Re: Taylor-diagrams

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:50:30 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Simone Marras wrote:

> Good morning,
> I am trying to generate some Taylor diagrams using the function
> taylor_diagram.ncl from,
> but with some problems.
> I know it has been shortly discussed before, recalling the example in the NCL
> website, but it is not clear to me how to generate a diagram starting from
> two netCdf exsisting files.
> I am not using NCL very often, but I'd like to use it with this purpose.
> I hope that someone can help me.
> Thanks
> Simone
> _______________________________________________


Download the script and modify the

  CNTL_DIR = "/project/cas/shea/CCM/b30.081/" ; Reference dataset
  TEST_DIR = (/ "/project/cas/shea/CCM/b30.081_di/" /) ; Test dataset directories

  CNTL_CASE = "b30.081"
  TEST_CASE = (/ "b30.081_di" /) ; one or more TEST cases

  SEASONS = (/ "DJF", "JJA", "ANN" /)
                   ,"PRC", "STRESS_SFC", "U300", "LHFLX_TropPac" /)
  CASES = (/ TEST_CASE /) ; possibly rename if TEST_CASE is long

                                        ; OPTIONAL
  TEST_MARKERS = (/ 16 /) ; one for each TEST_CASE
  TEST_COLORS = (/ "magenta" /)
  PLOT_TYPE = "ps"

The above is set-up to work withh CCSM files.
You will have to modify for your situation.

Good luck.
ncl-talk mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 17 2007 - 08:50:30 MDT

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