time unlimited

From: Nan Rosenbloom <nanr_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:15:03 -0600

Hello -

I am using a script to read variables from one file to another using
example 3 from
the NCL addfile documentation.

The process reads in all the variables from one file (in my case from a
netcdf file; the example reads from
a .ccm file to an .nc file), and then writes them to a new nc file.

Unfortunately, when it does the transfer, it move 'time' from being
UNLIMITED to having a fixed dimension.
I think this is causing problems farther down the line when I read the
file back in to a coupled ccsm run.
Does anyone know how to force ncl to retain the UNLIMITED status?

Thanks for any ideas!


Here is my script, copied nearly verbatim from the NCL documentation
under addfile, Example 3.

 cami = addfile(tfile,"r")
 att_names = getvaratts(cami) ; get CCM file's global attributes
 if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names))) then
    do i = 0,dimsizes(att_names)-1
      print("copy_fileatts: global attributes->" + att_names(i))
      ncout@$att_names(i)$ = cami@$att_names(i)$ ; copy file's
global attributes
    end do
  end if

  names = getfilevarnames(cami) ; get CCM file's variable names
and print them

  do i=0, dimsizes(names)-1
    print("writing ncdf: i,name="+ i+ " "+ names(i))
          ncout->$names(i)$ = cami->$names(i)$
  end do

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