Re: reorder problem

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Mon Aug 29 2005 - 16:46:00 MDT

  • Next message: jerry: "plot resource"

    On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, Chao Luo wrote:

    > I have some troubles to reorder the data. I have two dimensional soil
    > moisture data. The original data are ordered N->S and start 180. I want
    > to reorder latitude from N->S to S->N, and first longitude from 180.0 to
    > 0.0.
    > Thanks for any help offered!
    > Chao

    Dear Chao,

    First, to reverse the order of a particular dimension, you can use
    the (::-1) syntax. For example, if "t" is an array whose dimensions
    are lat x lon, and you want to reverse the latitude values, you
    would use:

        tnew = t(::-1,:)

    To additionally reorder your longitude values so that they start at a
    different longitude point, you should use the contributed function

    You need to load the "contributed.ncl" script to have access to this

    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"


       tnew = lonPivot(t(::-1,:),180.)


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