Re: ellipse function in ncl?

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 10:36:04 -0600 (MDT)

>Does NCL have a function to create a graphical ellipse for data?
>I've looked.
>Before, I build one, would anyone happen to have already created such a script?
>I am in the middle of trying to create one based of the Matlab code below.

Seems to me the gsn_xy does what u want.
Just plug in x and y

If u want the major tick marks to be included

   res_at_tmXMajorGrid = True
   res_at_tmYMajorGrid = True
   res_at_mXMajorGridLineDashPattern = 1 ; or 2 ...
   res_at_mYMajorGridLineDashPattern = 1 ; or 2 ...
>function C=drawellipse(a,b,th,xc,yc,lt)
>%function C=drawellipse(a,b,th,xc,yc,lt)
>% Input: a=semimajor axis length, b=semiminor axis length
>% th=angle between semimajor axis and positive x axis.
>% (xc,yc) are optional inputs specifying the ellipse center
>% lt is an optional input specifying the line type
>% Output: rotation matrix
>% Author: E. Noble, University of Colorado 2/2005
>C=[cos(th) -sin(th); sin(th) cos(th)];
>if (nargin == 4)
> ltt=xc;
>elseif (nargin == 6)
> ltt=lt;
> ltt='g';
>if (nargin > 4)
> z=[z(1,:)+xc; z(2,:)+yc];

I don't know matlab.

   procedure rotate (x,y,theta)
   ; return the rotated coordinates
   local xtmp, ytmp, th
     xtmp = x
     ytmp = y
     rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.
     th = theta*rad
     x = xtmp*cos(th) - ytmp*sin(th)
     y = xtmp*sin(th) + ytmp*cos(th)

   function rotate (x,y,theta)
   ; return the rotated coordinates
   local xtmp, ytmp, th
     N = dimsizes(x)
     xy = new ( (/N,2/), typeof(x) )
     rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.
     th = theta*rad
     xy(:,0) = x*cos(th) - y*sin(th)
     xy(:,1) = x*sin(th) + y*cos(th)


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