problem of reading grb file

From: S. Yi <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:59:59 -0500


When I read a grb file using ncl

tempa2f = addfile("CCCma_SRES_B2_PREC_1900-2100.grb","r")

The following message is shown.

warning:GdsGAGrid: Invalid value for Gaussian LatLon grid in GDS octets
26-27; inferring N from octets 9-10 (See GRIB Section 2 documentation)

The current version of NCL is 4.2.0. However, the older version 4.0.2
has no such warning message. I retrieved data from some points, the
results from both versions are different.

Yi, Shuhua
School of Geography and Earth Sciences
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, CA L8S 4K1
Office: BSB-313
Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext. 24776
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Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 12:59:59 MST

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