Re: loop input files in NCL

From: Joshua Hacker (hacker AT
Date: Wed Aug 03 2005 - 15:59:01 MDT

  • Next message: jerry: "Gradient problem"


    One way is to get a list of the files then loop through them:

    fList = systemfunc("ls -1 *.nc")
    nFiles = dimsizes(fList)

    do iFile = 0, nFiles-1

      a = addfile(fList(iFile),"r")

      make your plot


    end do


    > Hi all,
    > I was wondering if it is possible to loop my input files in an ncl
    > script and if so, how would I go about doing so. I am working with 20
    > sets of data and I need to make about 2 or more different plots per
    > data set, so its a lot of plots. Ideally I would like to be able to
    > set up a script that will plot one variable and it will loop through
    > all my input files and make one plot per input file. Any help or
    > information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    > Mike Brown
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    Joshua Hacker
    National Center for Atmospheric Research
    Research Applications Laboratory
    voice: (303) 497 8188
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