Re: Time Variables

From: Arindam Chakraborty <arindam_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 00:58:25 -0400

hi Don,
    from the documentation it looks like labeling time axis is a ToDo
for the developers. I do not know if any other generic script exists
which automatically labels time axis without much effort. Here I'm
attaching an NCL script (tTick.ncl) which, when called before the
plotting function, should label the time axis with minimum
effort. Full documentation is provided inside the function. Caution is
that, I've not tested this function
with anything else other than gsn_csm_xy(). Hope it'll work for other as
well (should). In short, formating
time axis is like this:
x = ... ; time variable, should have units attribute
y = ... ; dependent variable, y = y(x)
res = True
res@... = ... ; general attributes like title, region etc

restick = true
restick_at_Format = "%N/%y"
plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res)
will produce y vs x with bottom x-axis labeled as 2-digit-month/2-digit-year

There's a general rule of formating documented inside the script (e.g.,
%c produces Jan, Feb kind of
month names, %Y for 4 digit year etc.).

No extensive testing was done, so it is up to the user to find in case
any flaws exists. Suggestions/comments
are welcome.

Hope this helps,


Don Morton wrote:
> Howdy, I'm still learning more NCL and having a great
> time!
> Question on time variables, in the form of a simple example
> case - I want to plot station temperatures from a 48-hour
> forecast - temperature on y-axis, time on x-axis. These
> temperatures are typically available at 3-hr intervals. On the
> same graph I want to plot the observed temperature for the
> station, and these are typically available hourly (sometimes
> more frequently) at 53 minutes past the hour.
> To do this in Excel is somewhat easy - just parse the timestamp
> into a "time" variable (which is typically just some number representing
> the time since some "Epoch"), then Excel takes care of the
> rest (converting the time variable to a human-readable date/time).
> I've been looking for something analogous in NCL, and the closest
> thing I've stumbled on is using ut_inv_calendar() to take a timestamp
> and parse it into year, month, etc. and convert to a number representing
> time since some Epoch (it appears that "I" choose the Epoch in this
> case). Then, I can use ut_calendar() to take that number later and
> convert it to the numeric components of a timestamp. So far, this is
> logical, and experimentation has convinced me I can make it work.
> The only issue I have is that when I actually want to plot this stuff,
> how
> can I format the labels on the x-axis so they're in human readable form?
> I realize that I can create some sort of "map" (as I've seen in a couple
> of your examples) that would translate the timestamp components to
> whatever format I want, and then use this for my labels. Is this the
> recommended way to do things? In Excel, of course, I could just
> specify the formatting I wanted and it would be done automatically,
> but I don't see that capability in NCL. No big deal, but being the
> lazy kind of person I am, I want to make sure I'm not missing something
> and making things much harder than they need to be :)
> Thanks,
> Don Morton

 Department of Meteorology
 Florida State University
 Tallahassee, FL-32306, USA
 Tel: +001-850-6443524 (Off)
      +001-850-5758550 (Res)
 Fax: +001-850-6449642

procedure tTick(time:numeric,resplot:logical,restick:logical)
; Purpose: Draw tickmark labels in the format of date/time on an axis.
; Arguments:
; time: The variable containing the values of time. This variable should
; have an attribute named "units". In other words, this variable
; holds the values of the coordinate axis 'time' along with the units.
; resplot: The general plot resources. This variable should then be used
; in the function to plot. It can have any other attributes, as
; usual. Only tmZZMode, tmZZValues and tmZZLabels are changed
; inside this procedure (where ZZ is one of XB, XT, YL or YR
; depending on which axis to mark).
; restick: Resources for the time axis tick formats. If this variable is
; true then its attributes are used to format the time axis.
; Valid attributes are:
; Format: a string specifying the format of the tick labels.
; This string is parsed as follows: the '%' acts as
; the escape character. The single character after every
; '%' is formatted according to the rule:
; Y => 4-digit year (e.g., 2007).
; y => 2-digit year (e.g., 07).
; C => CAPITAL month abbreviation (e.g., JUN).
; c => Small month abbreviation (e.g., Jun).
; F => CAPITAL full month (e.g., JUNE).
; f => Small full month (e.g., June).
; N => 2-digit month (e.g., 06).
; n => 1 or 2 digit month (e.g., 6 for June, 12 for December).
; D => 2-digit day (e.g., 04).
; d => 1 or 2 digit day (e.g., 4)
; H => 2-digit hour (e.g., 09).
; h => 1 or 2 digit hour (e.g., 9 or 11).
; M => 2 digit minute (e.g., 08).
; m => 1 or 2 digit minute (e.g., 07 or 56).
; S => 2 digit second (e.g., 02).
; s => 1 or 2 digit second (e.g., 2 or 23).
; Any character at any other place in the format string
; is drawn as is.
; NOTE: a '%' can be drawn using "%%".
; In case Format is absent, a minimal algorithm exists
; which tries to determine the format string depending
; on the length and values of the date-time.
; TickAxis: string. Can have values "XB", "XT", "YL", or "YR"
; depending on which axis is to label. Default is "XB".
; TickAt: integer. An Mx6 array containing M date-time values where
; tick labels should be marked. The 2nd dimension should
; contain the values of year, month, day, hour, minute
; and second in this order.
; If this attribute is missing, the script tries to
; determine the axis values for tick from the length
; of the data.
; nTicks: Approximate number of tick labels. Used only when
; TickAt is absent. Default value of this parameter is 4.
; Side effects:
; Values of tmZZMode, tmZZValues and tmZZLabels (ZZ = one of XB, XT, YL, YR)
; are set. Also resplot is set to True inside this procedure.
; Examples:
; time = ... ; the time variable
; y = ... ; variable to plot
; resplot@... = ... ; general resources variable.
; #1
; resplot = True
; restick = True
; restick_at_Format = "%c%y"
; tTick(time,resplot,restick) ; call the formating procedure
; plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,y,resplot) ; will produce bottom x-axis ticks
; as CccYy (Apr98, May98 etc).
; #2
; resplot = True
; restick = True
; restick_at_Format = "%N/%Y"
; restick_at_TickAxis = "YL"
; tTick(time,resplot,restick)
; plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,y,time,resplot) ; will produce left y-axis ticks
; as NN/YYYY (04/1998, 05/1998 etc).
; #3
; resplot = True
; restick = True
; restick_at_TickAt = (/(/1998,4,16,0,0,0/), \
; (/1998,6,16,0,0,0/), \
; (/1998,8,16,0,0,0/), \
; (/1998,10,16,0,0,0/), \
; (/1998,12,16,0,0,0/), \
; (/1999,2,16,0,0,0/)/)
; tTick(time,resplot,restick)
; plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,y,resplot) ; will produce bottom x-axis ticks
; at Apr 16, 1998, June 16, 1998 etc. Format will be determined
; in the procedure. Specify Format attribute to override the default.
; #4
; ...
; resplot_at_Format = "%H:%M:%S" will produce HH:MM:SS kind of time formatting.
; To specify month/day as well, use
; resplot_at_Format = "%N/%D %H:%M:%S"
; #5
; To write hour values as "HH:00 Hours" use
; resplot_at_Format = "%H:00 Hours"

local plot, ymdhms0, taxisvalues, ymdhms1, ymdhms1i, format, months, fmonths, inside


 months = (/"","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"/)
 fmonths = (/"","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"/)

 ; check input
 if (.not. isatt(time,"units")) then
  print("tTick: The variable containing time values must have a 'units' attribute.")
 end if

 resplot = True

 if (restick) then
  if (.not. isatt(restick,"TickAxis")) then
   restick_at_TickAxis = "XB"
  end if

  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XB") then
   resplot_at_tmXBMode = "Explicit"
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XT") then
   resplot_at_tmXTMode = "Explicit"
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YL") then
   resplot_at_tmYLMode = "Explicit"
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YR") then
   resplot_at_tmYRMode = "Explicit"
  end if

  ymdhms0 = ut_calendar(time,0)
  ymdhms0dim = dimsizes(ymdhms0)
  nt = ymdhms0dim(0)

  if (.not. isatt(restick,"TickAt")) then
   if (.not. isatt(restick,"nTicks")) then
    restick_at_nTicks = 4
   end if
   tstride = floattoint((nt-1)/restick_at_nTicks)
   ymdhms1 = ymdhms0(::tstride,:)
   ymdhms1 = restick_at_TickAt
  end if
  if (typeof(ymdhms1) .eq. "float") then
   ymdhms1i = floattointeger(ymdhms1)
   ymdhms1i = ymdhms1
  end if
  taxisvalues = ut_inv_calendar(ymdhms1i(:,0),ymdhms1i(:,1),ymdhms1i(:,2),ymdhms1i(:,3),ymdhms1i(:,4),ymdhms1i(:,5),time_at_units,0)

  dimsz = dimsizes(ymdhms1i)
  ntick = dimsz(0)
  tticklabels = new(ntick,"string")

  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XB") then
   resplot_at_tmXBValues = taxisvalues
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XT") then
   resplot_at_tmXTValues = taxisvalues
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YL") then
   resplot_at_tmYLValues = taxisvalues
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YR") then
   resplot_at_tmYRValues = taxisvalues
  end if

  if (.not. isatt(restick,"Format")) then
   if (ymdhms0(nt-1,0) .ne. ymdhms0(0,0)) then ; year changes
    if (abs(ymdhms0(nt-1,0)-ymdhms0(0,0)) .gt. ntick) then
     restick_at_Format = "%Y"
     restick_at_Format = "%c%y"
    end if
   else ; same year
    if (ymdhms0(nt-1,1) .ne. ymdhms0(0,1)) then ; month changes
     if (abs(ymdhms0(nt-1,1)-ymdhms0(0,1)) .gt. ntick) then
      restick_at_Format = "%c%y"
      restick_at_Format = "%N/%D"
     end if
    else ; same year/month
     if (ymdhms0(nt-1,2) .ne. ymdhms0(0,2)) then ; day changes
      if (abs(ymdhms0(nt-1,2)-ymdhms0(0,2)) .gt. ntick) then
       restick_at_Format = "%N/%D"
       restick_at_Format = "%D, %H hrs"
      end if
     else ; same year/month/day
      if (ymdhms0(nt-1,3) .ne. ymdhms0(0,3)) then ; hour changes
       if (abs(ymdhms0(nt-1,3)-ymdhms0(0,3)) .gt. ntick) then
        restick_at_Format = "%D, %H:%M"
        restick_at_Format = "%H:%M:%S"
       end if
      else ; same year/month/day/hour
       if (ymdhms0(nt-1,4) .ne. ymdhms0(0,4)) then ; minute changes
        if (abs(ymdhms0(nt-1,4)-ymdhms0(0,4)) .gt. ntick) then
         restick_at_Format = "%H:%M:%S"
         restick_at_Format = "%H:%M:%S"
        end if
       else ; same year/month/day/hour/minute
        restick_at_Format = "%H:%M:%S"
       end if
      end if
     end if
    end if
   end if
  end if

  lenfmt = strlen(restick_at_Format)
  format = stringtochar(restick_at_Format)

  do i = 0, ntick-1
   tticklabels(i) = ""
   inside = False
   j = 0
   do while(j .lt. lenfmt)
    if (format(j) .eq. "%") then
     inside = True
     j = j + 1
    end if

    if (.not. inside) then
     tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+format(j)
     if (format(j) .eq. "Y") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%04d",ymdhms1i(i,0))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "y") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",mod(ymdhms1i(i,0),100))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "C") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+changeCase(months(ymdhms1i(i,1)),"up")
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "c") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+months(ymdhms1i(i,1))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "F") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+changeCase(fmonths(ymdhms1i(i,1)),"up")
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "f") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+fmonths(ymdhms1i(i,1))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "N") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",ymdhms1i(i,1))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "n") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%d",ymdhms1i(i,1))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "D") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",ymdhms1i(i,2))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "d") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%d",ymdhms1i(i,2))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "H") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",ymdhms1i(i,3))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "h") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%d",ymdhms1i(i,3))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "M") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",ymdhms1i(i,4))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "m") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%d",ymdhms1i(i,4))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "S") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%02d",ymdhms1i(i,5))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "s") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+sprinti("%d",ymdhms1i(i,5))
      inside = False
     end if
     if (format(j) .eq. "%") then
      tticklabels(i) = tticklabels(i)+"%"
      inside = False
     end if
    end if

    j = j + 1
   end do

  end do


  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XB") then
   resplot_at_tmXBLabels = tticklabels
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "XT") then
   resplot_at_tmXTLabels = tticklabels
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YL") then
   resplot_at_tmYLLabels = tticklabels
  end if
  if (restick_at_TickAxis .eq. "YR") then
   resplot_at_tmYRLabels = tticklabels
  end if
 end if


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Received on Mon Jun 04 2007 - 22:58:25 MDT

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