
From: Gary Bates <gary.bates_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:26:31 -0700

I'm seeing some strange results when using reg_multlin to perform
multiple linear regression.

I'm calling reg_multlin multiple times (once at each grid point of a
73x144 grid). At most gridpoints the results look reasonable, but at a
handful of points I get results which are many orders of magnitude
larger (x 1.e20 or so). The strange thing is that when I add an unused
dummy array (test1 in the attachment, currently commented out) to my
script, the bad results go away and all looks good.

Has anyone had similar experiences using reg_multlin?

; Description: (1) Regress psi onto rmm1 and rmm2.
; Execution: ncl reg.ncl
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

; read in psi data
 fileanom0 = "/Volumes/Disk/gbates/mjo/"
 file0 = addfile( fileanom0,"r")

 time = file0->time
 t_len = dimsizes(time)

 year = time / 1000000
 month = time / 10000 - year*100
 day = time/100 - year*10000 - month*100

 lat = file0->lat
 lat_len = dimsizes(lat)

 lon = file0->lon
 lon_len = dimsizes(lon)

 psi0 = file0->psi250

 file2 = "/Volumes/Disk/gbates/mjo/psi250.anom"+nl+".nc"
 filef = addfile( file2,"r")

 psif = filef->psi250

;test1 = psi0

; read in normalized data
 fileorig = "/Volumes/Disk/gbates/mjo/"
 file1 = addfile( fileorig,"r") ; open CCM

 var = file1->var

; read in eofs
 fileeof = "/Volumes/Disk/gbates/mjo/"
 filee = addfile( fileeof,"r")


 eof1 = -1.*eof(0,0,:)
 eof2 = -1.*eof(0,1,:)

; Compute normalization factors and project eofs
; on data to get rmm1 and rmm2.
 var2 = var(lat|0,lon|:,time|:)
 varrun = runave( var(lat|0,lon|:,time|:), 120, 0 )
 var2 = var2 - varrun

 norm1 = eof1 # var2
 norm2 = eof2 # var2

 rmm1 = norm1 / dim_stddev( norm1 )
 rmm2 = norm2 / dim_stddev( norm2 )
 rmm1 = linmsg(rmm1,0)
 rmm2 = linmsg(rmm2,0)

; Set up needed arrays.
 rmm1bar = (/ -1.53, 0., 1.54, 0. /)
 rmm2bar = (/ 0., -1.69, 0., 1.61 /)

 p1 = new( (/lat_len, lon_len/), float)
 p1!0 = "lat"
 p1!1 = "lon"
 p1&lat = lat
 p1&lon = lon

 p2 = new( (/lat_len, lon_len/), float)
 p2!0 = "lat"
 p2!1 = "lon"
 p2&lat = lat
 p2&lon = lon

 x = new( (/3, t_len/), float)
 x@_FillValue= -999.9

 x(0,:) = 1.
 x(1,:) = rmm1(0:t_len-1)
 x(2,:) = rmm2(0:t_len-1)
 xstd = dim_stddev(x)

 delpsi = psi0
   kount = 0
   delpsi = -999.9

   do nt=0,t_len-ndays-1
       if(month(nt).le.3 .or. month(nt).ge.11) then
         mag = sqrt(xabs*xabs+yabs*yabs)
         if( then
           delpsi(nt,:,:) = psif(nt,:,:) - psi0(nt+nl,:,:)
         end if
       end if
     end if
   end do

; Multiple linear regression.
 y = new( (/t_len/), float)
 y@_FillValue= -999.9

 do nlat=0,lat_len-1
 do nlon=0,lon_len-1
   y = delpsi(:,nlat,nlon) * 1.e-7

   beta = reg_multlin (y,x,False)

   b = beta*xstd ; standard regression coefficients

   p1(nlat,nlon) = (/b(1)/)
   p2(nlat,nlon) = (/b(2)/)
   if(b(1).gt.1000.) then
   end if
 end do
 end do

 p1 = rmm1bar(np)*p1 + rmm2bar(np)*p2
 printMinMax(p1, True)


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