
From: Benjamin Lamptey (lamptey AT
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 13:54:31 MST

I am comparing a GCM and a regional model. The longitudes in the
go from 1 to 360.

2) I have the following from the regional model

==========> printVarInfo: lat2d

Variable: x (parameter)
Type: float
Total Size: 11776 bytes
            2944 values
            Number of Dimensions: 2
            Dimensions and sizes: [64] x [46]
            (0) Minimum: 34.8703 Maximum: 50.3709

(0) ==========> printVarInfo: lon2d

Variable: x (parameter)
Type: float
Total Size: 11776 bytes
            2944 values
            Number of Dimensions: 2
            Dimensions and sizes: [64] x [46]
            (0) Minimum: -90.0246 Maximum: -57.9754

3) So for the GCM resources, I do the following

  gres@mpMinLatF = minlat
    gres@mpMaxLatF = maxlat
      gres@mpMinLonF = minlon
        gres@mpMaxLonF = maxlon

The tickmarks for both the GCM and the regional model indicate that
the same geographical region is being plotted.

4) Is the correct data for the GCM extracted? Since the lon is
from 0 to 360 for the data, is NCL able to identify the lon value
corresponding to -90.0246 (minlon) and -57.9754 (maxlon)?

The plots look too different. I want to be sure I am not making a
mistake in plotting.



Benjamin L. Lamptey Phone: (814) 865-9911 (office) Pennstate (EMS Environment Institute) (814) 237-8193 (home) 2217 Earth-Engineering Sciences Bldg Fax : (814) 865-3191 University Park, PA 16802 WWW:

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Benjamin L. Lamptey Phone: (814) 865-9911 (office) Pennstate (EMS Environment Institute) (814) 237-8193 (home) 2217 Earth-Engineering Sciences Bldg Fax : (814) 865-3191 University Park, PA 16802 WWW:

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