extra colormaps

From: Jeff Whitaker (jswhit AT fastmail.fm)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 10:09:34 MST

Hi all: I've created an ncl script that defines a bunch of extra
colormaps that I grabbed from Cynthia Brewer's ColorBrewer web site
and the University of Oregon's Data Graphics Research Program web site
(http://geography.uoregon.edu/datagraphics/color_scales.htm). It's at


Just load it and you'll have the following colormaps

Spectral, RdYlGn, PuBu, Accent, OrRd, StepSeq, Set1, Set2, Set3, BuDRd,
BuGy, BuPu, Dark2, BuGr, RdBu, Oranges, BuGn, Bu, PiYG, YlOrBr, YlGn,
Pastel2, RdPu, Greens, BuOrR, PRGn, GrMg, YlGnBu, Cat, RdYlBu, Paired,
BrBG, Purples, Reds, Pastel1, GnBu, BrBu, Greys, RdGy, YlOrRd, PuOr,
PuRd, Blues, PuBuGn, BuDOr

To see what they look like:

load "colormaps.ncl"
wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","color")
gsn_define_colormap(wks, BuDOr) ; substitute any of the above names for

Hope someone finds it useful.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/CDC1        Email  : Jeffrey.S.Whitaker@noaa.gov
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    : http://tinyurl.com/5telg

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