Re: Handling large netcdf file in NCL

From: Rick Grubin (grubin AT
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 08:18:06 MST

  • Next message: Cathy Smith: "NCL font problem"

    Hi Joowan,

    > I had an error message when I try to open a large netcdf file (as follows)
    > ncl 0> a=addfile("","r")
    > ncl 1> U = a->U
    > ncvarget: ncid 5; varid 2: Index exceeds dimension bound
    > fatal:NetCdf: An error occurred while attempting to read variable (U) from file (wrfinput_d01_large)
    > The file is input of wrf-model, and its size is large (2.1GB)
    > and the grid size of variable U is 1500x1200x31(I think this may cause the preblem)
    > Can I read this file in NCL?

    You can read this file in NCL; what's required is for you to have a
    version of NCL that has large-file support enabled via the netCDF
    interface, and thusly a netCDF library with large-file support.

    Could you please forward to me the following:
       1. Your host's OS information. The result of the command: uname -a
          would be helpful

       2. The version of NCL you're using. This information should be
          outputted upong starting NCL

       3. Whether or not you downloaded an NCL binary distribution, or built
          NCL/etc. from source code



    Rick Grubin         NCAR/CISL/SCD
    Visualization + Enabling Technologies     303.497.1832
    ncl-talk mailing list

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