Script for cross section

From: Jonathan Smith <jwsmith_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:48:44 -0600

To whom this may concern:

When I run wrf_CrossSection4.ncl at line 121 I recieve an error. The
error says that the function wrf_contour is not defined. I am not sure
if it has something to do with the WRFUserARW.ncl that I am using. Can
anyone take a look the scripts. I using a wrf output in this process.



; Example script to produce plots for a WRF real-data run,
; with the ARW coordinate dynamics option.
; Plot data on a cross section
; This script will plot data at a set angle through a specified point

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
load "/ptmp/jwsmith/NCLscripts/WRFUserARW.ncl"

; The WRF ARW input file.
; This needs to have a ".nc" appended, so just do it.
  dirname = "/ptmp/jwsmith/WRFChem3/run/"
  filename = ""
  print(" reading from file "+dirname+filename)
  a = addfile (dirname + filename, "r")

; We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer?
; type = "x11"
; type = "pdf"
  type = "ps"
; type = "ncgm"
  wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"plt_CrossSection4")

; Set some basic resources
  res = True
  res_at_MainTitle = "REAL-TIME WRF"
  res_at_Footer = False
  pltres = True


; What times and how many time steps are in the data set?
  FirstTime = True
  FirstTimeMap = True
  times = wrf_user_list_times(a) ; get times in the file
  ntimes = dimsizes(times) ; number of times in the file


  xlat = wrf_user_getvar(a, "XLAT",0)
  xlon = wrf_user_getvar(a, "XLONG",0)
  ter = wrf_user_getvar(a, "HGT",0)

  do it = 0,ntimes-1,2 ; TIME LOOP

    print("Working on time: " + times(it) )
    res_at_TimeLabel = times(it) ; Set Valid time to use on plots

; First get the variables we will need

    tc = wrf_user_getvar(a,"tc",it) ; T in C
    rh = wrf_user_getvar(a,"rh",it) ; relative humidity
    z = wrf_user_getvar(a, "z",it) ; grid point height


    do ip = 1, 3 ; we are doing 3 plots
                        ; all with the pivot point (plane) in the center of the domain
                        ; at angles 0, 45 and 90
 ; |
 ; |
 ; angle=0 is |, angle=90 is ------
 ; |
 ; |

  ; Build plane (pivot point) through which the cross section will go
  ; OR set to zero, if start and end points are specified
  ; IF using plane and angle, set opts in wrf_user_intrp3d to False
        dimsrh = dimsizes(rh)
        plane = new(2,float)
        plane = (/ dimsrh(2)/2, dimsrh(1)/2 /) ; pivot point is center of domain
        opts = False

        if(ip .eq. 1) then
          angle = 90.
          X_plane = wrf_user_intrp2d(xlon,plane,angle,opts)
          X_desc = "longitude"
        end if
        if(ip .eq. 2) then
          angle = 0.
          X_plane = wrf_user_intrp2d(xlat,plane,angle,opts)
          X_desc = "latitude"
        end if
        if(ip .eq. 3) then
          angle = 45.
          X_plane = wrf_user_intrp2d(xlon,plane,angle,opts)
          X_desc = "longitude"
        end if

         ; X-axis lables
         dimsX = dimsizes(X_plane)
         xmin = X_plane(0)
         xmax = X_plane(dimsX(0)-1)
         xspan = dimsX(0)-1
         nxlabs = floattoint( (xmax-xmin)/2 + 1)

       if (FirstTimeMap) then
         lat_plane = wrf_user_intrp2d(xlat,plane,angle,opts)
         lon_plane = wrf_user_intrp2d(xlon,plane,angle,opts)
         mpres = True
         mpres_at_mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Black"
         mpres_at_mpNationalLineColor = "Black"
         mpres_at_mpUSStateLineColor = "Black"
         mpres_at_mpGridLineColor = "Black"
         mpres_at_mpLimbLineColor = "Black"
         mpres_at_mpPerimLineColor = "Black"
         pltres = True
         pltres_at_FramePlot = False
         optsM = res
         optsM_at_NoHeaderFooter = True
         optsM_at_cnFillOn = True
         optsM_at_lbTitleOn = False
         contour = wrf_contour(a,wks,ter,optsM)
         plot = wrf_map_overlays(a,wks,(/contour/),pltres,mpres)
         lnres = True
         lnres_at_gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
         lnres_at_gsLineColor = "Red"
         do ii = 0,dimsX(0)-2
         end do
         pltres_at_FramePlot = True
      end if

       if (FirstTime) then
         ; THIS IS NEEDED FOR LABLES - ALWAYS DO (Z axis only needed once. X everytime plane changes)

         ; Y-axis labels
         zmax = 6000. ; We only want to see the first 6 km
         zz = wrf_user_intrp3d(z,z,"v",plane,angle,opts)
         dims = dimsizes(zz)
         do imax = 0,dims(0)-1
         if ( .not.ismissing(zz(imax,0)) .and. zz(imax,0) .lt. zmax ) then
           zmax_pos = imax
         end if
         end do
         zspan = zmax_pos
         zmin = z(0,0,0)
         zmax = zz(zmax_pos,0)
         nzlabs = floattoint(zmax + 1)

         FirstTime = False
         ; END OF ALWAYS DO
      end if

        ; Interpolate data vertically (in z)

        rh_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(rh,z,"v",plane,angle,opts)
        tc_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(tc,z,"v",plane,angle,opts)
  ; Options for XY Plots
        opts_xy = res
        opts_xy_at_tiXAxisString = X_desc
        opts_xy_at_tiYAxisString = "Height (km)"
        opts_xy_at_cnMissingValPerimOn = True
        opts_xy_at_cnMissingValFillColor = 0
        opts_xy_at_cnMissingValFillPattern = 11
        opts_xy_at_tmXTOn = False
        opts_xy_at_tmYROn = False
        opts_xy_at_tmXBMode = "Explicit"
        opts_xy_at_tmXBValues = fspan(0,xspan,nxlabs) ; Create the correct tick marks
        opts_xy_at_tmXBLabels = sprintf("%.1f",fspan(xmin,xmax,nxlabs)); Create labels
        opts_xy_at_tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
        opts_xy_at_tmYLMode = "Explicit"
        opts_xy_at_tmYLValues = fspan(0,zspan,nzlabs) ; Create the correct tick marks
        opts_xy_at_tmYLLabels = sprintf("%.1f",fspan(zmin,zmax,nzlabs)); Create labels
        opts_xy_at_tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.020
        opts_xy_at_tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.020
        opts_xy_at_tmXBMajorLengthF = 0.02
        opts_xy_at_tmYLMajorLengthF = 0.02
        opts_xy_at_tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
        opts_xy_at_PlotOrientation = tc_plane_at_Orientation

  ; Plotting options for RH
        opts_rh = opts_xy
        opts_rh_at_ContourParameters = (/ 10., 90., 10. /)
        opts_rh_at_pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.1
        opts_rh_at_cnFillOn = True
        opts_rh_at_cnFillColors = (/"White","White","White", \
                                            "White","Chartreuse","Green", \
                                            "Green3","Green4", \

  ; Plotting options for Temperature
        opts_tc = opts_xy
        opts_tc_at_cnInfoLabelZone = 1
        opts_tc_at_cnInfoLabelSide = "Top"
        opts_tc_at_cnInfoLabelPerimOn = True
        opts_tc_at_cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF = -0.00005
        opts_tc_at_ContourParameters = (/ 5. /)

  ; Get the contour info for the rh and temp
        contour_tc = wrf_contour(a,wks,tc_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),opts_tc)
        contour_rh = wrf_contour(a,wks,rh_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),opts_rh)

        plot = wrf_overlays(a,wks,(/contour_rh,contour_tc/),pltres)

  ; Delete options and fields, so we don't have carry over

    end do ; make next cross section


    FirstTimeMap = False
  end do ; END OF TIME LOOP


; function wrf_user_set_xy( var:numeric, xp:numeric, yp:numeric, x1:numeric, \
; y1:numeric,angle:numeric ,opts )
; function wrf_user_intrp3d( var3d:numeric, z:numeric, plot_type:string, \
; loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
; function wrf_user_intrp2d( var2d:numeric, \
; loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
; function wrf_user_getvar( nc_file:file, variable:string, time:integer )
; function wrf_user_list_times( nc_file:file )
; function wrf_user_latlon_to_ij( nc_file:file, latitude:numeric,
; longitude:numeric )
; function wrf_contour(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, \
; opt_args[1]:logical)
; function wrf_vector(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data_u[*][*]:numeric, \
; data_v[*][*]:numeric, opt_args[1]:logical)
; function wrf_map(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)
; function wrf_map_overlays(in_file[1]:file,wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, \
; plots[*]:graphic,opt_arg[1]:logical,mp_arg[1]:logical)
; function wrf_overlays(in_file[1]:file,wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \
; opt_arg[1]:logical)
; These next three functions are obsolete as of version 5.0.1 of NCL.
; Do not use them. Use wrf_overlays and wrf_map_overlays instead.
; function wrf_map_zoom(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical, \
; y1:integer,y2:integer,x1:integer,x2:integer)
; procedure wrf_map_overlay(wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, \
; plots[*]:graphic, \
; opt_arg[1]:logical)
; procedure wrf_overlay(wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \
; opt_arg[1]:logical)
; function add_white_space(str:string,maxlen:integer)
; procedure print_opts(opts_name,opts,debug)
; procedure print_header(icount:integer,debug)
; function : tointeger ;
; x:numeric ;
; ;
; Convert input to integer. ;
; ;
function tointeger(x:numeric)
local xi
    xi = doubletointeger(x)
      xi = floattointeger(x)
        xi = new(dimsizes(x),integer,x@_FillValue)
        xi = new(dimsizes(x),integer)
      end if
      xi = x
    end if
  end if

function wrf_user_set_xy( var:numeric, xp:numeric, yp:numeric, x1:numeric, \
                          y1:numeric, angle:numeric, opts )

; mass coordinate version of ncl user routines

local dims,x,y,slope,intercept,distance,dx,dy,dxy,npts,xy


; find intersection of line and domain boundaries

  dims = dimsizes(var)

  if (.not. opts) then ; We have a pivot point and location and
                              ; need to calculate the start and end points of
                              ; the cross section

     if ((angle .gt. 315.) .or. (angle .lt. 45.) .or. \
         ((angle .gt. 135.) .and. (angle .lt. 225.)) ) then

; x = y*slope + intercept

          slope = -(360.-angle)/45.
          if( angle .lt. 45. ) then
            slope = angle/45.
          end if
          if( angle .gt. 135.) then
            slope = (angle-180.)/45.
          end if
          intercept = xp - yp*slope

; find intersections with domain boundaries

          y0 = 0.
          x0 = y0*slope + intercept
          if( x0 .lt. 0.) then ; intersect outside of left boundary
            x0 = 0.
            y0 = (x0 - intercept)/slope
          end if
          if( x0 .gt. dims(2)-1) then ; intersect outside of right boundary
            x0 = dims(2)-1
            y0 = (x0 - intercept)/slope
          end if
          y1 = dims(1)-1. ; need to make sure this will be a float?
          x1 = y1*slope + intercept
          if( x1 .lt. 0.) then ; intersect outside of left boundary
            x1 = 0.
            y1 = (x1 - intercept)/slope
          end if
          if( x1 .gt. dims(2)-1) then ; intersect outside of right boundary
            x1 = dims(2)-1
            y1 = (x1 - intercept)/slope
          end if


; y = x*slope + intercept

          slope = (90.-angle)/45.
          if( angle .gt. 225. ) then
            slope = (270.-angle)/45.
          end if
          intercept = yp - xp*slope

; find intersections with domain boundaries

          x0 = 0.
          y0 = x0*slope + intercept
          if( y0 .lt. 0.) then ; intersect outside of bottom boundary
            y0 = 0.
            x0 = (y0 - intercept)/slope
          end if
          if( y0 .gt. dims(1)-1) then ; intersect outside of top boundary
            y0 = dims(1)-1
            x0 = (y0 - intercept)/slope
          end if

          x1 = dims(2)-1. ; need to make sure this will be a float?
          y1 = x1*slope + intercept
          if( y1 .lt. 0.) then ; intersect outside of bottom boundary
            y1 = 0.
            x1 = (y1 - intercept)/slope
          end if
          if( y1 .gt. dims(1)-1) then ; intersect outside of top boundary
            y1 = dims(1)-1
            x1 = (y1 - intercept)/slope
          end if
     end if ; we have beginning and ending points

  end if

  if (opts) then ; We have a specified start and end point
    x0 = xp
    y0 = yp
    if ( x1 .gt. dims(2)-1 ) then
      x1 = dims(2)
    end if
    if ( y1 .gt. dims(1)-1 ) then
      y1 = dims(1)
    end if
  end if

  dx = x1 - x0
  dy = y1 - y0
  distance = (dx*dx + dy*dy)^0.5
  npts = tointeger(distance)
  dxy = new(1,typeof(distance))
  dxy = distance/npts

  xy = new((/ npts, 2 /),typeof(x1))

  dx = dx/npts
  dy = dy/npts

  do i=0,npts-1
    xy(i,0) = x0 + i*dx
    xy(i,1) = y0 + i*dy
  end do

; print(xy)


function wrf_user_intrp3d( var3d:numeric, z:numeric, \
                           plot_type:string, \
                           loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )

; var3d - field to inerpolate (all input fields must be unstaggered
; z - interpolate to this field (either p/z)
; plot_type - interpolate horizontally "h", or vertically "v"
; loc_param - level for horizontal plots (eg. 500hPa ; 3000m - scalar),
; plane for vertical plots (2 values representing an xy point
; on the model domain through which the vertical plane will pass
; OR 4 values specifying start and end values
; angle - 0.0 for horizontal plots, and
; an angle for vertical plots - 90 represent a WE cross section
; opts Used IF opts is TRUE, else use loc_param and angle to determine crosssection


  if(plot_type .eq. "h" ) then ; horizontal cross section needed

     var2d = wrf_interp_3d_z(var3d,z,loc_param)

     if ( z(1,1,1) .gt. 500.) then
        var2d_at_PlotLevelID = loc_param + " hPa"
        var2d_at_PlotLevelID = .001*loc_param + " km"
     end if

  end if

  if(plot_type .eq. "v" ) then ; vertical cross section needed

; set vertical cross section
     if (opts) then
       xy = wrf_user_set_xy( z, loc_param(0)-1, loc_param(1)-1, \ ; the -1 is for NCL dimensions
                                loc_param(2)-1, loc_param(3)-1, \
                                angle, opts )
       xy = wrf_user_set_xy( z, loc_param(0), loc_param(1), \
                                0.0, 0.0, angle, opts )
     end if
     xp = dimsizes(xy)

; first we interp the variable, then z
     var2dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var3d, xy)
     var2dz = wrf_interp_2d_xy( z, xy)

; interp to constant z grid
     z_max = max(var2dz)
     z_min = min(var2dz)
     dz = 0.01*(z_max - z_min)
     nlevels = 101
     z_var2d = new( (/nlevels/), typeof(var2dz))
     z_var2d(0) = z_min

     var2d = new( (/nlevels, xp(0)/), typeof(var2dz))
     if(var2dz(0,0) .gt. var2dz(1,0) ) then ; monotonically decreasing coordinate
        dz = -dz
        z_var2d(0) = z_max
     end if

     do i=1, nlevels-1
        z_var2d(i) = z_var2d(0)+i*dz
     end do

     do i=0,xp(0)-1
        var2d(:,i) = wrf_interp_1d( var2dtmp(:,i), var2dz(:,i), z_var2d)
     end do

     st_x = tointeger(xy(0,0)) + 1
     st_y = tointeger(xy(0,1)) + 1
     ed_x = tointeger(xy(xp(0)-1,0)) + 1
     ed_y = tointeger(xy(xp(0)-1,1)) + 1
     if (opts) then
       var2d_at_Orientation = "Cross-Sesion: (" + \
                            st_x + "," + st_y + ") to (" + \
                            ed_x + "," + ed_y + ")"
       var2d_at_Orientation = "Cross-Sesion: (" + \
                            st_x + "," + st_y + ") to (" + \
                            ed_x + "," + ed_y + ") ; center=(" + \
                            loc_param(0) + "," + loc_param(1) + \
                            ") ; angle=" + angle
     end if

  end if



function wrf_user_intrp2d( var2d:numeric, \
                           loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )

; var2d - field to inerpolate
; loc_param - plane for vertical plots (2 values representing an xy point
; on the model domain through which the vertical plane will pass
; OR 4 values specifying start and end values
; angle - 0.0 for horizontal plots, and
; an angle for vertical plots - 90 represent a WE cross section
; opts Used IF opts is TRUE, else use loc_param and angle to determine crosssection


     dims = dimsizes(var2d)
     var2dtmp = new( (/1,dims(0),dims(1)/), typeof(var2d))
     var2dtmp(0,:,:) = var2d(:,:)

; set vertical cross section
     if (opts) then
       xy = wrf_user_set_xy( var2dtmp, \
                             loc_param(0)-1, loc_param(1)-1, \ ; the -1 is for NCL dimensions
                             loc_param(2)-1, loc_param(3)-1, \
                             angle, opts )
       xy = wrf_user_set_xy( var2dtmp, \
                             loc_param(0), loc_param(1), \
                             0.0, 0.0, angle, opts )
     end if
     xp = dimsizes(xy)

     var1dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var2dtmp, xy)

     dims = dimsizes(var1dtmp)
     var = new( (/dims(1)/), typeof(var1dtmp))
     var(:) = var1dtmp(0,:)



function wrf_user_getvar( nc_file:file, variable:string, time:integer )


  if( (variable .eq. "uvmet") ) then
       ;; Calculate winds rotated to earth coord.
       ;; Return a 4D array where uvmet(0,:,:,:) is umet and
       ;; uvmet(1,:,:,:) is vmet

       pii = 3.14159265
       radians_per_degree = pii/180.

       v = nc_file->V(time,:,:,:)
       dimv = dimsizes(v)
       u = nc_file->U(time,:,:,:)
       dimu = dimsizes(u)

       uvmet = new( (/ 2, dimu(0), dimu(1), dimv(2)/), typeof(u))

       map_projection = nc_file_at_MAP_PROJ

       if(map_projection .eq. 0) then ; no projection
           uvmet(0,:,:,:) = 0.5*(u(:,:,:dimv(2)-2) + u(:,:,1:dimv(2)-1))
           uvmet(1,:,:,:) = 0.5*(v(:,:dimv(1)-2,:) + v(:,1:dimv(1)-1,:))
           uvmet_at_description = " u,v met velocity"
           uvmet_at_units = "m/s"
       end if

       cen_lat = nc_file_at_CEN_LAT
       if(isatt(nc_file,"STAND_LON")) then
           cen_long = nc_file_at_STAND_LON
           cen_long = nc_file_at_CEN_LON
       end if
       true_lat1 = nc_file_at_TRUELAT1
       true_lat2 = nc_file_at_TRUELAT2
         latitude = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
         longitude = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
         latitude = nc_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
         longitude = nc_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
       end if

       cone = 1.
       if( map_projection .eq. 1) then ; Lambert Conformal mapping
         if( (fabs(true_lat1 - true_lat2) .gt. 0.1) .and. \
             (fabs(true_lat2 - 90. ) .gt. 0.1) ) then
             cone = 10^(cos(true_lat1*radians_per_degree)) \
             cone = cone/(10^(tan(45. -fabs(true_lat1/2.)*radians_per_degree)) - \
                          10^(tan(45. -fabs(true_lat2/2.)*radians_per_degree)) )
             cone = sin(fabs(true_lat1)*radians_per_degree)
         end if
       end if
       if(map_projection .eq. 2) then ; polar steraographic
         cone = 1.
       end if
       if(map_projection .eq. 3) then ; Mercator
         cone = 0.
       end if

       uvmet = wrf_uvmet( u,v, latitude, longitude, cen_long, cone )


  end if

  if( variable .eq. "ua" ) then
       ; U interpolated to mass points
       U = nc_file->U(time,:,:,:)
       dim = dimsizes(U)
       ua = 0.5*(U(:,:,:dim(2)-2) + U(:,:,1:dim(2)-1))
       ua_at_description = "u Velocity"
       ua_at_units = "m/s"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "va" ) then
       ; V interpolated to mass points
       V = nc_file->V(time,:,:,:)
       dim = dimsizes(V)
       va = 0.5*(V(:,:dim(1)-2,:)+V(:,1:dim(1)-1,:))
       va_at_description = "v Velocity"
       va_at_units = "m/s"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "wa" ) then
       ; W interpolated to mass points
       W = nc_file->W(time,:,:,:)
       dim = dimsizes(W)
       wa = 0.5*(W(0:dim(0)-2,:,:)+W(1:dim(0)-1,:,:))
       wa_at_description = "Vertical Velocity w"
       wa_at_units = "m/s"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "pressure" ) then
       ; Full model pressure [=base pressure (PB) + pertubation pressure (P)]
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       pressure = 0.01 * ( P + PB )
       pressure_at_description = "Pressure"
       pressure_at_units = "hPa"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "z" ) then
       ; Height [=full geopotentail height / 9.81]
       PH = nc_file->PH(time,:,:,:)
       PHB = nc_file->PHB(time,:,:,:)
       var = ( PH + PHB ) / 9.81
       dim = dimsizes(var)
       z = 0.5*(var(0:dim(0)-2,:,:)+var(1:dim(0)-1,:,:))
       z_at_description = "Height"
       z_at_units = "m"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "th" ) then
       ; Potentail Temperature is model output T + 300K
       T = nc_file->T(time,:,:,:)
       th = T + 300.
       th_at_description = "Potential Temperature (theta) "
       th_at_units = "K"
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "tk" ) then
       ;; function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input and returns temperature in K on return
       T = nc_file->T(time,:,:,:)
       th = T + 300.
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       p = P + PB
       tk = wrf_tk( p , th )
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "tc" ) then
       ;; function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input and returns temperature in K on return
       T = nc_file->T(time,:,:,:)
       th = T + 300.
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       p = P + PB
       tc = wrf_tk( p , th )
       tc = tc - 273.16
       tc_at_units = "C" ; Overwrite return units
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "td" ) then
       ;; function wrf_td needs qv and pressure (Pa) on input and returns dewpoint temperature on return
       QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time,:,:,:)
       QVAPOR = QVAPOR > 0.0
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       p = P + PB
       td = wrf_td( p , QVAPOR )
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "td2" ) then
       ;; function wrf_td needs qv and pressure (Pa) on input and returns dewpoint temperature on return
       Q2 = nc_file->Q2(time,:,:)
       Q2 = Q2 > 0.0
       P = nc_file->P(time,0,:,:) ; get only the lowest level, to match Q2
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,0,:,:) ; get only the lowest level, to match Q2
       p = P + PB
       td2 = wrf_td( p , Q2 )
       td2_at_description = "2m Dewpoint Temperature" ; Overwrite return description
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "slp" ) then
       ;; first compute theta
       ;; function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input
       T = nc_file->T(time,:,:,:)
       th = T + 300.
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       p = P + PB
       tk = wrf_tk( p , th )

       ;; now compute sea level pressure, from qv, p (Pa), tk, z
       QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time,:,:,:)
       QVAPOR = QVAPOR > 0.000
       PH = nc_file->PH(time,:,:,:)
       PHB = nc_file->PHB(time,:,:,:)
       var = ( PH + PHB ) / 9.81
       dim = dimsizes(var)
       z = 0.5 * ( var(0:dim(0)-2,:,:) + var(1:dim(0)-1,:,:) )

       ;; get slp
       slp = wrf_slp( z, tk, p, QVAPOR )
  end if

  if( variable .eq. "rh" ) then
       ;; first compuet tk
       ;; function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input
       T = nc_file->T(time,:,:,:)
       th = T + 300.
       P = nc_file->P(time,:,:,:)
       PB = nc_file->PB(time,:,:,:)
       p = P + PB
       tk = wrf_tk( p , th )

       ;; now compute rh, using tk, p (Pa), QVAPOR
       QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time,:,:,:)
       QVAPOR = QVAPOR > 0.000
       rh = wrf_rh( QVAPOR, p, tk )
  end if

; end of diagnostic variable list - we must want a variable already in
; the file. check variable dimensionality and pull proper time out of file

  ndims = dimsizes(filevardimsizes(nc_file,variable))
  if( ndims .eq. 4) then
    var = nc_file->$variable$(time,:,:,:)
  end if
  if( ndims .eq. 3) then
    var = nc_file->$variable$(time,:,:)
  end if
  if( ndims .eq. 2) then
    var = nc_file->$variable$(time,:)
  end if
  if( ndims .eq. 1) then
    var = nc_file->$variable$(time)
  end if




function wrf_user_list_times( nc_file:file )

local times, times_in_file, dims, i

  times_in_file = nc_file->Times
  dims = dimsizes(times_in_file)
  times = new(dims(0),string)
  do i=0,dims(0)-1
    times(i) = chartostring(times_in_file(i,:))
  end do
  times_at_description = "times in file"



function wrf_user_latlon_to_ij( nc_file:file, latitude:numeric, \
                                longitude:numeric )


    XLAT = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
    XLONG = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
    XLAT = nc_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
    XLONG = nc_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
  end if

  loc = wrf_latlon_to_ij( XLAT, XLONG, latitude, longitude )




procedure delete_attrs(opts:logical)

; This procedure does some cleanup by removing unneeded attributes
; so they don't get passed to other routines by accident.

  list_attrs = (/"MainTitle","MainTitlePos","MainTitlePosF", \
                 "InitTime","ValidTime","TimePos","TimePosF", \
                 "NoHeaderFooter","TimeLabel","LevelLabel", \
                 "FieldTitle","UnitLabel","NumVectors","AspectRatio", \
                 "SubFieldTitle","PlotOrientation","PlotLevelID", \

  do i=0,dimsizes(list_attrs)-1
    if(isatt(opts,list_attrs(i))) then
    end if
  end do

function set_cn_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)


  opts = res

; The ContourParameters resource can either be a scalar that
; represents the contour level spacing, or it can be an array
; of three elements that represent the minimum level, the maximum
; level, and the level spacing.
  mx = max(data)
  mn = min(data)

  if(,"ContourParameters")) then
    if(dimsizes(opts_at_ContourParameters) .eq. 1) then

; Only the contour interval is specified.
      nlev = tointeger((mx-mn)/opts_at_ContourParameters)+1
      levels = nice_mnmxintvl(mn,mx,nlev,True)
      if(levels(0) .lt. 0.) then
        ; Set a zero contour.
        nlev = tointeger(levels(0)/opts_at_ContourParameters) - 1
        levels(0) = nlev*opts_at_ContourParameters
      end if
      nlev = tointeger((levels(1)-levels(0))/opts_at_ContourParameters)+1
      levels(1) = levels(0) + nlev*opts_at_ContourParameters
      levels(2) = opts_at_ContourParameters

; Min level, max level, and level spacing are specified by user.
      if(dimsizes(opts_at_ContourParameters) .eq. 3) then
        levels = opts_at_ContourParameters
        print("wrf_contour: Warning: illegal setting for ContourParameters attribute")
      end if
    end if

  end if

; Contour levels
  if(isvar("levels")) then
    opts_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnLevelSelectionMode", "ManualLevels")
    opts_at_cnMinLevelValF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnMinLevelValF", levels(0))
    opts_at_cnMaxLevelValF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnMaxLevelValF", levels(1))
    opts_at_cnLevelSpacingF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnLevelSpacingF",levels(2))
  end if

; Set the default zero line thickness to 2, and the negative contour
; line dash pattern to 1 (0 is solid).
  opts_at_gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF",2.0)
  opts_at_gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnContourNegLineDashPattern",1)

; Set resources that apply for both filled and line contour plots.
  opts_at_cnFillDrawOrder = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillDrawOrder", "PreDraw")

  opts_at_cnLineLabelAngleF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelAngleF", 0.0)
  opts_at_cnLineLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
  opts_at_cnLineLabelPerimOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelPerimOn", True)
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelPerimOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelPerimOn", False)
  opts_at_cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
  opts_at_cnHighLabelBackgroundColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnHighLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
  opts_at_cnLowLabelBackgroundColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLowLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
  opts_at_cnLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineColor", "Black")
  opts_at_cnLineLabelFontColor = opts_at_cnLineColor
  opts_at_cnLineLabelPerimColor = opts_at_cnLineColor
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelFontColor = opts_at_cnLineColor
  opts_at_cnHighLabelFontColor = opts_at_cnLineColor
  opts_at_cnLowLabelFontColor = opts_at_cnLineColor

; Set field Title and levels if available
  if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
    opts_at_cnInfoLabelString = opts_at_FieldTitle + " Contours: $CMN$ to $CMX$ by $CIU$"
    if(isatt(data,"description")) then
      opts_at_cnInfoLabelString = data_at_description + " Contours: $CMN$ to $CMX$ by $CIU$"
      opts_at_cnInfoLabelString = " Contours: $CMN$ to $CMX$ by $CIU$"
    end if
  end if

function set_lb_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)


  opts = res

; Somewhat convoluted way to see if a labelbar is not desired.
     check_attr(opts,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode",0,False).or. \
     check_attr(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",0,False)) then
    lbar_on = False
    lbar_on = True
  end if
  atmp = get_res_value(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",True) ; Remove this resource
  delete(atmp) ; just in case.

; Possible title for the labelbar
  if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
    lb_desc = opts_at_FieldTitle
    if(isatt(data,"description")) then
      lb_desc = data_at_description
      lb_desc = ""
    end if
  end if

  if(isatt(opts,"UnitLabel") ) then
    lb_desc = lb_desc + " (" + opts_at_UnitLabel + ")"
    if(isatt(data,"units") .and. .not.(data_at_units.eq."")) then
      lb_desc = lb_desc + " (" + data_at_units + ")"
    end if
  end if

  if(.not.isatt(opts,"cnFillColors")) then
    opts_at_gsnSpreadColors = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnSpreadColors", True)
  end if
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelOn", False)
  opts_at_cnLinesOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLinesOn", False)
  opts_at_cnLineLabelsOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelsOn", False)

; Labelbar resources
  if(lbar_on) then
    opts_at_pmLabelBarDisplayMode = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode", "Always")
    opts_at_pmLabelBarSide = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarSide", "Bottom")
    opts_at_lbAutoManage = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbAutoManage",False)
    opts_at_lbOrientation = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbOrientation", "Horizontal")
    opts_at_lbPerimOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbPerimOn", False)
    opts_at_lbLabelJust = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelJust", "BottomCenter")
    opts_at_lbLabelAutoStride = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelAutoStride",True)
    opts_at_lbBoxMinorExtentF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbBoxMinorExtentF", 0.13)
    opts_at_lbTitleFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleFontHeightF", 0.015)
    opts_at_lbLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
    opts_at_pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF", -0.1)

    opts_at_lbTitleOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOn", True)
    if("" .and. opts_at_lbTitleOn) then
      opts_at_lbTitleOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOn", True)
      opts_at_lbTitleString = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleString", lb_desc)
      opts_at_lbTitleJust = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleJust", "BottomCenter")
      opts_at_lbTitleOffsetF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOffsetF", -0.5)
      opts_at_lbTitleOn = False
    end if
  end if

function set_title_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)


  opts = res

; Set field Title and levels if available
  if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
    SubTitles = opts_at_FieldTitle
    if(isatt(data,"description")) then
      SubTitles = data_at_description
      SubTitles = "UnKnown"
    end if
  end if

  if(isatt(opts,"SubFieldTitle")) then
    SubTitles = SubTitles + " " + opts_at_SubFieldTitle
  end if
  if(isatt(opts,"UnitLabel")) then
    SubTitles = SubTitles + " (" + opts_at_UnitLabel + ")"
     if(isatt(data,"units") .and. .not.(data_at_units.eq."")) then
      SubTitles = SubTitles + " (" + data_at_units + ")"
    end if
  end if
  if (isatt(opts,"PlotLevelID")) then
    SubTitles = SubTitles + " at " + opts_at_PlotLevelID
    if (isatt(data,"PlotLevelID")) then
       SubTitles = SubTitles + " at " + data_at_PlotLevelID
    end if
  end if
  opts_at_tiMainString = SubTitles

function set_vc_resources (res:logical)


  opts = res

  if ( isatt(opts,"vpWidthF") ) then
  ; num_vectors is used for vcMinDistanceF and vcRefLengthF
    width = opts_at_vpWidthF
    num_vectors = get_res_value(opts,"NumVectors",25.0)
    opts_at_vcMinDistanceF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinDistanceF", width/num_vectors)
    opts_at_vcRefLengthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefLengthF", width/num_vectors)
    opts_at_vcMinDistanceF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinDistanceF", 0.02)
    opts_at_vcRefLengthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefLengthF", 0.02)
  end if

  opts_at_vcGlyphStyle = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcGlyphStyle", "WindBarb")
  opts_at_vcWindBarbColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcWindBarbColor", "Black")
  opts_at_vcRefAnnoOn = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefAnnoOn", False)
  opts_at_vcMinFracLengthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinFracLengthF", .2)

;procedure _SetMainTitle(nc_file:file,wks[1]:graphic,cn[1]:graphic,opts)
; This procedure checks the input data for certain attributes, and
; based on those, sets MainTitle, InitTime and ValidTime
; Attributes recognized by this procedure:
; MainTitle (main title - top left)
; (with Init time top right)
; TimeLabel (valid time - right under init time)
; NoHeaderFooter (switch all headers and footers off - mainly for panels)
; If the "NoHeaderFooter" attribute exists and is set True, then
; don't create any titles.

  opts = True
  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoHeaderFooter").and.opts_at_NoHeaderFooter) then
  end if

; Set basic plot font
  font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
; If a MainTitle attribute hasn't been set, then set to "WRF"
; Also set an Initial time
; MAIN Header of plot
  opts = True
  opts_at_MainTitle = get_res_value_keep(opts,"MainTitle", " ")
  opts_at_MainTitlePos = get_res_value_keep(opts,"MainTitlePos", "Left")
  opts_at_InitTime = get_res_value_keep(opts,"InitTime", True)
  opts_at_ValidTime = get_res_value_keep(opts,"ValidTime", True)
  opts_at_TimePos = get_res_value_keep(opts,"TimePos", "Right")
  opts_at_Footer = get_res_value_keep(opts,"Footer", True)
  if (opts_at_MainTitlePos .eq. "Left")
    opts_at_MainTitlePos = "CenterLeft"
    opts_at_MainTitlePosF = 0.0
  end if
  if (opts_at_MainTitlePos .eq. "Center")
    opts_at_MainTitlePos = "CenterCenter"
    opts_at_MainTitlePosF = 0.5
  end if
  if (opts_at_MainTitlePos .eq. "Right")
    opts_at_MainTitlePos = "CenterRight"
    opts_at_MainTitlePosF = 1.0
  end if

  if (opts_at_TimePos .eq. "Left")
    MTOPosF = 0.30
    MTOPosF = 0.20
  end if

  txt0 = create "MainPlotTilte" textItemClass wks
    "txString" : opts_at_MainTitle
    "txFontHeightF" : font_height*1.5
  end create
  anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt0)
  setvalues anno
    "amZone" : 3
    "amSide" : "Top"
    "amJust" : opts_at_MainTitlePos
    "amParallelPosF" : opts_at_MainTitlePosF
    "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF
    "amResizeNotify" : False
  end setvalues

; Time information on plot
  if (opts_at_TimePos .eq. "Left")
    opts_at_TimePos = "CenterLeft"
    opts_at_TimePosF = 0.0
    if (opts_at_MainTitlePos .eq. "CenterLeft")
     MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.05
    end if
  end if
  if (opts_at_TimePos .eq. "Right")
    opts_at_TimePos = "CenterRight"
    opts_at_TimePosF = 1.0
    if (opts_at_MainTitlePos .eq. "CenterRight")
     MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.05
    end if
  end if

  if( isatt(nc_file,"START_DATE") .and. opts_at_InitTime ) then
    InitTime = "Init: " + nc_file_at_START_DATE
    txt1 = create "InitTime" textItemClass ks
      "txString" : InitTime
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt1)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amJust" : opts_at_TimePos
      "amParallelPosF" : opts_at_TimePosF
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
  end if

  plot_narrow = False
  if((opts).and.(isatt(opts,"vpWidthF")).and.(isatt(opts,"vpHeightF"))) then
     ph = opts_at_vpHeightF
     pw = opts_at_vpWidthF
     phw = ph/pw
     if ( phw .gt. 1.8 ) then
       plot_narrow = True
     end if
  end if

  if( opts_at_ValidTime .and. isatt(opts,"TimeLabel") ) then

    ValidTime = "Valid: " + opts_at_TimeLabel

    MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.03
    txt2 = create "ValidTime" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : ValidTime
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt2)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amJust" : opts_at_TimePos
      "amParallelPosF" : opts_at_TimePosF
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
  end if

; Add Footer if called for
  if( opts_at_Footer ) then
    footer1 = nc_file_at_TITLE
    dis = nc_file_at_DX / 1000.0
      footer2 = " Phys Opt = " + nc_file_at_MP_PHYSICS + \
                 " ; PBL Opt = " + nc_file_at_BL_PBL_PHYSICS + \
                 " ; Cu Opt = " + nc_file_at_CU_PHYSICS + \
                 " ; WE = " + nc_file@$WE$ + \
                 " ; SN = " + nc_file@$SN$ + \
                 " ; Levels = " + nc_file@$BT$ + \
                 " ; Dis = " + dis + "km"
      footer2 = " WE = " + nc_file@$WE$ + \
                 " ; SN = " + nc_file@$SN$ + \
                 " ; Levels = " + nc_file@$BT$ + \
                 " ; Dis = " + dis + "km"
    end if
    Footer = footer1 + "~C~" + footer2
     Footer = " "
   end if
    txt3 = create "Footer" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : Footer
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height*.9
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt3)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 1
; "amZone" : 7
      "amJust" : "TopLeft"
      "amSide" : "Bottom"
      "amParallelPosF" : 0.0
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : -0.55
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues

; Add X-setion information if needed
  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"PlotOrientation")) then
    ;Xsection = "Cross-Section Orientation : " + opts_at_PlotOrientation
    Xsection = opts_at_PlotOrientation
    txt4 = create "Xsection" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : Xsection
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height*.9
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt4)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amJust" : "CenterRight"
      "amParallelPosF" : 1.0
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.005
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
  end if


function wrf_contour_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, \


  callFrame = True
  if ( isatt(opt_args,"FrameIT") ) then
    if ( .not.opt_args_at_FrameIT ) then
      callFrame = False
    end if
    delete (opt_args_at_FrameIT)
  end if

  lat2U = nc_file->XLAT_U(0,:,:)
  lon2U = nc_file->XLONG_U(0,:,:)

  opts = opt_args
  opts_at_sfXArray = lon2U
  opts_at_sfYArray = lat2U
  opts_at_sfDataArray = data
  opts_at_mpProjection = "Stereographic"
  opts_at_mpEllipticalBoundary = True
  opts_at_mpFillOn = False
  opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
  opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",2.0)

  ; Set the contour resources
  opts = set_cn_resources(data,opts)
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelFontHeightF = 0.012
  opts_at_cnLineLabelPerimOn = False
  opts_at_cnInfoLabelPerimOn = True

  ; Find out if we are working with a contour or a shaded plot
  ; fill_on = False : line contour plot
  ; fill_on = True : filled contour plot
  fill_on = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillOn",False)
  if(fill_on) then ; set lb resources if needed
    opts_at_pmLabelBarDisplayMode = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode", "Never")
    opts = set_lb_resources(data,opts)
    opts_at_pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.0
    opts_at_lbTitleJust = "BottomLeft"
  end if

  opts_at_gsnDraw = False
  opts_at_gsnFrame = False
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = False
  cn = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,data,opts) ; Create the plot.


  if ( callFrame ) then
  end if

return (cn)
function wrf_vector_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, \
                       data_u[*][*]:numeric, data_v[*][*]:numeric, \


  callFrame = True
  if ( isatt(opt_args,"FrameIT") ) then
    if ( .not.opt_args_at_FrameIT ) then
      callFrame = False
    end if
    delete (opt_args_at_FrameIT)
  end if

    lat2T = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
    lon2T = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
    lat2T = nc_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
    lon2T = nc_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
  end if

  opts = opt_args
  opts_at_vfXArray = lon2T
  opts_at_vfYArray = lat2T
  opts_at_vfUDataArray = data_u
  opts_at_vfVDataArray = data_v
  opts_at_mpProjection = "Stereographic"
  opts_at_mpEllipticalBoundary = True
  opts_at_mpFillOn = False

  opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
  opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",2.0)

; Set vector resources
  opts = set_vc_resources(opts)

 opts_at_gsnDraw = False
 opts_at_gsnFrame = False
 opts_at_gsnMaximize = False
 cn = gsn_csm_vector_map_polar(wks,data_u,data_v,opts) ; Create the plot.


  if ( callFrame ) then
  end if

return (cn)

function wrf_contour(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, \
; This function creates a contour plot and adds some titles to it.
; 1. Determine width to height ratio of plot.
; 2. First determine if this is to be a filled or line
; contour plot (fill_on)
; 3. If the ContourParameters attribute is set, then calculate
; the contour levels.
; 4. Set two resources for setting the zero contour line to
; a larger thickness, and for changing the negative contour
; lines to a dashed pattern.
; 5. If doing a filled contour plot, set a title for the labelbar
; based on whether a units attribute is set.
; 6. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some additional
; resources for filled contour plots.
; 7. Create the contour plot, attach the titles, and draw
; and advance the frame (if requested).
local dims
  opts = opt_args ; Make a copy of the resource list.

  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"mpOutlineBoundarySets")) then
  end if

; Calculate ratio of plot width and height. Note that this doesn't
; affect the setting of gsnMaximize to True, because gsnMaximize will
; retain the aspect ratio of the plot.

  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"AspectRatio")) then
    ratio = opts_at_AspectRatio
    dims = dimsizes(data)
    ratio = 1.*dims(0)/dims(1)
    if(ratio .gt. 1.2) then
      ratio = 1.2
    end if
    if(ratio .lt. 0.6667) then
      ratio = 0.6667
    end if
  end if

  if(ratio .gt. 1)
    width = 0.65 * 1.0/ratio
    height = 0.65
    width = 0.85
    height = 0.85 * ratio
  end if

  opts_at_vpWidthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpWidthF", width)
  opts_at_vpHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpHeightF", height)

; Set some basic contour resources
  opts = set_cn_resources(data,opts)

; Find out if we are working with a contour or a shaded plot
; fill_on = False : line contour plot
; fill_on = True : filled contour plot
  fill_on = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillOn",False)
  if(fill_on) then ; set lb resources if needed
    opts = set_lb_resources(data,opts)
    atmp = get_res_value(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",True) ; Remove this resource
    delete(atmp) ; just in case.
  end if

; Set Title resources
  opts = set_title_resources(data,opts)

; Setting gsnScale to True ensures that the tickmark lengths and labels
; will be the same size on both axes.
  opts_at_gsnScale = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnScale", True)

; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
; to maximize the plot in the frame.
  opts_at_gsnDraw = False ; Make sure don't draw or frame or,
  opts_at_gsnFrame = False ; maximize, b/c we'll do this later.
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = False

  opts2 = opts
  delete_attrs(opts2) ; Clean up.
  cn = gsn_contour(wks,data,opts2) ; Create the plot.
  SetMainTitle(nc_file,wks,cn,opts) ; Set some titles

  opts2_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnDraw", False)
  opts2_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnFrame", False)
  opts2_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnMaximize", True)

  return(cn) ; Return



function wrf_vector(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data_u[*][*]:numeric, \
                    data_v[*][*]:numeric, opt_args[1]:logical)
; This function creates a vector plot and adds some titles to it.
; 1. Determine width to height ratio of plot. Will also be use
; to calculate values for vector resources later.
; 2. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some additional
; resources.
; 3. Create the vector plot, attach the titles, and draw
; and advance the frame (if requested).
local dims
  opts = opt_args ; Make a copy of the resource list.

  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"mpOutlineBoundarySets")) then
  end if
; The ratio is used to determine the width and height of the
; plot, and also to determine the value for the vcMinDistanceF
; resource.
  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"AspectRatio")) then
    ratio = get_res_value(opts,"AspectRatio",0.)
    dims = dimsizes(data_u)
    ratio = 1.*dims(0)/dims(1)
    if(ratio .gt. 1.2) then
      ratio = 1.2
    end if
    if(ratio .lt. 0.6667) then
      ratio = 0.6667
    end if
  end if

  if(ratio .gt. 1)
    width = 0.65/ratio
    height = 0.65
    width = 0.95
    height = 0.95 * ratio
  end if

  opts_at_vpWidthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpWidthF", width)
  opts_at_vpHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpHeightF", height)

; Set Title resources
  opts = set_title_resources(data_u,opts)

; Set vector resources
  opts = set_vc_resources(opts)

; Setting gsnScale to True ensures that the tickmark lengths and labels
; will be the same size on both axes.
  opts_at_gsnScale = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnScale", True)

; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
; to maximize the plot in the frame.
  opts_at_gsnDraw = False ; Make sure don't draw or frame or,
  opts_at_gsnFrame = False ; maximize, b/c we'll do this later.
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = False

  opts2 = opts
  delete_attrs(opts2) ; Clean up.
  vct = gsn_vector(wks,data_u,data_v,opts2) ; Create vector plot.

  opts2_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", False)
  opts2_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", False)
  opts2_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
  draw_and_frame(wks,vct,opts2_at_gsnDraw,opts2_at_gsnFrame,False, \

  return(vct) ; Return.


function wrf_map(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)

; This function creates a map plot, and bases the projection on
; the MAP_PROJ attribute in the given file.
; 1. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some resources
; common to all map projections.
; 2. Determine the projection being used, and set resources based
; on that projection.
; 3. Create the map plot, and draw and advance the frame
; (if requested).
; if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 0)
; print("wrf_map: Error: attribute MAP_PROJ=0.")
; print(" Data does not have a valid map projection")
; return(new(1,graphic))
; end if
; There's a bug with map tickmarks that you can't set the length of
; the tickmark to 0.0 in a setvalues call. You have to do it
; during the create call. Double-check, though, b/c the bug may have
; been fixed by now.
    opts = opt_args ; Make a copy of the resource list
    opts = True
; Set some resources depending on what kind of map projection is
; chosen.
; MAP_PROJ = 1 : "LambertConformal"
; MAP_PROJ = 2 : "Stereographic"
; MAP_PROJ = 3 : "Mercator"
; MAP_PROJ = 6 : "Lat/Lon"
; Set some resources common to all three map projections.
    if(any(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ.eq.(/1,2,3,6/))) then
        lat = in_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
        lon = in_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
        lat = in_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
        lon = in_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
      end if
      dims = dimsizes(lat)
; "LowRes" is the default that NCL uses, so you don't need to
; set it here. However, if you want a higher resolution, use
; "MediumRes". If you want higher resolution for the coastlines,
; then set it to "HighRes", but then you also need to download
; the RANGS-GSHHS database. Higher resolutions take longer to
; draw.
      opts_at_mpDataBaseVersion = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpDataBaseVersion","MediumRes")
     ;opts_at_mpOutlineBoundarySets = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpOutlineBoundarySets", "AllBoundaries")
      opts_at_mpOutlineBoundarySets = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpOutlineBoundarySets", "GeophysicalAndUSStates")
      opts_at_mpPerimLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimLineThicknessF", 1.0)
      opts_at_tmXBLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "tmXBLabelFontHeightF", 0.01)
      opts_at_tmYLLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "tmYLLabelFontHeightF", 0.01)
; Select portion of the map to view.
    ;if(any(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ.eq.(/1,2,3/))) then
      opts_at_mpLimitMode = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimitMode","Corners")
      opts_at_mpLeftCornerLatF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLeftCornerLatF",lat(0,0))
      opts_at_mpLeftCornerLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLeftCornerLonF",lon(0,0))
      opts_at_mpRightCornerLatF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpRightCornerLatF", lat(dims(0)-1,dims(1)-1))
      opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpRightCornerLonF", lon(dims(0)-1,dims(1)-1))
      if ( isatt(opts,"ZoomIn") .and. opts_at_ZoomIn ) then

        y1 = 0
        x1 = 0
        y2 = dims(0)-1
        x2 = dims(1)-1
        if ( isatt(opts,"Ystart") ) then
          y1 = opts_at_Ystart
        end if
        if ( isatt(opts,"Xstart") ) then
          x1 = opts_at_Xstart
        end if
        if ( isatt(opts,"Yend") ) then
          if ( opts_at_Yend .le. y2 ) then
            y2 = opts_at_Yend
          end if
        end if
        if ( isatt(opts,"Xend") ) then
          if ( opts_at_Xend .le. x2 ) then
            x2 = opts_at_Xend
          end if
        end if

        opts_at_mpLeftCornerLatF = lat(y1,x1)
        opts_at_mpLeftCornerLonF = lon(y1,x1)
        opts_at_mpRightCornerLatF = lat(y2,x2)
        opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF = lon(y2,x2)

      end if

      if ( opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF .lt. 0.0 ) then
        opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF = opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF + 360.0
      end if
    ;end if
; Set some other resources for line colors and grid spacing.
      opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",0.5)
      opts_at_mpGridLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpGridLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridLineThicknessF",0.5)
      opts_at_mpGridMaskMode = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridMaskMode",3)
      opts_at_mpGridSpacingF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridSpacingF",10)
      opts_at_mpLimbLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimbLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpLimbLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimbLineThicknessF",0.5)
      opts_at_mpNationalLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpNationalLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpNationalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpNationalLineThicknessF",0.5)
      opts_at_mpPerimLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpPerimOn = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimOn",True)
      opts_at_mpUSStateLineColor = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpUSStateLineColor","Gray")
      opts_at_mpUSStateLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpUSStateLineThicknessF",0.5)
      opts_at_pmTickMarkDisplayMode = get_res_value_keep(opts, "pmTickMarkDisplayMode","Always")

; Tick mark resources
     ;opts_at_tmXBMajorLengthF = get_res_value(opts, "tmXBMajorLengthF",-0.03)
     ;opts_at_tmYLMajorLengthF = get_res_value(opts, "tmYLMajorLengthF",-0.03)
      opts_at_tmXTOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmXTOn",False)
      opts_at_tmYROn = get_res_value(opts,"tmYROn",False)
      opts_at_tmYRLabelsOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmYRLabelsOn",True)
      opts_at_tmXBBorderOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmXBBorderOn",True)
      opts_at_tmXTBorderOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmXTBorderOn",True)
      opts_at_tmYLBorderOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmYLBorderOn",True)
      opts_at_tmYRBorderOn = get_res_value(opts,"tmYRBorderOn",True)
    end if

; LambertConformal projection
    if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 1)
      projection = "LambertConformal"

      opts_at_mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel1F",in_file_at_TRUELAT1)
      opts_at_mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel2F",in_file_at_TRUELAT2)
        opts_at_mpLambertMeridianF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file_at_STAND_LON)
          opts_at_mpLambertMeridianF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file_at_CEN_LON)
         print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
        end if
      end if
    end if

; Stereographic projection
    if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 2)
      projection = "Stereographic"
      opts_at_mpCenterLatF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", in_file_at_CEN_LAT)
        opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_STAND_LON)
          opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_CEN_LON)
         print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
        end if
      end if
    end if

; Mercator projection
    if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 3)
      projection = "Mercator"
      opts_at_mpCenterLatF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
        opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_STAND_LON)
          opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_CEN_LON)
         print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
        end if
      end if
    end if

; global WRF CylindricalEquidistant
    if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 6)
      projection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
      opts_at_mpGridSpacingF = 45
      opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_CEN_LON)
      if( isatt(in_file,"POLE_LAT") ) then
        opts_at_mpCenterRotF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterRotF", 90.0 - in_file_at_POLE_LAT)
      end if
    end if

; CylindricalEquidistant
    if(in_file_at_MAP_PROJ .eq. 0)
      projection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
      opts_at_mpCenterLatF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
        opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_STAND_LON)
          opts_at_mpCenterLonF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file_at_CEN_LON)
         print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
        end if
      end if
    end if
    print("wrf_map: Error: no MAP_PROJ attribute in input file")
  end if

; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
; to maximize the plot in the frame.
  opts_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", False)
  opts_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", False)
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  delete_attrs(opts) ; Clean up.
  mp = gsn_map(wks,projection,opts) ; Create map plot.
  return(mp) ; Return.



function wrf_map_overlays(in_file[1]:file, \
                          wks:graphic, \
                          plots[*]:graphic, \
                          opt_arg[1]:logical, \
; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them on a
; base plot - map background.
; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
; PanelPlot resource to True.
; Attributes recognized by this procedure:
; FramePlot
; PanelPlot
; NoTitles (don't do any titles)
; CommonTitle & PlotTile is used to overwrite field titles
; CommonTitle will super-seed NoTitles
; If FramePlot False, then Draw the plot but do not Frame.
; In this case a user want to add to the drawing, and will
; have to advance the Frame manually in the script.
; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
; the plots.
; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_map_overlays
; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.

  ; Let's make the map first
  base = wrf_map(wks,in_file,opt_mp)

  opts = opt_arg ; Make a copy of the resource list

  no_titles = get_res_value(opts,"NoTitles",False) ; Do we want field titles?
  com_title = get_res_value(opts,"CommonTitle",False) ; Do we have a common title?
  if ( com_title ) then
    plot_title = get_res_value(opts,"PlotTitle"," ")
    no_titles = True
  end if
  call_draw = True
  call_frame = get_res_value(opts,"FramePlot",True) ; Do we want to frame the plot?
  panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False) ; Are we paneling?
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  nplots = dimsizes(plots)
; font_color = "Black"

  do i=0,nplots-1
    if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
; class_name = NhlClassName(plots(i))
; print(class_name)
; if(class_name.eq."contourPlotClass") then
; getvalues plots(i)
; "cnFillOn" : fill_on
; "cnLineColor" : line_color
; end getvalues
; if (.not.fill_on) then
; font_color = line_color
; end if
; end if
      if(.not.no_titles) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        if(i.eq.0) then
          SubTitles = SubTitle
          SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
        end if
      end if
      if(com_title .and. i .eq. nplots-1) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        SubTitles = plot_title
      end if
      setvalues plots(i)
        "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
        "tiMainOn" : False
      end setvalues
      print("wrf_map_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
    end if
  end do

  if(.not.no_titles .or. com_title) then
    font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
    txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : SubTitles
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
     ;"txFontColor" : font_color
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amJust" : "BottomLeft"
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amParallelPosF" : 0.005
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
    base_at_map_titles = anno
  end if
; gsnDraw and gsnFrame default to False if panel plot.
  if(panel_plot) then
    call_draw = False
    call_frame= False
  end if

  opts_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", call_draw)
  opts_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", call_frame)

  draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts_at_gsnDraw,opts_at_gsnFrame,False, \

  if(.not.panel_plot) then
    do i=0,nplots-1
      if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
        print("wrf_remove_map_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
        print(" Nothing to remove.")
      end if
    end do
  end if

  if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
    if(isatt(base,"map_titles")) then
    end if
  end if



function wrf_overlays(in_file[1]:file, \
                     wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \
; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them.
; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
; PanelPlot resource to True.
; Attributes recognized by this procedure:
; FramePlot
; PanelPlot
; NoTitles (don't do any titles)
; CommonTitle & PlotTile is used to overwrite field titles
; CommonTitle will super-seed NoTitles
; If FramePlot False, then Draw the plot but do not Frame.
; In this case a user want to add to the drawing, and will
; have to advance the Frame manually in the script.
; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
; the plots.
; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_overlays
; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
  opts = opt_arg ; Make a copy of the resource list.

  no_titles = get_res_value(opts,"NoTitles",False) ; Do we want field titles?
  com_title = get_res_value(opts,"CommonTitle",False) ; Do we have a common title?
  if ( com_title ) then
    plot_title = get_res_value(opts,"PlotTitle"," ")
    no_titles = True
  end if

  call_draw = True
  call_frame = get_res_value(opts,"FramePlot",True) ; Do we want to frame the plot?
  panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False) ; Are we paneling?
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  nplots = dimsizes(plots)
  base = plots(0)
  if(.not.no_titles) then
    getvalues plots(0)
      "tiMainString" : SubTitle
    end getvalues
    SubTitles = SubTitle
    setvalues plots(0)
      "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
      "tiMainOn" : False
    end setvalues
    setvalues plots(0)
      "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
    end setvalues
  end if

  if (nplots.eq.1) then
    blank = create "BlankPlot" logLinPlotClass wks
      ;"cnConstFLabelOn" : False
    end create
  end if

  do i=1,nplots-1
    if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
      if(.not.no_titles) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        if(i.eq.0) then
          SubTitles = SubTitle
          SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
        end if
      end if
      if(com_title .and. i .eq. nplots-1) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        SubTitles = plot_title
      end if
      setvalues plots(i)
        "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
        "tiMainOn" : False
      end setvalues
      print("wrf_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
    end if
  end do

  if(.not.no_titles .or. com_title) then
    font_height = get_res_value_keep(opt_arg,"FontHeightF",0.01)

    txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : SubTitles
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amJust" : "BottomLeft"
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amParallelPosF" : 0.005
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
    base_at_map_titles = anno
  end if

; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
  if(panel_plot) then
    call_draw = False
    call_frame= False
  end if

  opts_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", call_draw)
  opts_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", call_frame)
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts_at_gsnDraw,opts_at_gsnFrame,False, \

  if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
  end if

  if(.not.panel_plot) then
    if ( nplots .ge. 2 ) then
      do i=1,nplots-1
        if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
          print("wrf_remove_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
          print(" Nothing to remove.")
        end if
      end do
    end if
  end if



function wrf_map_zoom(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical, \

; As of version 5.0.1, this routine is redundant. Use the special "ZoomIn"
; resource in wrf_map to accomplish the same thing. This function is
; being kept for backwards capability. There should be no need for it
; except to run old WRF-NCL codes. Do not make any changes to it except
; possibly to fix bugs.
      print("wrf_map_zoom: Warning: This function is obsolete. Consider using")
      print(" the 'ZoomIn' resource in wrf_map instead.")
        lat = in_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
        lon = in_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
        lat = in_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
        lon = in_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
      end if
      opts = opt_args ; Make a copy of the resource list
      opts = True
      opts_at_mpLeftCornerLatF = lat(y1,x1)
      opts_at_mpLeftCornerLonF = lon(y1,x1)
      opts_at_mpRightCornerLatF = lat(y2,x2)
      opts_at_mpRightCornerLonF = lon(y2,x2)
      mz = wrf_map(wks,in_file,opts)


procedure wrf_map_overlay(wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, \
                          plots[*]:graphic, \
; As of version 5.0.1, this procedure is obsolete. Use wrf_map_overlays
; instead. It is being kept for backwards capability. Do not make any
; changes to it except possibly to fix bugs.
; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them on a
; base plot - map background.
; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
; PanelPlot resource to True.
; Attributes recognized by this procedure:
; NoTitles (don't do any titles)
; PanelPlot
; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
; the plots.
; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_map_overlay
; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
  print("wrf_map_overlay: Warning: This procedure is obsolete. Consider" )
  print(" using wrf_map_overlays instead.")

  opts = opt_arg ; Make a copy of the resource list
  opts = True

  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoTitles").and.opts_at_NoTitles) then
    no_titles = True
    no_titles = False
  end if

  panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False) ; Are we paneling?

  nplots = dimsizes(plots)
; font_color = "Black"

  do i=0,nplots-1
    if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
; class_name = NhlClassName(plots(i))
; print(class_name)
; if(class_name.eq."contourPlotClass") then
; getvalues plots(i)
; "cnFillOn" : fill_on
; "cnLineColor" : line_color
; end getvalues
; if (.not.fill_on) then
; font_color = line_color
; end if
; end if
      if(.not.no_titles) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        if(i.eq.0) then
          SubTitles = SubTitle
          SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
        end if
        setvalues plots(i)
          "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
          "tiMainOn" : False
        end setvalues
        setvalues plots(i)
          "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
        end setvalues
      end if
      print("wrf_map_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
    end if
  end do

  if(.not.no_titles) then
    font_height = get_res_value_keep(opt_arg,"FontHeightF",0.01)
    txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : SubTitles
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
     ;"txFontColor" : font_color
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amJust" : "BottomLeft"
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amParallelPosF" : 0.005
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
    base_at_map_titles = anno
  end if
; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
; gsnFrame will default to False if opt_arg is False.
  if(panel_plot.or..not.opt_arg) then
    call_frame = False
    call_frame = True
  end if
  if(panel_plot) then
    call_draw = False
    call_draw = True
  end if
  opts_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", call_draw)
  opts_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", call_frame)
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts_at_gsnDraw,opts_at_gsnFrame,False, \

  if(.not.panel_plot) then
    do i=0,nplots-1
      if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
        print("wrf_remove_map_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
        print(" Nothing to remove.")
      end if
    end do
  end if

  if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
    if(isatt(base,"map_titles")) then
    end if
  end if


procedure wrf_overlay(wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \
; As of version 5.0.1, this procedure is obsolete. Use wrf_overlays
; instead. It is being kept for backwards capability. Do not make any
; changes to it except possibly to fix bugs.
; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them.
; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
; PanelPlot resource to True.
; Attributes recognized by this procedure:
; NoTitles (don't do any titles)
; PanelPlot
; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
; the plots.
; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_overlay
; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
  print("wrf_overlay: Warning: This procedure is obsolete. Consider using")
  print(" wrf_overlays instead.")

  opts = opt_arg ; Make a copy of the resource list.
  opts = True

  if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoTitles").and.opts_at_NoTitles) then
    no_titles = True
    no_titles = False
  end if

  panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False) ; Are we paneling?

  nplots = dimsizes(plots)
  base = plots(0)
  if(.not.no_titles) then
    getvalues plots(0)
      "tiMainString" : SubTitle
    end getvalues
    SubTitles = SubTitle
    setvalues plots(0)
      "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
      "tiMainOn" : False
    end setvalues
    setvalues plots(0)
      "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
    end setvalues
  end if

  if (nplots.eq.1) then
    blank = create "BlankPlot" logLinPlotClass wks
      ;"cnConstFLabelOn" : False
    end create
  end if

  do i=1,nplots-1
    if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
      if(.not.no_titles) then
        getvalues plots(i)
          "tiMainString" : SubTitle
        end getvalues
        SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
        setvalues plots(i)
          "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
          "tiMainOn" : False
        end setvalues
        setvalues plots(i)
          "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
        end setvalues
      end if
      print("wrf_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
    end if
  end do

  if(.not.no_titles) then
    font_height = get_res_value_keep(opt_arg,"FontHeightF",0.01)

    txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
      "txString" : SubTitles
      "txFontHeightF" : font_height
    end create
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 3
      "amJust" : "BottomLeft"
      "amSide" : "Top"
      "amParallelPosF" : 0.005
      "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
      "amResizeNotify" : False
    end setvalues
    base_at_map_titles = anno
  end if

; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
; gsnFrame will default to False if opt_arg is False.
  if(panel_plot.or..not.opt_arg) then
    call_frame = False
    call_frame = True
  end if
  if(panel_plot) then
    call_draw = False
    call_draw = True
  end if
  opts_at_gsnDraw = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw", call_draw)
  opts_at_gsnFrame = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame", call_frame)
  opts_at_gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)

  draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts_at_gsnDraw,opts_at_gsnFrame,False, \

  if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
  end if

  if(.not.panel_plot) then
    if ( nplots .ge. 2 ) then
      do i=1,nplots-1
        if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
          print("wrf_remove_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
          print(" Nothing to remove.")
        end if
      end do
    end if
  end if


function add_white_space(str:string,maxlen:integer)

  cstr = stringtochar(str)
  len = dimsizes(cstr)-1
  ws = ""
  if( then
    do i=1,maxlen-len
      ws = ws + " "
    end do
  end if



procedure print_opts(opts_name,opts,debug)

  if(.not.debug) then
  end if
  varatts = getvaratts(opts)
; Sort attributes alphabetically/
; Get length of longest attribute name.
  cvaratts = stringtochar(varatts)
  cmaxlen = dimsizes(cvaratts(0,:))-1

  print(opts_name + "...") ; Print name of option variable.
; Loop through each attribute in the list. If its value is an array,
; then print out the array with '(/' and '/)' around it.
; If the value is a string, then put ticks (') around each string.
  do i=0,dimsizes(varatts)-1
    x = opts@$varatts(i)$
; Use add_white_space to make sure all the equal signs line up.
    tmp_str = " " + varatts(i) + \
              add_white_space(varatts(i),cmaxlen) + " = "
; Check if attribute is an array.
    if(dimsizes(x).gt.1) then
      tmp_str = tmp_str + "(/"
      do j=0,dimsizes(x)-1
        if(typeof(x(j)).eq."string") then
          tmp_str = tmp_str + "'" + x(j) + "'"
          tmp_str = tmp_str + x(j)
        end if
        if( then
          tmp_str = tmp_str + ","
          tmp_str = tmp_str + "/)"
        end if
      end do
    else if(typeof(x).eq."string") then
        tmp_str = tmp_str + "'" + x + "'"
        tmp_str = tmp_str + x
      end if
    end if
    print("" + tmp_str)
  end do



procedure print_header(icount:integer,debug)
  icount = icount + 1
  if(.not.debug) then
  end if
  print("END plot #" + icount)



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