Re: error converting GRIB1 to netCDF

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:34:22 -0600


I will let one of the developers answer the memory question.

The reason the successfully created netCDF file is twice
the size of the GRIB file is that the ECMWF GRIB is basically
a 16-bit pack with a scale and offset. When unpacked to type
float [type real in fortran], the numbers have been converted
to float which is 32-bit.
If you want a netCDF that is a 16-bit pack you could:
[1] NCL's "pack_values
[2] Take the netCDF file created by NCL and the use the
      netCDF Operator (ncpdq) to pack the data.
       ncpdq -P all_new -M flt_sht
[3] FYI: if using NCL to process, you do noot need to
      create a netCDF file. Read the grib directly and
Good luck
Yolande Serra wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new user (as of today) to NCL and I am trying to convert some 
> GRIB1 files (1GB in size) to netCDF files to use with my own analysis 
> code. I have a PowerMac G5 dual core 64-bit machine running OS X 
> 10.4.11 and the latest version of NCL/NCAR graphics (installed today). 
> I've used the netcdf library for several years now and have no trouble 
> creating large (>2GB) netcdf files using FORTRAN code and the netcdf 
> library routines. However, when I try to convert my GRIB files I'm 
> getting this error:
> warning:FileVarAttDef:  Variable (time) has no attributes to assign
> ncl(22003) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=2279014400) failed (error code=3)
> ncl(22003) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
> ncl(22003) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
> fatal:NclMalloc Failed:[errno=12]
> Bus error
> [cassava:ECMWF/4x/NCAR] serra%
> The script I am running is a makeover of one of the scripts I found on 
> the NCL site for converting grib to netcdf including changing names of 
> variables and dimensions which is ultimately what I'd like to do. 
> Attached at the end of this message is my version of this script.
> I get basically the same error if I try to run ncl_convert2nc even 
> with the -L option. However, if I use another script I found on your 
> website it works but the resulting netCDF file is 2GB (2279031580 
> bytes), twice the size of the GRIB file. Here is that script:
> begin
> ;***********************************************
> ; get variable names from grib file
> ;***********************************************
>    grib_in  = addfile("./","r")
>    names    = getfilevarnames(grib_in); extract all variable names
> ;***********************************************
> ; create output netcdf file
> ;***********************************************
>    system("rm") ; remove any pre-existing 
> file
>    ncdf_out = addfile("" ,"c")       ; 
> create output netCDF file
> ;***********************************************
> ; loop through variables and output each to netcdf
> ;***********************************************
>    do i = 1, dimsizes(names)-1
>    ncdf_out->$names(i)$ = grib_in->$names(i)$
>    end do
> end
> This script will not work if the do loop goes from 0 to 
> dimsizes(names)-1 as the first variable seems to not be one that can 
> be written to a netcdf file?? What is strange is that the script below 
> that does not work (gives the bus error) should write a smaller netcdf 
> file since I don't put out all the time variables and I change time to 
> an integer from a double.
> Any ideas??
> Best regards, Yolande Serra
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Yolande Serra, Research Faculty
> Department of Atmospheric Science
> 524 PAS Bldg
> 1118 E 4th St, P.O. Box 210081
> University of Arizona
> Tucson, AZ 85721-0081
> Tel: (520) 621-6619; Fax: (520) 621-6833
> **** begin script to convert grib to netcdf *****
> load "/usr/local/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> function rdVar4D (f:file, vName:string, time:integer)
> ; read GRIB 4D variable and assign new dimension names
> begin
>   var = f->$vName$; read variable
>   var!0 = "time"     ; assign 'conventional' dimension names
>   var!1 = "level"
>   var!2 = "lat"
>   var!3 = "lon"
>   var&time = time    ; assign time coord variable
>   return(var)
> end
> begin
> ;***********************************************
> ; read in data from GRIB file
> ;***********************************************
>    gribdir  = "./"
>    gribfil  = ""
>    grib_in  = addfile(gribdir+gribfil, "r")
>    print( grib_in )                       ; file overview
>    TIME  = grib_in->initial_time0_hours   ; time as "hours since"
>    lat   = grib_in->g4_lat_2              ; latitude
>    lon   = grib_in->g4_lon_3              ; longitude
>    level   = grib_in->lv_ISBL1            ; level
>    lat!0 = "lat"                          ; assign new dimension name
>    lon!0 = "lon"
>    level!0 = "level"
> ;   TIME!0= "time"
>    date  = ut_calendar(TIME, 0)          ; change to date syntax
>    dtime  = 
> ut_inv_calendar(floattointeger(date(:,0)),floattointeger(date(:,1)),floattointeger(date(:,2)),floattointeger(date(:,3)),floattointeger(date(:,4)),date(:,5),"hours 
> since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0",0)
>    time   = doubletointeger(dtime)
>    time!0 = "time"
>    shum   = rdVar4D (grib_in, "Q_GDS4_ISBL" ,time)
> ;***********************************************
> ; create parameters and output file
> ;***********************************************
>     ntim  = dimsizes(time)
>     klev  = dimsizes(level)
>     nlat  = dimsizes(lat)
>     mlon  = dimsizes(lon)
>     system("'rm' -f")     ; remove 
> pre-exit file (if any)
>     ncdf  = addfile("","c")  ; create 
> output file
> ;***************************************************
> ; define file options [Version a033]
> ;***********************************************
>     setfileoption(ncdf, "prefill", False)
>     setfileoption(ncdf, "suppressclose", True)
>     setfileoption(ncdf, "definemode", True)
> ;***********************************************
> ; assign file attributes
> ;***********************************************
>     fAtt               = True
>     fAtt_at_title         = "GRIB-to-netCDF: Efficient Approach"
>     fAtt_at_source_file   = ""
>     fAtt_at_Conventions   = "None"
>     fAtt_at_creation_date = systemfunc("date")
>     fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt )
> ;***********************************************
> ; predefine coordinate information
> ;***********************************************
>     dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon",  "level" /)
>     dimSizes = (/ ntim ,  nlat,  mlon,  klev  /)
>     dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False,  False /)
>     filedimdef(ncdf, dimNames  , dimSizes,  dimUnlim )
>     filevardef(ncdf, "time"  , typeof(time), getvardims(time) )
>     filevarattdef(ncdf, "time", time)
>     filevardef(ncdf, "level"  , typeof(level) , getvardims(level) )
>     filevarattdef(ncdf, "level", level)
>     filevardef(ncdf, "lat", typeof(lat), getvardims(lat) )
>     filevarattdef(ncdf, "lat", lat)
>     filevardef(ncdf, "lon", typeof(lon), getvardims(lon) )
>     filevarattdef(ncdf, "lon", lon)
> ;***********************************************
> ; predefine variable sizes
> ;***********************************************
>     filevardef(ncdf,"shum",typeof(shum), getvardims(shum) )
>     filevarattdef(ncdf,"shum",shum)
> ;***********************************************
> ; terminate define mode: not necessary but for clarity
> ;***********************************************
>     setfileoption(ncdf, "definemode", False)
> ;***********************************************
> ; write data values to predefined locations
> ; (/ .../) operator transfer values only
> ;***********************************************
>     ncdf->time   = (/ time /)
>     ncdf->level    = (/ level /)
>     ncdf->lat    = (/ lat /)
>     ncdf->lon    = (/ lon /)
>     ncdf->shum      = (/ shum /)
> end
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Received on Fri May 16 2008 - 07:34:22 MDT

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