Is this the new bug of Version 5?

From: leo_aries <leo_aries_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:29:35 +0800

Hi, all

     I often use the NCL script ( along with the fotran program of fparreof.f ) to calculate the REOF and it run good
in the old version of NCL. Today I found that the same script can not run as well as before and the message tell
that it will cause a "coredump". Because my NCL has recently been updated to version 5.0, I doubt that it is a new bug.

The script is below , anyone can show me a hand? Thanks a lot!

          external PRNT "./"
    +2 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    +3 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
    +4 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
    +5 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
    +8 begin

          all_files = systemfunc("ls ../*.nc")
   +18 np = dimsizes(all_files)
   +19 nd = 40
   +20 print("using "+np+" data in EOFs")
   +22 pr = new((/np,nd/),"float")
   +23 lon = new((/np/),"float")
   +24 lat = new((/np/),"float")
   +25 do i =0,np-1 ; read nc files and store in a array
   +26 print("open "+all_files(i))
   +27 fi = addfile(all_files(i),"r")
   +28 x = fi->px
   +30 pr(i,:) = x({time|1961:2000})
   +33 delete(x)
   +34 end do

 ; define input and output array
   +44 var1 = transpose(dim_standardize(pr,0))
   +45 ;var1 = transpose(pr) ; input, notice: leftmost dim vary fast in NCL while the rightmost most in Fortran
   +46 ; refer to "the NCL/Fortran Array Mapping" in NCL Mannual
   +47 reof = new((/5,np/),float) ; define rotated eof pattern variable (first 5 reof patterns retrieved)
   +48 pctreof = new((/5/),float) ; define % variance var
   +49 ts_reof = new((/nd,5/),"float")
   +50 eofs = new((/5,np/),float)
   +51 pcteof = new((/5/),float) ; define % variance var
   +52 ts_eof = new((/nd,5/),"float")
   +55 ;mx = npts ; # total grid pts in area
   +56 mx = np ; total number in space ( proxy )
   +57 ; there is no missing in the input pr data, so mx = np
   +58 ;m = cnt ; # grid pts in area with data (e.g. over land)
   +59 m = np ; number (of no missing ) in space
   +60 ; In my reof case,m=mx=np because there is no missing in the input pr data
   +61 ;n = ntim ; # times
   +62 n = nd
   +63 ip = 5 ; modes calculated
   +64 kt = 15 ; iteration time
   +66 print("mx = "+mx+" m= "+m+" n= "+n)
   +68 ;WAPIT sends var1 and receives reof and pctr
   +69 PRNT::rotated(var1,mx,m,n,ip,kt,reof,pctreof,ts_reof,eofs,pcteof,ts_eof) ; call subroutine
* And the script just cause some error when calling subroutine





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