Re: mm52ncdf

From: Benjamin Lamptey (lamptey AT
Date: Mon Nov 01 2004 - 11:41:29 MST

Thanks Dennis,
I think what you suggested below is what I did to write my variables
to the output netcdf file. But I could not make plots. Below is the
output from ncdump -h for my ncdf file;

netcdf runmodi {
        time = 60 ;
        lev = 5 ;
        layer = 6 ;
        NLAT = 64 ;
        MLON = 46 ;
        LAT = 64 ;
        LON = 46 ;
        int time(time) ;
                time:units = "yyyymm" ;
                time:long_name = "time" ;
                time:_FillValue = -999 ;
        float lev(lev) ;
                lev:units = "hPa" ;
                lev:long_name = "pressure" ;
        float layer(layer) ;
                layer:units = "metres" ;
                layer:long_name = "mid-point of soil layer" ;
        float lat(NLAT, MLON) ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        float lon(NLAT, MLON) ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
        float U(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float V(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float T(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float Q(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float RH(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float Z(time, lev, LAT, LON) ;
        float SOILT1(time, layer, LAT, LON) ;
        float SOILM1(time, layer, LAT, LON) ;
        float SLP1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TSA(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TG1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TSS1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TSA2(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float QSA2(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float RAINC1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float RAINNC1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float RAINTOT1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float SNOWD1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float CLD1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float HFX1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float QFX1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float GSW1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float GLW1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float OSW1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float OLW1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TA2MAX1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TA2MIN1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TGMAX1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float TGMIN1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float GRUNOF1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float GDRAIN1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float SNOWF1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float WPUD1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float WIPUD1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float LAIT1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float Z0LEN1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float ALBS1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float SOLA1(time, LAT, LON) ;
        float HG(LAT, LON) ;
        float XMASK(LAT, LON) ;
        float URBAN(LAT, LON) ;
        float VEGDS(LAT, LON) ;
        float VEGMM(LAT, LON) ;
2) Note that my lat is actually lat2d.
3) I did not assign coordinate variables to them

Below is the error message when I tried to make a plot

 Copyright (C) 1995-2004 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 4.2.0.a031
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See for more details.
(0) ==========> printVarInfo: lat

Variable: x (parameter)
Type: float
Total Size: 11776 bytes
            2944 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [NLAT | 64] x [MLON | 46]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  units : degrees_north
  long_name : latitude
(0) Minimum: 34.8703 Maximum: 50.3709
(0) ==========> printVarInfo: lon

Variable: x (parameter)
Type: float
Total Size: 11776 bytes
            2944 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [NLAT | 64] x [MLON | 46]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  units : degrees_east
  long_name : longitude
(0) Minimum: -90.0246 Maximum: -57.9754
fatal:Coordinate variables must have one dimension only

fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (LAT) in variable (raintot1A_DJF)


On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 09:49:59AM -0700, Dennis Shea wrote:
> Ben
> >I am trying to convert the variable x(nyear, nmon,kp,mjx,mix)
> >where nyear, nmon, kp, mjx, mix are all scalars, like
> >
> >ua1 = fbinrecread (infile,2, (/nyear,nmon,kp,mjx,mix/),"float")
> >
> >to a variable xNew = onedtond( ndtooned(X), (/ntim,nlev,nlat,mlon/))
> >where nlat = dimsizes(lat2d) and mlon= dimsizes(lon2d).
> >
> > lat2d = fbinrecread (infile,0, (/mjx,mix/),"float")
> > lon2d = fbinrecread (infile,1, (/mjx,mix/),"float")
> >
> >I shall appreciate any ideas on how to do that since
> >xNew = onedtond( ndtooned(X), (/ntim,nlev,nlat,mlon/)) is wrong
> >because nlat and mlon are 2D while ntim and nlev are 1D?
> Presumably, the variable "ua1" is on the same grid as the
> lat2d/lon2d variables. Ie: for each year/month/level the
> mjx=nlat and the mix=mlon. Then
> ua1New = onedtond( ndtooned(ua1), (/ntim,nlev,nlat,mlon/))
> --- Something like
> dimensions:
> time = 120 ;
> nlon = 360 ;
> nlat = 240 ;
> lev = 40 ; ; kp
> integer time(time) ;
> time:long_name = "time"
> time:units = "yyyymm"
> float lev(lev) ;
> lev:long_name = "pressure level"
> lev:units = "hPa"
> float LAT2D(nlat, nlon)
> LAT2D:long_name = "array of latitudes"
> LAT2D:units = "degrees_north"
> float LON2D(nlat, nlon)
> LON2D:long_name = "array of longitudes"
> LON2D:units = "degrees_east"
> float UA1(time, lev, nlat, nlon)
> UA1:long_name = "Whatever UA1 is"
> UA1:units = "?"
> UA1:_FillValue = 1e+20f
> TEMP:missing_value = 1e+20f
> ==========================================================
> >
> >Note that I cannot read lat2d and lon2d into 1D variables because
> >they do not repeat themselves.
> You can put lat2d and lon2d into 1D variables. That is not the
> problem. By definition, a netCDF *coordinate variable* is
> a one dimensional array that contains monotonically
> increasing or decreasing values. If you tried to assign
> the one dimensional versions of LAT2D and LON2D as
> coordinate variables the underlying netCDF software which
> NCL uses would reject them because they are not monotonic.
> good luck
> D
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Benjamin L. Lamptey Phone: (814) 865-9911 (office) Pennstate (EMS Environment Institute) (814) 237-8193 (home) 2217 Earth-Engineering Sciences Bldg Fax : (814) 865-3191 University Park, PA 16802 WWW:

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