Re: how to read from many binary files:

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Mon Jan 17 2005 - 22:57:15 MST

  • Next message: David B. Reusch: "labelbar errors in a032?"

    > I am a new user of NCL.

    Welcome ...

    > I try to read many x-y dimension binary files named with date,
    > then write them into nc format, I have three questions.

    > First question, I try read one file, and write out one vairable.
    > I use Grads to visialize the plot , the error message is following:

    > Scanning self-describing file:
    > SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.

    This is a Grads error. Perhaps there is an error in the ddf file.
    A description that might help is:

    [2] Are you sure your data is of type "byte" ?
        That is unusual for binary data. Usually, it is
        of type float or double or integer. Data packed
        in "byte" usually have a 'scale_factor' and/or
        'add_offset' to get it into float or double.

    > The following is my ncl file:

    [3] **Untested** modifications of your code. I speculate
        the "byte" should be "float"

    [4] fout = addfile ("./","c")
                                     ^ not "w"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

    procedure createNcVariable (x:numeric, longName:string, units:string \
                               ,lat[*]:numeric, lon[*]:numeric)
    ; procedure to add meta data
        xmsg = -9999.0

        x!0 ="lat"
        x!1 ="lon"
        x&lat = lat ; assign coordinate values and units
        x&lon = lon
        x@long_name = longName
        x@units = units
        x@_FillValue = xmsg
        x@missing_value = xmsg
                                ; set values to _FillValue
        x1d = ndtooned( x )
        imsg = ind( .and. x1d.le.255)
        x1d(imsg) = xmsg
        x = onedtond ( x1d, dimsizes(x) )

         nlat = 720
         mlon = 1440
         file_in = "/disk/ide41/yzhang/AMSR_E/amsre_20040601v4_d3d"
         SST = fbindirread (file_in,0, (/nlat,mlon/),"byte")
         WSPD = fbindirread (file_in,1, (/nlat,mlon/),"byte")
         VAPOR = fbindirread (file_in,2, (/nlat,mlon/),"byte")
         CLOUD = fbindirread (file_in,3, (/nlat,mlon/),"byte")
         RAIN = fbindirread (file_in,4, (/nlat,mlon/),"byte")

     ; Create lon and lat coordinates variables; contributed.ncl
        lat = latGlobeFo (nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
        lon = lonGlobeFo (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
     ; lat = fspan (-89.875,89.875,nlat)
     ; lon = fspan (0.125,359.875,mlon)
        printVarSummary (lat)
        printVarSummary (lon)

    ;creat output variables with proper dimensions
        createNcVariable (SST , "sea surface temperature*0.15-3.0" \
                               , "deg C", lat, lon)
        createNcVariable (WSPD , "wind speed", "???", lat, lon)
        createNcVariable (VAPOR, "atmospheric water vapor*0.3" \
                               , "mm", lat, lon)
        createNcVariable (CLOUD, "cloud liquid water*0.01" \
                               , "mm", lat, lon)
        createNcVariable (RAIN , "rain rate*0.01", "mm/hr", lat, lon)

        printVarSummary (SST)

    ; draw variable
         gsn_define_colormap (wks, "gui_default")
         res = True
         res@gsnMaximize = True ; only affect ps or pdf (otherwise, ignored)
         res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
         res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use entire color map

         fout = addfile ("./","c")
         fout@source_file = file_in
         fout@creation_date = systemfunc("date")
         fout ->SST = SST


    > second question, I try to read many binary files which named with
    > date such as amsre_20040601v4_d3d, how can I do?

                                      ; read the names of multiple files
         file_in = systemfunc (" ls/disk/ide41/yzhang/AMSR_E/amsre_*_d3d")
         nfils = dimsizes(file_in) ; number of files

        You can loop over files

        do nf=0,nfils-1
        end do

        FYI: consider

            fil = "/disk/ide41/yzhang/AMSR_E/amsre_20040601v4_d3d"
            filc = stringtochar ( fil )
            year = stringtointeger( chartostring( filc(32:35) )
            month= stringtointeger( chartostring( filc(36:37) )
            day = stringtointeger( chartostring( filc(38:39) )

    > Third question, the value of missing data is from 251 to 255,
    > I try to change 255 to -9999.9 and change 251, 252, 253, 254
    > as missing data with same value, May I use ncl to do this?

       yes, of course. see createNcVariable

        Could anyone help me?

       Thanks and regards!

    Li Tao

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