Re: Lost long_names / units

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 16:22:28 -0600

Mike, .... I know that Dave is looking but
you stated in an earlier emails: "

2 things go wrong. Some units are lost (e.g. time_mgr_rst_type)
and some long_names are lost (AGDD_PERIOD). Also,
levsoi and string_length, 2 unused attributes, are lost.

I ran the appended script and both "time_mgr_rst_type"
and "AGDD_PERIOD" have the *same meta data*.
I used ncdump -h rather than ncl_filedump to remove
any doubt that it is related to NCL. I am not sure why you
would be experiencing the issues you describe.

As to why the dimension names/values 'levsoi' and 'string_length'
are not written to the file, the answer is simple:

        out->$names(i)$ = v ; write variable values and meta data

This writes out meta data associated with each *variable*.
Since 'levsoi' and 'string_length' are *not* associated with any
of the *variables* being written, they will not appear on the
output netcdf file. The user must do this.

Note that NCL places variables in a stack. I think it is last-in/first-out
so if you want the exact order then uncomment the lines below.

==================== NCL SCRIPT ====================
 in =addfile("","r")
 names = getfilevarnames(in)
 numb = dimsizes(names)

 dimNames = getvardims(in) ; "in" if a *file reference* AND
 dimSizes = getfiledimsizes(in) ; it is also a *variable*
 dimUnlim = new( dimsizes(dimNames), "logical", "No_FillValue")
 dimUnlim = False

 system("/bin/rm -f") ; remove any pre-existing file

;names = names(::-1) ; NOT needed but if exact order
;dimSizes = dimSizes(::-1) ; desired.
;dimNames = dimNames(::-1)

 do i=0,numb-1
     v = in->$names(i)$
     out->$names(i)$ = v ; write variable values and meta data
 end do

Michael Notaro wrote:
> Dave,
> Even with this other script, the dimensions levsoi & string_length are
> lost and some variables lose their units and long_names. Something
> seems wrong.
> Mike
> begin
> system ("/bin/rm") ;
> remove if exist
> out = addfile("","c")
> in = addfile("", "r")
> vname = getfilevarnames(in)
> do i=0,dimsizes(vname)-1
> dims = getfilevardims(in,vname(i))
> nrank = dimsizes(dims)
> Vold = in->$vname(i)$ ; read each variable to memory
> Vnew = Vold
> copy_VarMeta(Vold,Vnew)
> out->$vname(i)$ = Vnew
> delete(Vnew)
> delete(Vold)
> delete(dims)
> delete(nrank)
> end do
> end
> On May 6, 2009, at 3:53 PM, David Brown wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> This doesn't sound like the correct documented behavior. Can you
>> supply a test case NetCDF file that will demonstrate the problem
>> using the sample code below?
>> Thanks,
>> -dave
>> On May 6, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Michael Notaro wrote:
>>> If I open a file, retrieve all the variables, and write them
>>> to a new file, some of the variables lose their long_names and units
>>> in the process, mainly integer variables. Please see below.
>>> Any idea how to maintain all the variables' info, including
>>> long_name, dimensions, units, etc?
>>> Mike
>>> a=addfile("","r")
>>> .....
>>> ......
>>> out=addfile("","c")
>>> do i=0,numb-1
>>> v = a->$names(i)$
>>> out->$names(i)$ = v
>>> delete(v)
>>> end do
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Dennis J. Shea                  tel: 303-497-1361    |
P.O. Box 3000                   fax: 303-497-1333    |
Climate Analysis Section                             |
Climate & Global Dynamics Div.                       |
National Center for Atmospheric Research             |
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