As graph GOES satellite data formatted in netCDF NCL?

From: Carolina Dougnac Valdivia <carolina_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:24:06 -0400 (CLT)

I need to know how to graph data netCDF (downloaded from CLASS) satellite
The ncdump shows me:

netcdf goes {
        lines = 367 ;
        elems = 916 ;
        bands = 1 ;
        auditCount = 2 ;
        auditSize = 80 ;
        int version ;
                version:long_name = "McIDAS area file version" ;
        int sensorID ;
                sensorID:long_name = "McIDAS sensor number" ;
        int imageDate ;
                imageDate:long_name = "image year and day of year" ;
imageDate:units = "ccyyddd" ;
        int imageTime ;
                imageTime:long_name = "image time in UTC" ;
                imageTime:units = "hhmmss UTC" ;
        int startLine ;
                startLine:long_name = "starting image line" ;
                startLine:units = "satellite coordinates" ;
        int startElem ;
                startElem:long_name = "starting image element" ;
                startElem:units = "satellite coordinates" ;
        int numLines ;
                numLines:long_name = "number of lines" ;
        int numElems ;
                numElems:long_name = "number of elements" ;
        int dataWidth ;
                dataWidth:long_name = "number of bytes per source data
point" ;
                dataWidth:units = "bytes/data point" ;
        int lineRes ;
                lineRes:long_name = "resolution of each pixel in line
direction" ;
                lineRes:units = "km" ;
        int elemRes ;
                elemRes:long_name = "resolution of each pixel in element
direction" ;
                elemRes:units = "km" ;
        int prefixSize ;
                prefixSize:long_name = "line prefix size" ;
                prefixSize:units = "bytes" ;
        int crDate ;
                crDate:long_name = "image creation year and day of year" ;
crDate:units = "ccyyddd" ;
        int crTime ;
                crTime:long_name = "image creation time in UTC" ;
                crTime:units = "hhmmss UTC" ;
        int bands(bands) ;
                bands:long_name = "bands" ;
        char auditTrail(auditCount, auditSize) ;
                auditTrail:long_name = "audit trail" ;
        float data(bands, lines, elems) ;
                data:long_name = "data" ;
                data:type = "GVAR" ;
                data:units = "unitless" ;
        float latitude(lines, elems) ;
                latitude:long_name = "latitude" ;
                latitude:units = "degrees" ;
        float longitude(lines, elems) ;
                longitude:long_name = "longitude" ;
                longitude:units = "degrees" ;

 version = 4 ;

 sensorID = 78 ;

 imageDate = 2008176 ;

 imageTime = 234500 ;

 startLine = 6997 ;

 startElem = 8397 ;

 numLines = 367 ;

 numElems = 916 ;

 dataWidth = 2 ;

 lineRes = 16 ;

 elemRes = 16 ;

 prefixSize = 232 ;

 crDate = 2008176 ;

 crTime = 234514 ;

 bands = 3 ;

 auditTrail =
  "08179 3151 IMGCOPY DELIVERY/INL0215875.1 DELIVERY/NCL0215875.3
LINELE=6995 839",
  " 6 I PLACE=ULEFT BAND=3 DOC=YES MAG=-4 -4 SIZE=367 915
        " ;

 data =
  6912, 6848, 6368, 6624, 6656, 6560, ...

And when I write:

in = addfile("","r")
t = in->data
lat2d = in->latitude
lon2d = in->longitude
printVarSummary (t)
printVarSummary (lat2d)
printVarSummary (lon2d)

NCL shows me:

Variable: t
Type: float
Total Size: 1344688 bytes
            336172 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [bands | 1] x [lines | 367] x [elems | 916]
            bands: [3..3]
Number Of Attributes: 3
  long_name : data
  type : GVAR
  units : unitless

Variable: lat2d
Type: float
Total Size: 1344688 bytes
            336172 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [lines | 367] x [elems | 916]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  long_name : latitude
  units : degrees

Variable: lon2d
Type: float
Total Size: 1344688 bytes
            336172 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [lines | 367] x [elems | 916]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  long_name : longitude
  units : degrees

How do I make a script that makes a graph of the data in a given latitude
and longitude? Help me pleace.


Carolina Dougnac Valdivia.
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Received on Wed Aug 13 2008 - 18:24:06 MDT

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