Re: stations plot

From: Jonathan Vigh <vigh_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 17:52:18 +0000

Hi M.,
   If you're interested specifically in plotting the METAR-reporting
stations, you're in luck - I have a script to do this (attached).

   The script takes it's input from the list of all the METAR-reporting
surface stations in the world which is maintained at Greg Thompson's
excellent site:

Once you've downloaded that, you can run my script to plot all the
METAR-reporting stations for a particular region. You can adjust the
style and labeling to meet your needs.

At least this gives you a starting point.

Good luck!

marziyeh dadizadeh wrote:
> Hi,
> I want plot surface meteorological stations with their name on the
> regional map.
> Please guide me how can do it???
> Thanks Alot
> M.Dadizadseh
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; METAR_general.ncl
; The purpose of this script is to plot all METAR reporting
; stations for a specified region.
; This script takes general input from the stations.txt file
; available at from the UCAR-RAP Weather Page at:
; Author: Jonathan Vigh, Colorado State University
; Program input:
; The program expects the following input parameters to be passed as command line arguments when the script is called:
; map_name desired filename of output map
; min_lat minimum latitude of plotting domain (positive north)
; max_lat maximum latitude of plotting domain
; min_lon minimum longitude of plotting domain (positive east)
; max_lon maximum longitude of plotting domain
; These can be easily set using the run_mapper script. If the command line arguments are not set, some defaults will be used (which makes a map of Colorado).
; Program History:
; circa 2004 Program created (originally read in a hand-edited file: stations.inp)
; 09/14/2007: Revised program input section to fix issues with reading directly from the stations.txt file (had been buggy before)
; 09/17/2007: Revised program to accept command line inputs - the NCL code is called from a script called run_mapper.
; 09/18/2007: Program now utilizes a much more efficient way of selecting the stations in the plotting domain.
; 09/19/2009: Fixed logic for indexing regional stations to account for a change in how NCL handles the _FillValue of logical variables.
; Suggestions for improvements:
; - *** Figure out how to take care of the overlapping labels problem (see the text example 10 code for ideas)
; - Put some place names on the map, like for island groups.
; - Have an option that can choose to plot all the stations in a specific country or state (use the two-letter code)
; - Add a few default mapping options? Or plot several types of maps (i.e. high resolution close-up vs. regular resolution?
; - Control font height of labels based on the size of the map (tie to span of lat/lon?)
; - Read in topography from a database, so we could get some nice terrain maps.
; - Have the program query the stations - only plot those which have given a recent report
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"


  msg_val = -999

  nullChar = inttochar(0) ; could use this to test a single char to see if it's null

; Check to see if the command line arguments are present
  if isvar("min_lat") then
     use_RANGS = False ; set to True to enable high res coastlines and inland water boundaries, set to False to use NCL's Earth..4 dataset

     minlat = stringtofloat(min_lat)
     maxlat = stringtofloat(max_lat)
     minlon = stringtofloat(min_lon)
     maxlon = stringtofloat(max_lon)
     print("map_name = "+map_name)
     print("minlat = "+minlat)
     print("maxlat = "+maxlat)
     print("minlon = "+minlon)
     print("maxlon = "+maxlon)
  else ; otherwise set some default plotting parameters (if they are not passed in as command line arguements)
     map_name = "Colorado"
     use_RANGS = False ; set to True to enable high res coastlines and inland water boundaries, set to False to use NCL's Earth..4 dataset

     minlat = 36.8
     maxlat = 41.2
     minlon = -109.2
     maxlon = -101.8
  end if

; get data
  tStr = asciiread("stations.txt", -1,"string") ; Info includes type so cases can be weeded out
  tChr = stringtochar(tStr)
  nrows = dimsizes(tStr)
  temptStr = new(nrows,"string")
; Read in the entire file, put all the lines which actually contain station data into a new array of strings
  nglobalstations = 0
  do irow = 0, nrows-1
     FIRST = tChr(irow,0) ; next read the first letter in as a string
     if ( (FIRST .ne. nullChar) .and. (FIRST .ne. "!") ) then ; only read the line if it's not a comment (!) or blank (test to see if the first character is the nullChar that was created using inttochar(0))
; if ( (strlen(tStr(irow)) .gt. 0) .and. (FIRST .ne. "!") ) then ; only read the line if it's not blank (string size greater than 0) - this is an alternative to checking the first character against the null chararacter
; print(tStr(irow))
; print(" The first character is: "+FIRST)
; print(" We know this line is not a comment or blank, continuing to read . . .")
        DASH = tChr(irow,25:25) ; read the line to see if there is a dash in the 25th column (indicating a country or state identifier)
; print(" The 25th character is: "+DASH)
        if (DASH .ne. "-") then ; don't read the line if it's a country/state identifier
           if ( (tStr(irow) .ne. "CD STATION ICAO IATA SYNOP LAT LONG ELEV M N V U A C") .and. \
                (tStr(irow) .ne. "CD STATION ICAO IATA SYNOP LAT LONG ELEV M N V U A X") ) then
; print(" It looks like we have a valid station line, entering data into the arrays . . .")
              temptStr(nglobalstations) = tStr(irow)
              nglobalstations = nglobalstations + 1
           end if
        end if
     end if
  end do

  print(nrows+" rows were read from the data file.")
  print(nglobalstations+" stations were read in for the entire world.")

; Make new array which only contains valid the valid station lines
; size = num(.not.ismissing(temptStr))
; print(" The number of nonmissing station lines is: "+size)

  newtStr = temptStr(0:nglobalstations-1)
  newtChr = stringtochar(newtStr)

; Read in the individual station values (note that if we are doing any conversions from strings to numerical type, we should check each individual value)
  CD = chartostring(newtChr(:,0:1)) ; read the 2-letter state or province abbreviation (many international stations do not have this)
  NAME = chartostring(newtChr(:,3:18))
  ICAO = chartostring(newtChr(:,20:23))
  IATA = chartostring(newtChr(:,26:28))
  WMO_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,32:36))
  LAT_HR_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,39:40))
  LAT_MIN_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,42:43))
  LON_HR_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,47:49))
  LON_MIN_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,51:52))
  ELEV_string = chartostring(newtChr(:,55:58))
  METAR = chartostring(newtChr(:,62:62)) ; this flag specifies whether this is a METAR-reporting station
  NEXRAD = chartostring(newtChr(:,65:65)) ; this flag specifies whether this is a NEXRAD (WSR-88D) Radar site
  AVIATION = chartostring(newtChr(:,68:68)) ; this flag specifies some Aviation-specific stuff (V=AIRMET/SIGMET end point, A=ARTCC T=TAF U=T+V)
  UPPERAIR = chartostring(newtChr(:,71:71)) ; this flag specifies an upper air (rawinsonde=X) or wind profiler (W) site
  TYPE = chartostring(newtChr(:,74:74)) ; this flag specifies the station type: A = Auto (A=ASOS, W=AWOS, M=Meso, H=Human, G=Augmented) (H/G not yet impl.)
  OFFICE = chartostring(newtChr(:,77:77)) ; this flag specifies the office type (F=WFO/R=RFC/C=NCEP Center)
  NorS = chartostring(newtChr(:,44:44))
  EorW = chartostring(newtChr(:,53:53))

  WMO = new(nglobalstations,"integer",msg_val)
  WMO = msg_val

  LAT_HR = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  LAT_HR = msg_val

  LAT_MIN = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  LAT_MIN = msg_val

  LON_HR = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  LON_HR = msg_val

  LON_MIN = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  LON_MIN = msg_val

  ELEV = new(nglobalstations,"integer",msg_val)
  ELEV = msg_val

  lat = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  lat = msg_val

  lon = new(nglobalstations,"float",msg_val)
  lon = msg_val

  inside = new(nglobalstations,"logical")
  inside = False

  IDEN = ICAO ; by default, use the ICAO as the station identifier, if this happens to be blank (rare), use the IATA (see code in loop below)
  do i=0,nglobalstations-1
     if ( (ICAO(i) .eq. " ") .and. (IATA(i) .ne. " ") ) then
        IDEN(i) = IATA(i)
     end if

     if (WMO_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        WMO(i) = stringtointeger(WMO_string(i))
     end if

     if (LAT_HR_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        LAT_HR(i) = stringtofloat(LAT_HR_string(i))
     end if

     if (LAT_MIN_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        LAT_MIN(i) = stringtofloat(LAT_MIN_string(i))
     end if

     if (LON_HR_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        LON_HR(i) = stringtofloat(LON_HR_string(i))
     end if

     if (LON_MIN_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        LON_MIN(i) = stringtofloat(LON_MIN_string(i))
     end if

     if (ELEV_string(i) .ne. " ") then
        ELEV(i) = stringtointeger(ELEV_string(i))
     end if

     latMP = 1
     if (NorS(i) .eq. "S") then
        latMP = -1
     end if
     lonMP = 1
     if (EorW(i) .eq. "W") then
        lonMP = -1
     end if
     lat(i) = latMP*(LAT_HR(i) + LAT_MIN(i)/60.0)
     lon(i) = lonMP*(LON_HR(i) + LON_MIN(i)/60.0)
; set a flag if the lat and lon are outside the desired map area (this logic is probably flawed for near the Dateline?)
     if ( (lat(i) .ge. minlat) .and. (lat(i) .le. maxlat) .and. (lon(i) .ge. minlon) .and. (lon(i) .le. maxlon) ) then
        inside(i) = True
     end if
  end do
; Mask section (get only METAR-reporting sites within the specified lat and lon ranges)
; newlat = lat
; newlon = lon
; newIDEN = IDEN
; newELEV = ELEV
; newlat@_FillValue = -999
; newlon@_FillValue = -999
; newIDEN@_FillValue = -999
; newELEV@_FILLValue = -999
; newlat = mask(lat,(inside .and. (METAR.eq."X")),True)
; newlon = mask(lon,(inside .and. (METAR.eq."X")),True)
; newIDEN = mask(IDEN,(inside .and. (METAR.eq."X")),True)
; newELEV = mask(ELEV,(inside .and. (METAR.eq."X")),True)

; Now pick off the indices of stations which are inside the plotting domain
  localindex = ind( .not.ismissing(lat) .and. inside )
  nlocalstations = dimsizes(localindex)

;***** Define some NICE color maps to use.
   colors_6 = (/"White","Black","Black","MediumPurple1","MediumPurple3","Blue1",\
          "CadetBlue3","Aquamarine2","SeaGreen2","LawnGreen","Green4", \
          "GreenYellow","Gold","Tan1","Sienna1","Tomato","VioletRed1", \
          "Yellow","DarkGreen","Grey37","Red","Orange","GoldenRod1","DarkOrange","SteelBlue1","SlateBlue1", \

; create plot

   wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","map_"+map_name)

   res = True

   res_at_tiMainString = "METAR-reporting stations for " + map_name
; res_at_gsnCenterString = "METAR-reporting stations"

   res_at_gsnMaximize = True
; res_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "Landscape"
   res_at_gsnDraw = False ; so we can add poly stuff
   res_at_gsnFrame = False ; do not advance frame

   if (use_RANGS) then
      res_at_mpDataBaseVersion = "HighRes" ; set to HighRes to get nice coastlines
      res_at_mpDataResolution = "Finest"
      res_at_mpDataBaseVersion = "Ncarg4_1" ; set to HighRes to get nice coastlines
      res_at_mpDataSetName = "Earth..4" ; we want county lines drawn (set to 3 for climate districts)
   end if
   res_at_mpProjection = "Mercator"
; res_at_mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
; res_at_mpLambertParallel1F = 20.0
; res_at_mpLambertParallel1F = 40.0
; res_at_mpLambertMeridianF = -60.0
   res_at_mpLimitMode = "LatLon"

   res_at_mpMinLatF = minlat
   res_at_mpMaxLatF = maxlat
   res_at_mpMinLonF = minlon
   res_at_mpMaxLonF = maxlon
   res_at_mpFillOn = True ; False to turn off gray continents
   res_at_mpOutlineOn = True ; turn on continental outline
   res_at_mpOutlineBoundarySets = "AllBoundaries"

   res_at_mpLandFillColor = "GoldenRod1"
   res_at_mpInlandWaterFillColor = "PaleTurquoise3"
   res_at_mpOceanFillColor = "PaleTurquoise3"

   res_at_mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Black"
   res_at_mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 0.5
   res_at_mpUSStateLineColor = "Red"
   res_at_mpUSStateLineThicknessF = 2.5
   res_at_mpNationalLineColor = "Black"
   res_at_mpNationalLineThicknessF = 2.5
   res_at_mpGridAndLimbOn = "True"
   res_at_mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder = "Draw"
   if (res_at_mpDataBaseVersion .ne. "HighRes") then
      res_at_mpGridMaskMode = "MaskLand"
   end if
   res_at_mpGridSpacingF = 1.0
   res_at_mpGridLineColor = "Blue"

   res_at_tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.005
   res_at_tmXBMajorLengthF = -0.001

   res_at_pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"

print("Now plotting the map")
; plot base map *

    plot = gsn_csm_map(wks,res) ; draw one of eight map projections

; getvalues plot
; "mpAreaNames" : anames
; end getvalues
; print(anames)

; Draw METAR stations as polymarkers *
   res_mark = True

   res_mark_at_gsMarkerIndex = 1 ; polymarker style
   res_mark_at_gsMarkerSizeF = 0.018 ; polymarker size
   res_mark_at_gsMarkerColor = "Red" ; change marker color

   dum = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon(localindex),lat(localindex),res_mark)

print("Now plotting text labels")

; Plot some text labels *
   txres = True

; Now draw the 4-letter ICAO station identifiers

   txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.008
   txres_at_txJust = "TopCenter"

   txres_at_txPerimOn = True
   txres_at_txPerimColor = "Black"
   txres_at_txPerimThicknessF = 0.3
   txres_at_txPerimSpaceF = 0.4
   txres_at_txBackgroundFillColor = "White"

; Calculate label offset as a function of map domain size
   dy = (maxlat - minlat)/125.
; print(dy)

; Put the station labels onto the map as text strings
   dumb = new(nlocalstations,graphic)
   do j=1,nlocalstations-1
       i = localindex(j) ; return the value of the global station number from our big array
; gsn_text(wks,plot,IDEN(i)+" "+ELEV(i),lon(i),lat(i)-dy,txres)
      dumb(j) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot,IDEN(i)+" "+ELEV(i)+" m~C~"+NAME(i),lon(i),lat(i)-dy,txres) ; this is really slow
   end do
 ; txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.01
 ; txres_at_txPerimThicknessF = 1.5
 ; txres_at_txPerimSpaceF = 0.5
 ; txres_at_txConstantSpacingF = 1.0
 ; txres_at_txFontAspectF = 1.5
 ; txres_at_txFontThicknessF = 3.0
 ; gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Azore Islands",0.5,0.72,txres)


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Received on Sun Jul 19 2009 - 11:52:18 MDT

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