
From: <jimmyc_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 04:09:54 -0600 (CST)


I am trying to follow the example script WRF_track_1.ncl to add
polymarkers to a base map using WRF model data.

I am looping over time and the number of polymarkers but when I set
gsnDraw and gsnFrame to False it overlays on each plot.

I am also having a problem where the whole globe is being plotted rather
than my domain.

I am doing way more than this in the script but here is the relevant code:

; WRF: creat basic x-y plots. Simple variations
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRF_contributed.ncl"
external EX01 "./"

; open file and read in data
   f = addfile ("", "r")
; Read all the times. Convert to numeric units for plottin.
   Times = f->Times ; Times is of type character
   Time = WRF_Times2Udunits_c(Times, 0) ; convert to "hours since"
   lat = f->XLAT(0,:,:)
   lon = f->XLONG(0,:,:)

   x = 0
   Tim = new((/24/),double)
   do nt=4,96,4
   Tim(x) = Time(nt)
   x = x + 1
   end do

; Import time series of perturbation geopotential (PH)
; at a (arbitrarily) specified grid point
   rnf = f->RAINNC
   ratef = new((/24,224,299/),float)
   rng = g->RAINNC
   rateg = new((/24,224,299/),float)
   rnh = h->RAINNC
   rateh = new((/24,224,299/),float)
   rci = i->APCP ; (Time, bottom_top, south_north, west_east)
   ratei = new((/24,224,299/),float)
    ratef_at_description = "Precip. Rate"
    ratef_at_units = "mm/hr"
   ratef!0 = "Time"
   ratef!1 = "south_north"
   ratef!2 = "west_east"

   x = 0
   do nt=4,96,4
    if ( nt .gt. 0)then
    ratef(x,:,:) = ( rnf(Time|nt,south_north|:,west_east|:) - rnf(Time|nt-4,south_north|:,west_east|:))
; rateg(x,:,:) = (rcg(Time|nt,south_north|:,west_east|:) - rcg(Time|nt-4,south_north|:,west_east|:) + rng(Time|nt,south_north|:,west_east|:) - rng(Time|nt-4,south_north|:,west_east|:))
; rateh(x,:,:) = (rch(Time|nt,south_north|:,west_east|:) - rch(Time|nt-4,south_north|:,west_east|:) + rnh(Time|nt,south_north|:,west_east|:) - rnh(Time|nt-4,south_north|:,west_east|:))
    x = x+1
    end if
   end do

; ratei = rci

    dx = 4.0
    thresh = 1.0
    xx = 500
    yy = 299
    x = 299
    y = 224

    newa = new((/224,299/),float)
    var = new((/224,299/),float)
    data = new((/24,24,224,299/),float)
    ceni = new((/500/),float)
    cenj = new((/500/),float)
    cenf = new((/2,24,500/),float)
    index = new((/2,24/),integer)
    z = 0

    do nt=0,23
    var(:,:) = ratef(nt,:,:)

    data(0,nt,:,:) = newa(:,:)
    cenf(0,nt,:) = ceni(:)
    cenf(1,nt,:) = cenj(:)
    index(0,nt) = z
    end do

; create plots: Three slight variations.
   wks = gsn_open_wks("ps" ,"over") ; ps,pdf,x11,ncgm,eps

   res = True ; plot mods desired
   res_at_gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize size
; res_at_tiMainString = lat+"N "+fabs(lon)+"W"
   res_at_xyMarkLineMode = "MarkLines"
   res_at_xyMarkers = (/1,6,11,16/)
   res_at_pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always"
  res_at_pmLegendSide = "Top" ; Change location of
  res_at_pmLegendParallelPosF = .85 ; move units right
  res_at_pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.8 ; more neg = down

  res_at_pmLegendWidthF = 0.12 ; Change width and
  res_at_pmLegendHeightF = 0.25 ; height of legend.
  res_at_lgLabelFontHeightF = .02 ; change font height
  res_at_lgPerimOn = False ; no box around
; labels for the legend
  res_at_xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"MYJ","YSU","MRF","OBS"/)

   plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Tim,over,res)
   plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Tim,area,res)

   end if
;plot a shaded plot of object numbers

; create plots
; wks = gsn_open_wks("ps" ,"object") ; ps,pdf,x11,ncgm,eps
   wksa = gsn_open_wks("ps" ,"objects") ; ps,pdf,x11,ncgm,eps
; gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrReVi200") ; select color map
   gsn_define_colormap(wksa,"BlAqGrYeOrReVi200") ; select color map

; Use WRF_contributed procedure to set map resources
   resa = True
   resa_at_tiMainString = "objects"
   resa_at_gsnMaximize = True
   resa_at_gsnFrame = False
   resa_at_gsnDraw = False

   gsresa = True
   gsresa_at_gsMarkerIndex = 16
   cols = (/5,160,40/)
   gsresa_at_gsMarkerColor = cols(0)

   plot = gsn_csm_map(wksa,resa)


; Allocate array to store plots: specify time step
; plts = new ((/9/), "graphic") ; 1d array to hold plots
   dot = new ((/9,500/), "graphic")
; loop over each forecast
      n = 0
      do nt=9,17
; plts(n) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,data(0,nt,:,:),res)
       do in=0,index(0,nt)-1
        dot(n,in) = gsn_add_polymarker(wksa,plot,cenf(1,nt,in),cenf(0,nt,in),gsresa)
       end do
      n = n + 1
      end do


James Correia, Jr. PhD.
Email: jimmyc @
Email: jimmyc42 @
"Wisdom. Strength. Courage. Generosity. Each of us are born with one of
these. We must find the other three inside of us."
from "Into the West"
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