Re: questions about cz2ccm

From: <yihuiw_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 22:35:23 -0700 (PDT)

Thank you for your help. I use the function cz2ccm to calculate
geopotential height successfully.
Can I have the original codes of function cz2ccm? I wrote a script to
calculate geopotential height by myself. The pattern of geopotential
height is almost the same while its value is 5% larger than the result by
using cz2ccm. So I'd like to know how does cz2ccm calculate geopotential
height. Thank you again.
All the best,

> Hello,
> [1] It is likely a memory issue. You script ran just fine on our systems.
> Try the attached script. If it fails you may have to run on a few
> months, create a netCDF file [time =>unlimites); then use
> ncrcat to concatenate the files.
> [2] You could improve your memory management by
> reusing variable space.
> [3] FYI: you do not need to read netCDF, you can read the grib
> directly.
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> begin
> f = addfile("U78614.grb","r")
> qf = addfile("U78615.grb","r")
> P0 = 100000.
> Rd = 287.
> Rv = 461.
> T = f->T_GDS4_HYBL_123
> Q = qf->Q_GDS4_HYBL_123
> T = T*(1+(Rv/Rd-1)*Q) ; compute virtual temperature
> T_at_long_name = "Temperature (virtual)"
> delete(Q) ; delete to save memory
> Zs = f->Z_GDS4_HYBL_123
> ps = f->LNSP_GDS4_HYBL_123
> ps = exp(ps) ; replace
> hyai = f->lv_HYBL_i4_a ;interface hybrid coefficient A
> hybi = f->lv_HYBL_i4_b ;interface hybrid coefficient B
> hyam = f->lv_HYBL3_a ;mid-layer hybrid coefficient A
> hybm = f->lv_HYBL3_b ;mid-layer hybrid coefficient B
> z2 = cz2ccm(ps,Zs,T,P0,hyam(::-1),hybm(::-1),hyai(::-1),hybi(::-1))
> copy_VarCoords(T,z2)
> z2_at_long_name = "geopotential height"
> z2_at_units = "gpm"
> ;---- Create 'nominal' pressure level coordinate and
> ; replace the integer hybrid level coordinates.
> ; This is what the CAM model does.
> delete(z2&lv_HYBL3) ; delete the integer values
> lev = (hyam+hybm)*P0*0.01 ; calculate nominal pressure levels
> lev!0= "lev"
> lev_at_units = "hPa"
> z2!1 = "lev" ; assign new name and p values
> z2&lev = lev
> printVarSummary( z2 )
> ; print one vertical profile over the
> ocean
> ; Use nominal pressure levels for p
> print (z2&lev+" "+z2(0,:,{45},{180}))
> end

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