W 20 1021 L 0503072412 365N 400W 20 1021 L 0503072418 364N 395W 20 1021 L 0503072500 365N 389W 20 1022 L 0503072506 363N 392W 20 1022 L 0503072512 360N 390W 20 1022 L 0503072518 355N 390W 20 1022 L 0503072600 345N 395W 20 1023 L 0503072606 338N 400W 20 1023 L 0503072612 330N 405W 20 1023 L 0503072618 320N 410W 20 1023 L 0503072700 310N 420W 20 1024 L 0503072706 310N 435W 20 1024 L 0603071918 123N 435W 30 1010 * 0603072000 125N 452W 30 1010 * 0603072006 127N 470W 30 1011 * 0603072012 129N 488W 30 1011 * 0603072018 132N 509W 30 1012 * 0603072100 135N 530W 30 1012 * 0603072106 138N 551W 30 1013 * 0603072112 140N 574W 30 1012 * 0703072512 293N 801W 25 1017 * 0703072518 301N 805W 25 1017 * 0703072600 307N 808W 30 1016 * 0703072606 315N 813W 25 1018 * 0703072612 323N 820W 20 1022 * 0703072618 328N 826W 15 1022 * 0703072700 330N 830W 15 1022 * 0803081418 264N 833W 35 1011 * 0803081500 266N 857W 40 1008 * 0803081506 264N 883W 40 1008 * 0803081512 261N 905W 45 1007 * 0803081518 260N 925W 50 1001 * 0803081600 259N 944W 55 995 * 0803081606 256N 962W 60 988 * 0803081612 252N 976W 65 988 * 0803081618 248N 989W 35 1003 * 0803081700 247N1003W 25 1008 * 0903082118 145N 655W 30 1009 * 0903082200 152N 665W 30 1007 * 0903082206 157N 675W 30 1008 * 0903082212 162N 682W 30 1008 * 1003082718 146N 307W 25 1009 * 1003082800 147N 323W 30 1008 * 1003082806 149N 342W 30 1008 * 1003082812 150N 362W 35 1006 * 1003082818 151N 382W 40 1004 * 1003082900 152N 401W 45 1000 * 1003082906 154N 418W 50 997 * 1003082912 155N 431W 50 997 * 1003082918 158N 443W 60 990 * 1003083000 163N 456W 65 987 * 1003083006 167N 469W 70 984 * 1003083012 170N 480W 85 973 * 1003083018 173N 492W 100 960 * 1003083100 176N 503W 110 952 * 1003083106 178N 514W 110 952 * 1003083112 180N 525W 110 952 * 1003083118 182N 535W 115 948 * 1003090100 183N 543W 120 945 * 1003090106 185N 553W 120 949 * 1003090112 187N 563W 120 949 * 1003090118 190N 573W 125 944 * 1003090200 193N 583W 125 943 * 1003090206 196N 592W 120 945 * 1003090212 201N 599W 120 945 * 1003090218 205N 607W 120 946 * 1003090300 209N 613W 115 945 * 1003090306 213N 618W 110 945 * 1003090312 219N 623W 110 945 * 1003090318 225N 628W 110 944 * 1003090400 232N 630W 115 939 * 1003090406 238N 633W 105 944 * 1003090412 248N 638W 105 944 * 1003090418 258N 643W 110 941 * 1003090500 271N 646W 115 940 * 1003090506 286N 651W 105 946 * 1003090512 301N 653W 105 951 * 1003090518 318N 653W 105 950 * 1003090600 334N 647W 100 953 * 1003090606 349N 640W 100 956 * 1003090612 360N 624W 100 957 * 1003090618 369N 604W 100 958 * 1003090700 379N 582W 90 962 * 1003090706 391N 557W 85 965 * 1003090712 406N 534W 80 967 * 1003090718 423N 507W 75 972 * 1003090800 443N 479W 70 975 * 1003090806 463N 447W 70 977 * 1003090812 487N 408W 65 980 * 1003090818 517N 360W 65 980 E 1003090900 540N 320W 60 980 E 1003090906 560N 290W 50 982 E 1003090912 580N 270W 50 982 E 1003090918 600N 270W 40 990 E 1103083012 243N 924W 30 1008 * 1103083018 249N 933W 35 1009 * 1103083100 258N 943W 35 1009 * 1103083106 272N 949W 35 1008 * 1103083112 294N 952W 35 1007 * 1103083118 301N 956W 30 1009 * 1103090100 309N 964W 25 1009 * 1103090106 319N 966W 20 1010 * 1103090112 326N 965W 20 1010 * 1103090118 336N 957W 20 1011 * 1103090200 341N 950W 15 1011 * 1103090206 346N 945W 15 1013 * 1203090318 274N 877W 25 1013 * 1203090400 276N 878W 25 1011 * 1203090406 278N 876W 25 1009 * 1203090412 278N 872W 30 1010 * 1203090418 278N 863W 30 1002 * 1203090500 276N 858W 30 1004 * 1203090506 277N 851W 35 1000 * 1203090512 281N 844W 40 997 * 1203090518 283N 842W 50 997 * 1203090600 279N 839W 30 1002 * 1203090606 277N 835W 30 1005 * 1203090612 284N 818W 25 1007 * 1203090618 292N 804W 25 1006 * 1203090700 300N 795W 30 1006 * 1203090706 305N 792W 30 1008 * 1203090712 308N 785W 30 1006 * 1203090718 313N 779W 30 1006 * 1203090800 317N 771W 30 1006 * 1203090806 321N 765W 30 1007 * 1203090812 325N 759W 30 1006 * 1203090818 329N 753W 25 1006 E 1303090600 138N 314W 30 1009 * 1303090606 139N 327W 35 1005 * 1303090612 136N 339W 40 1003 * 1303090618 134N 349W 45 1000 * 1303090700 135N 358W 55 994 * 1303090706 139N 365W 60 991 * 1303090712 144N 373W 65 987 * 1303090718 152N 385W 70 984 * 1303090800 158N 397W 80 976 * 1303090806 165N 409W 95 966 * 1303090812 171N 420W 110 952 * 1303090818 176N 431W 110 952 * 1303090900 182N 441W 115 948 * 1303090906 189N 452W 115 948 * 1303090912 194N 463W 115 948 * 1303090918 200N 473W 115 948 * 1303091000 205N 483W 110 952 * 1303091006 209N 494W 110 952 * 1303091012 211N 504W 115 948 * 1303091018 211N 514W 120 942 * 1303091100 212N 523W 125 935 * 1303091106 213N 532W 125 935 * 1303091112 214N 540W 135 925 * 1303091118 215N 548W 145 915 * 1303091200 216N 557W 140 920 * 1303091206 217N 566W 140 920 * 1303091212 216N 574W 140 920 * 1303091218 217N 582W 140 920 * 1303091300 218N 591W 135 925 * 1303091306 219N 601W 130 935 * 1303091312 221N 610W 135 935 * 1303091318 225N 621W 140 932 * 1303091400 229N 633W 135 935 * 1303091406 232N 646W 135 939 * 1303091412 235N 658W 135 935 * 1303091418 239N 670W 140 933 * 1303091500 243N 679W 130 937 * 1303091506 245N 688W 125 940 * 1303091512 248N 694W 120 946 * 1303091518 253N 698W 115 949 * 1303091600 257N 702W 105 952 * 1303091606 263N 705W 100 955 * 1303091612 268N 709W 95 959 * 1303091618 274N 712W 95 959 * 1303091700 281N 715W 95 957 * 1303091706 289N 719W 95 957 * 1303091712 297N 725W 90 957 * 1303091718 306N 730W 90 955 * 1303091800 315N 735W 90 953 * 1303091806 325N 743W 90 956 * 1303091812 337N 752W 90 956 * 1303091818 351N 764W 85 958 * 1303091900 367N 777W 65 969 * 1303091906 386N 789W 50 988 * 1303091912 409N 803W 35 997 E 1303091918 439N 809W 30 1000 E 1303092000 480N 810W 25 1000 E 1403090806 116N 217W 25 1009 * 1403090812 114N 222W 25 1009 * 1403090818 112N 226W 25 1009 * 1403090900 112N 230W 25 1008 * 1403090906 116N 236W 25 1007 * 1403090912 124N 244W 30 1007 * 1403090918 136N 249W 30 1007 * 1403091000 146N 250W 25 1008 * 1403091006 153N 251W 25 1009 * 1403091012 159N 252W 25 1010 * 1503092412 282N 624W 25 1009 * 1503092418 283N 622W 30 1007 * 1503092500 284N 620W 35 1006 * 1503092506 288N 617W 40 1002 * 1503092512 292N 614W 45 1000 * 1503092518 304N 616W 50 996 * 1503092600 309N 618W 55 992 * 1503092606 311N 618W 60 990 * 1503092612 318N 620W 65 987 * 1503092618 325N 620W 70 987 * 1503092700 333N 620W 75 984 * 1503092706 344N 622W 75 981 * 1503092712 352N 628W 75 979 * 1503092718 355N 632W 90 969 * 1503092800 363N 636W 90 970 * 1503092806 371N 640W 90 970 * 1503092812 385N 641W 90 970 * 1503092818 402N 641W 90 970 * 1503092900 428N 639W 85 972 * 1503092906 460N 638W 65 982 * 1503092912 498N 624W 45 995 * 1603092518 118N 377W 30 1008 * 1603092600 128N 385W 30 1008 * 1603092606 140N 394W 30 1008 * 1603092612 152N 402W 30 1007 * 1603092618 166N 410W 30 1007 * 1603092700 180N 418W 30 1007 * 1603092706 192N 430W 30 1007 * 1603092712 200N 438W 30 1007 * 1603092718 210N 442W 35 1005 * 1603092800 220N 445W 45 1000 * 1603092806 230N 443W 50 997 * 1603092812 239N 436W 50 997 * 1603092818 248N 426W 50 997 * 1603092900 261N 413W 50 997 * 1603092906 272N 399W 55 994 * 1603092912 283N 382W 55 991 * 1603092918 292N 368W 65 987 * 1603093000 300N 354W 65 987 * 1603093006 308N 348W 55 992 * 1603093012 318N 351W 55 992 * 1603093018 326N 360W 50 996 * 1603100100 325N 371W 50 997 * 1603100106 324N 383W 50 997 * 1603100112 322N 396W 55 994 * 1603100118 317N 409W 65 987 * 1603100200 311N 421W 65 987 * 1603100206 303N 430W 75 979 * 1603100212 301N 436W 75 979 * 1603100218 299N 447W 80 976 * 1603100300 296N 458W 80 976 * 1603100306 294N 469W 90 970 * 1603100312 294N 478W 90 970 * 1603100318 296N 491W 100 962 * 1603100400 299N 503W 100 962 * 1603100406 301N 516W 100 962 * 1603100412 301N 528W 105 956 * 1603100418 302N 540W 110 952 * 1603100500 303N 547W 100 962 * 1603100506 304N 555W 95 968 * 1603100512 307N 561W 90 973 * 1603100518 314N 564W 85 975 * 1603100600 323N 562W 80 977 * 1603100606 335N 560W 80 977 * 1603100612 352N 556W 75 979 * 1603100618 369N 550W 70 983 * 1603100700 386N 540W 65 987 * 1603100706 405N 521W 60 987 * 1603100712 438N 495W 60 987 * 1603100718 475N 472W 60 980 * 1603100800 520N 440W 60 978 E 1603100806 565N 405W 65 974 E 1603100812 595N 370W 65 974 E 1603100818 611N 334W 65 970 E 1603100900 621N 287W 60 970 E 1603100906 625N 240W 55 972 E 1603100912 626N 190W 55 973 E 1603100918 625N 126W 50 976 E 1603101000 630N 60W 50 980 E 1703092718 185N 847W 15 1009 L 1703092800 187N 849W 15 1009 L 1703092806 190N 853W 20 1008 L 1703092812 193N 860W 20 1008 L 1703092818 197N 869W 20 1008 L 1703092900 200N 875W 20 1007 L 1703092906 203N 882W 20 1007 L 1703092912 206N 889W 20 1007 L 1703092918 210N 896W 20 1007 L 1703093000 212N 905W 25 1007 E 1703093006 214N 915W 25 1007 E 1703093012 213N 921W 30 1007 E 1703093018 212N 925W 35 1006 E 1703100100 209N 929W 40 1006 E 1703100106 209N 929W 40 1005 E 1703100112 210N 930W 40 1004 E 1703100118 210N 932W 45 1003 * 1703100200 209N 934W 45 1002 * 1703100206 207N 934W 45 1000 * 1703100212 205N 934W 45 998 * 1703100218 204N 936W 50 996 * 1703100300 205N 940W 55 993 * 1703100306 203N 943W 50 994 * 1703100312 201N 945W 50 994 * 1703100318 199N 947W 50 995 * 1703100400 196N 945W 50 995 * 1703100406 195N 940W 50 994 * 1703100412 193N 938W 50 994 * 1703100418 188N 938W 50 996 * 1703100500 186N 936W 50 996 * 1703100506 185N 935W 50 996 * 1703100512 184N 935W 50 997 * 1703100518 182N 937W 40 1000 * 1703100600 179N 938W 35 1003 * 1703100606 175N 939W 25 1005 * 1703100612 172N 941W 20 1006 L 1703100618 169N 943W 20 1006 L 1703100700 166N 945W 15 1007 L 1703100706 163N 947W 15 1007 L 1703100712 160N 950W 15 1008 L 1703100718 158N 953W 15 1009 L 1803101018 191N 688W 40 1004 * 1803101100 201N 697W 40 1002 * 1803101106 209N 704W 40 1003 * 1803101112 218N 713W 35 1007 * 1803101118 227N 715W 35 1007 * 1803101200 236N 719W 35 1006 * 1803101206 240N 724W 30 1007 * 1803101212 247N 722W 30 1008 * 1803101218 255N 720W 30 1008 * 1803101300 256N 710W 30 1008 * 1803101306 257N 703W 30 1008 * 1803101312 258N 693W 30 1008 * 1803101318 259N 683W 30 1007 * 1803101400 259N 677W 25 1008 * 1903101300 95N 370W 25 1009 * 1903101306 95N 377W 25 1008 * 1903101312 96N 384W 25 1008 * 1903101318 99N 389W 30 1007 * 1903101400 102N 395W 30 1006 * 1903101406 105N 403W 30 1006 * 1903101412 107N 411W 30 1006 * 1903101418 109N 419W 35 1005 * 1903101500 112N 425W 40 1003 * 1903101506 115N 431W 45 1000 * 1903101512 118N 437W 45 1000 * 1903101518 122N 443W 45 1000 * 1903101600 126N 450W 45 1000 * 1903101606 131N 456W 45 1000 * 1903101612 135N 460W 50 997 * 1903101618 140N 466W 55 994 * 1903101700 144N 472W 55 995 * 1903101706 150N 476W 55 994 * 1903101712 155N 480W 60 990 * 1903101718 161N 481W 55 994 * 1903101800 163N 481W 55 994 * 1903101806 163N 479W 55 994 * 1903101812 165N 478W 55 994 * 1903101818 167N 477W 50 997 * 1903101900 170N 476W 50 997 * 1903101906 173N 474W 50 997 * 1903101912 176N 473W 50 997 * 1903101918 176N 475W 45 1000 * 1903102000 174N 477W 45 1000 * 1903102006 176N 479W 45 1000 * 1903102012 178N 481W 40 1002 * 1903102018 181N 489W 35 1005 * 1903102100 184N 497W 35 1005 * 1903102106 186N 503W 40 1002 * 1903102112 187N 510W 45 1000 * 1903102118 186N 520W 45 1000 * 1903102200 185N 529W 40 1002 * 1903102206 185N 536W 35 1005 * 1903102212 188N 541W 35 1005 * 1903102218 195N 546W 35 1005 * 1903102300 204N 554W 35 1005 * 1903102306 215N 560W 30 1006 * 1903102312 225N 564W 30 1007 * 1903102318 236N 569W 30 1008 * 1903102400 251N 567W 25 1009 L 1903102406 271N 564W 25 1010 L 1903102412 288N 561W 25 1011 L 1903102418 302N 557W 25 1012 E 1903102500 314N 548W 20 1013 E 1903102506 322N 535W 20 1014 E 1903102512 324N 520W 20 1014 E 1903102518 325N 505W 20 1013 E 1903102600 319N 495W 20 1013 E 1903102606 307N 491W 25 1012 E 1903102612 293N 490W 30 1010 E 1903102618 283N 496W 30 1008 E 1903102700 274N 505W 30 1007 E 1903102706 267N 520W 35 1007 E 1903102712 264N 537W 35 1007 E 1903102718 266N 555W 35 1007 E 1903102800 271N 573W 30 1008 E 1903102806 279N 591W 30 1009 E 1903102812 289N 608W 30 1009 E 1903102818 295N 628W 30 1009 E 1903102900 294N 651W 25 1009 E 1903102906 293N 671W 25 1009 E 1903102912 295N 680W 25 1009 E 1903102918 301N 680W 25 1009 E 1903103000 304N 672W 25 1009 E 1903103006 304N 664W 25 1009 E 1903103012 300N 658W 30 1008 E 1903103018 293N 653W 30 1008 E 1903103100 287N 655W 30 1008 E 1903103106 283N 660W 30 1008 L 1903103112 277N 663W 30 1007 L 1903103118 270N 664W 30 1006 L 1903110100 264N 663W 30 1005 L 1903110106 265N 660W 30 1005 L 1903110112 270N 663W 30 1005 L 1903110118 277N 670W 30 1005 L 2003120412 129N 762W 30 1005 * 2003120418 133N 757W 35 1003 * 2003120500 137N 752W 45 1000 * 2003120506 139N 748W 50 993 * 2003120512 141N 744W 50 993 * 2003120518 143N 738W 50 995 * 2003120600 150N 730W 50 995 * 2003120606 159N 725W 55 995 * 2003120612 166N 722W 55 995 * 2003120618 172N 720W 55 994 * 2003120700 179N 714W 45 997 * 2003120706 189N 706W 40 1000 * 2003120712 205N 695W 40 1003 * 2003120718 224N 681W 45 1002 E 2003120800 235N 659W 45 1002 E 2003120806 244N 637W 45 1004 E 2003120812 254N 616W 40 1005 E 2003120818 263N 595W 40 1005 E 2003120900 274N 571W 40 1005 E 2003120906 289N 542W 40 1006 E 2003120912 304N 511W 40 1006 E 2003120918 319N 477W 40 1006 E 2103120718 275N 345W 40 1005 S 2103120800 261N 348W 40 1004 S 2103120806 241N 358W 40 1004 S 2103120812 224N 368W 40 1004 S 2103120818 207N 379W 40 1004 S 2103120900 204N 377W 40 1002 S 2103120906 200N 374W 40 998 * 2103120912 195N 372W 50 992 * 2103120918 210N 370W 60 990 * 2103121000 222N 370W 45 1000 * 2103121006 231N 371W 35 1005 * 2103121012 238N 371W 30 1005 * 2103121018 250N 367W 30 1005 * 2103121100 260N 362W 30 1005 * 2103121106 275N 350W 30 1009 E

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