Re: rcm2points

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 08:33:13 -0600

Yang Yang wrote:
> Hello:
> I ran rcm2points by setting lat and lon with 2 or more elements without any problem.
> However, if I set lat and lon with only one element, the ncl script failed with the following error information:
> fatal:rcm2points: The input lat/lon grids must have at least 2 elements, and the output lat/lon arrays 1 element
> How to solve this problem? Thanks!
> Regards
> Ed
The following simple test script works fine.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
  nt = 0
  kl = 20

  a =
  x = a->T(nt,kl,:,:)

  lat2d = a->XLAT(nt,:,:) ; min= 16.789 max= 34.542
  lon2d = a->XLONG(nt,:,:) ; min=-105.153 max=-82.847

  latPts = (/22., 29./)
  lonPts = (/-100., -93./)
  xNew = rcm2points(lat2d, lon2d, x, latPts, lonPts, 1)

; Test Ed's ncl-talk question

  yPts = (/22./)
  xPts = (/-100./)
  xTst = rcm2points(lat2d, lon2d, x, yPts, xPts, 1)


Variable: xNew
Dimensions and sizes: [2]
0) 39.80119
(1) 39.21795
Variable: xTst
Dimensions and sizes: [1]
(0) 39.80119

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Received on Thu Jun 12 2008 - 08:33:13 MDT

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