Re: fortran subroutine in NCL

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 14:09:24 -0700 (MST)

>Is NCL able to incorporate a complicated fortran subroutine where within
>the fortran subroutine code another self-defined subroutine or
>function/procedure from e.g., LAPACK or IMSL library is called?

yes ....

Let's say you want to use the "rcurv" subroutine from IMSL.

[1] Create a wrapper that include the
    C NCLFORTSTART and C NCLEND delimeter.
    Let's say the following is called "foo_rcurv.f"

      subroutine rcurvwrap (nobs,x, y, ndeg, b, sspoly, stat, ndeg1)
      implicit none
      integer nobs, ndeg, ndeg1
      real x(nobs), y(nobs), stat(10)
      real b(ndeg1), sspoly(ndeg1)

      call rcurv (nobs, x, y, ndeg, b, sspoly, stat)

[2] Create a shared object using WRAPIT. The user must tell
    WRAPIT where the appropriate IMSL libraries are located.
    The example is for the SCD machine called "tempest"

    WRAPIT -l blas_mp -L /usr/local/lib64/r4i4 -l imsl_mp foo_rcurv.f

[3] execute NCL script with external

external IMSL "./"
    x = (/0., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2., 4., 4., 5., 5., 6., 6., 7., 7./)
    y = (/508.1, 498.4, 568.2, 577.3, 651.7, 657.0, 755.3 \
         ,758.9, 787.6, 792.1, 841.4, 831.8, 854.7, 871.4/)

    nobs = dimsizes(y)
    ndeg = 2
    ndeg1 = ndeg+1

    b = new ( ndeg+1, typeof(y))
    sspoly = new ( ndeg+1, typeof(y))
    stat = new ( 10 , typeof(y))

    IMSL::rcurvwrap (nobs,x, y, ndeg, b, sspoly, stat, ndeg1)
    print(" ")
    print("B: "+b)
    print(" ")
    print(" ")


Let's say you have LAPACK code someehere. The same model
would be used.


You could have one or nore files with many fortran subroutines.
The NCLFORTSTART and C NCLEND delimwters must be in
only those subroutines invoked from NCL.

goos luck

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