Re: Re: Grib to netCDF conversion

From: Ryan L. Sriver (rsriver AT
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 11:58:56 MST

Here is some pretty efficient code I recently used to convert ECMWF
ERA40 data from grib to netcdf.

It is a modified version of some code originally sent to us by Dennis

Hope this helps.
Ryan Sriver

; era40 full variable conversion to netcdf
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

function rdVar3D (f:file, vName:string, time:integer)
    var = f->$vName$ ; read variable

    var!0 = "time" ; assign 'conventional' dimension names
    var!1 = "lat"
    var!2 = "lon"
                       ; following not needed for current application
   ;var&time = time ; assign integer time coord variable

; get all file names; then loop over each file
     diri = "./surface_state_4xdaily/" ; input directory
     fils = systemfunc("cd "+diri+"; ls*")
     nfils = dimsizes(fils)
     print (fils)

     OS = systemfunc ("uname")
     diro = "./"

; specify desired GRIB variables

   ;system("banner HI")
    do nf=0,nfils-1
       print ("===========> nf="+nf+" <========================")
       wcStrt = systemfunc("date") ; wall clock start
; open grib file and get variable names

       grib_in = addfile(diri+fils(nf)+".grb","r")
       names = getfilevarnames(grib_in) ; get ALL variable names

       wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt, "Read/open file file: "+fils(nf), 0)
       ncl_names = names

       lat = grib_in->g4_lat_1 ; latitude
       lat!0 = "lat" ; rename NCL's GRIB dimension
       lon = grib_in->g4_lon_2 ; longitude
       lon!0 = "lon" ; to 'conventional' dimension
       stime = grib_in->initial_time0
       time = grib_stime2itime (stime) ; string to integer

       if (nf.eq.0) then
           print (names)
           print (stime+" "+time)
       end if

       ntim = dimsizes(time)
       nlat = dimsizes(lat)
       mlon = dimsizes(lon)

; open output netcdf file
; create parameters and output file

       system ("rm -f "+diro+fils(nf)+".nc") ; remove pre-exit file
(if any)
       netcdf_out = addfile(diro+fils(nf)+".nc","c") ; "c"reate the
netCDF file
; assign file attributes
       fAtt = True
       fAtt@title = "GRIB-to-netCDF: processed by"

       fAtt@source_file = fils(nf)
       fAtt@Conventions = "None"
       fAtt@System = OS
       fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
       fileattdef( netcdf_out, fAtt )
; predefine coordinate information
       dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon" /)
       dimSizes = (/ ntim , nlat, mlon/)
       dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)
       filedimdef(netcdf_out, dimNames , dimSizes, dimUnlim )

       filevardef (netcdf_out, "time" , typeof(time), "time" )
       filevarattdef(netcdf_out, "time", time)

       filevardef (netcdf_out, "lat", typeof(lat), "lat")
       filevarattdef(netcdf_out, "lat", lat)

       filevardef (netcdf_out, "lon", typeof(lon), "lon")
       filevarattdef(netcdf_out, "lon", lon)

; predefine variable sizes
; (unfortunately) must read variables from GRIB file
; needed for filevarattdef
      do i=3, dimsizes(ncl_names)-1
         TMP = rdVar3D (grib_in, names(i) ,time)
         filevardef(netcdf_out, names(i) \
                              , typeof(TMP), (/"time","lat","lon"/) )
         filevarattdef(netcdf_out, names(i) , TMP)
      end do

      wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt, "Defintion phase took ", 0)
; write data values to predefined locations
      wcStrt = systemfunc("date") ; wall clock start
      netcdf_out->time = (/ time /)
      netcdf_out->lat = (/ lat /)
      netcdf_out->lon = (/ lon /)

      do i=3, dimsizes(names)-1
         TMP = rdVar3D (grib_in, names(i) ,time)
         netcdf_out->$names(i)$ = (/ TMP /)
      end do
      wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt, "Write phase took ", 0)

      delete (stime) ; may change next "nf" iteration
      delete (time)
      delete (names)
      delete (lat)
      delete (lon)
      delete (TMP)
   end do

On Feb 16, 2005, at 1:25 PM, David Brandon wrote:

> Does anyone have a good, GRIB to netcdf decoder.  We now are getting
> Reanalyzed climate data in GRIB but want it in another format.
> Dave Brandon
> Hydrologist in Charge
> Colorado Basin River Forecast Center
> _______________________________________________
> ncl-talk mailing list
Ryan L. Sriver
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue University
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: Civil Engineering Building Rm 4162
Phone: (765) 494-0652

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