g2gsh problem

From: e.k. (ekati AT mg.uoa.gr)
Date: Fri Mar 04 2005 - 02:27:36 MST

Dear users,

I am having trouble on making interpolation from a gauusian grid to a
higher resolution
gaussian grid. When using the command g2gsh for the regriding the ncl
seems to work fine and creates another netcdf file with the right
resolution but
it returns negative values at the variables.

a sample from the script:

;newgrid4d = new((/ntime,nlev,newlat,newlon/),float)
;print("writing netcdffile->" + innames(6)) ;; Tmin
;;dump4d = infile->$innames(6)$
;do i=0, ntime-1
;do l = 0, nlev-1
; dump2d = dump4d(i,l,:,:)
; newgrid = g2gsh(dump2d,(/newlat,newlon/), 0)
; newgrid4d(i,l,:,:) = newgrid
;end do
;end do
;filevardef(netcdffile, "Tmin","float",(/"time","lev","lat","lon"/))

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Best regards and thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

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