Re: svd_lapack (Takeshi Enomoto)

From: ±èÁÖ¿ (zooghim AT
Date: Mon Oct 24 2005 - 21:33:35 MDT

I think it is because the svd_lapack( ) consider right index as a row,

like this a(col, row)

but, in NCL a(row, col), when you do maxtirx operation ( a#v )

I think you have to transpose the matrix before and after the svd_lapack( ), if you want to use the svd_lapack with ncl matrix operation.

in your example

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
     n = 2
     a1d = (/.96, 1.72, 2.28, .96/)
     a = onedtond(a1d,(/n,n/))
     ut = new((/n,n/), typeof(a))
     vt = new((/n,n/), typeof(a))

; abuf = a
      abuf = transpose(a)
     optv = 1
     s = svd_lapack(abuf, "S", "S", optv, ut, vt)
      u = transpose(ut)
      v = transpose(vt)

     opt = True
     opt@title = "a"
     opt@row = True
     write_matrix(a, "2f7.2", opt)
     opt@title = "u"
     write_matrix(u, "2f7.2", opt)
     opt@title = "v"
     write_matrix(v, "2f7.2", opt)
     av = a#v
     opt@title = "AV"
     write_matrix(av, "2f7.2", opt)
     ss = (/(/s(0),0./),(/0.,s(1)/)/)
     opt@title = "S"
     write_matrix(ss, "2f7.2", opt)
     us = u#ss
     opt@title = "US"
     write_matrix(us, "2f7.2", opt)


Kim, Joo-Wan
Numerical Weather Prediction Laboratory
Program in Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, KOREA
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