Re: Re: [ncl-talk] How to read a 3-d ascii grid data file ?

From: LEO_ARIES <Leo_Aries_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 00:07:32 +0800

Thanks for the reply. I have set my data as the format below:

190001.0 87.50 -157.50 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68
190001.0 87.50 -152.50 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68 -327.68
the 1st column is yyyymm (float) and 2nd/3rd is lat/lon, the other right 12 colums is the value of Jan to Dec.

I use the code below to read it,But still can't get the right result.
(NCL use more than 95% of my xeon cpu,but fail to finish running)

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
filName = "Grid_PRCP_1900-2005_Ascii.dat"
nRow = numAsciiRow (filName)
nCol = 15

data = asciiread (filName, (/nRow,nCol/), "float")
printVarSummary(data) ; It seem that ncl stop here because the printVarSummary(data)
                                         didn't give a output

yyyymm = floattointeger(data(:,0)) ; this convert float to integer

lats = data(0:2591,1) ; 36*72=2592 grids
lons = data(0:2591,2)
PRCP = data(:,3:)

PRCP!0 = 'lat'
PRCP!1 = 'lon'
PRCP!2 = 'time'
PRCP_at_lat = lats
PRCP_at_lon = lons
PRCP_at_time = ? ;I also want to know how to set time property of PRCP appropriately.




发件人: Dennis Shea
发送时间: 2006-05-17 03:59:11
主题: Re: [ncl-talk] How to read a 3-d ascii grid data file ?

>Thank you for your comment and help! I still have something need to know :
>[1] I would advise writing the ascii generated from fortran as:
> yyyymm lat lon jan feb .... dec
> This would give you 15 columns.
> the real format of yyyymm?
> Since all 12 monthly value in a year are
> written in one line,how to set the value of yyyymm?

       load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
       filName = "..."
       nRow = numAsciiRow (filName)
       nCol = 15
       data = asciiread (filName, (/nRow,nCol/), "float")
       yyyymm = floattointeger(data(:,0))
                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this convert float to integer
       lats = data(:,1)
       lons = data(:,2)
       prc = data(:,3:)
>[2] comment: commonly netCDF uses only one time dimension
> eg: prc(lat,lon,time) or prc(time,lat,lon)
> If time has units yyyymm you can readily
> extract the yyyy and mm
> yyyy = time/100
> mm = time - yyyy*100
>? I'm not sure about the exact format of
>yyyy and mm.For example ,when refering to
>the Jan of 1901 , yyyymm=190101?


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