RE: [ncl-talk] Plotting a trajectory across the 0 E/W lon line.

From: Ertl, John (John.Ertl AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 11:17:59 MDT

  • Next message: Ertl, John: "annotation using gsn_text"


    I have been able to plot a simple trajectory and get the map to cover the
    entire trajectory as long as I stayed in the East or West hemisphere every
    thing was great. I then converted the 180deg to 360 deg lat lon and this
    worked great as long as you did not travel over the 0 E/W line.

    I can of course do more checking and probably get the trajectory to follow
    the correct path but I have to do a lot of converting and checking to get
    the trajectory to plot correctly. Is there a simple way to convert a list
    of lat/lon into a properly sized map plot and have the trajectories flow in
    the correct direction when crossing the 0 E/W lon line?

    I am using "Corners" for setting the map projection if that has any impact.


    John Ertl
    ncl-talk mailing list
    ncl-talk AT

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