Fatal error

From: Cecille M. Villanueva Birriel <cvillanu_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 12:12:26 -0400


   I am trying to calculate monthly averages for some variables and I am
still getting this error and don't know why.

fatal:NclMalloc Failed:[errno=12]
fatal:New: could not create new array:[errno=12]
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 193 in file simple_new.ncl

My script is the following:

; in this script, we compute CAPE, shear, etc., and then evaluate
; the frequency at which threshholds of these parameters are met

; this version is relevant for the CAM runs

; this particular version takes advantage of the NCL command line arguments

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
external SHEAR "./newshear.so"
;external DISCRIM "./newdiscrim.so"
;external DISCRIM "./newdiscrim_surface.so"
external DISCRIM "./newdiscrim2.so"

; have this now set up to run through a decade at a time
; just need to change the first line, and also the paths, as needed


thresh_shr = 0.
thresh_cape = 1000.

; comment out these two lines when running this in batch mode
; (the decade and filstrng will be provided at the command line in the
; shell script)
decade = 1991
filstrng = "030bES_T85"

; path to the binary files
; trying out new scratch space
main1 = "/scratch/scratch96/c/cvillanu/"
main3 = "/scratch/scratch96/c/cvillanu/"

; for the output files...

monstrng =

file3ext = (/"-01-01-","-03-15-","-05-27-","-08-08-","-10-20-"/)

; the number of days per month ... non leap year
 jday = (/0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365/)

; constants

grav = 9.80616
pt = 50 ; in hPa

; create plot
; wks = gsn_open_wks("pdf","color") ; open a ps file
  wks = gsn_open_wks("ncgm","color") ; open a ps file
; wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","color") ; open a ps file
  gsn_define_colormap (wks,"gui_default") ; choose color map

; get some initial information from an arbitrary netCDF file

; the cam2.h0 are the monthly averaged files, but contain lots other fields
f = addfile(main1+file1, "r")
f2 = addfile(main1+file2, "r")
f0 = addfile(main1+file0, "r")


;Read Variables
l1 = f->lon
lon=doubletofloat(l1) ; coerce, for future calculations
l2 = f->lat
lat=doubletofloat(l2) ; coerce, for future calculations
p0 = f->P0 ; reference pressure (Pa)
P0=doubletofloat(p0) ; coerce, for future calculations
;sanity check...
tt = f->T(:,4:25,:,:)

lev = f->lev(4:25) ; lev is hybrid sigma levelts (at midpoints)
;lev = f->lev ; lev is hybrid sigma levelts (at midpoints)

HT = f2->ZBOT(0,:,:) ; Terrain Height (lat, lon)
LU = f2->landmask ; land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land)

; try this instead...
 PHIS = f0->PHIS(0,:,:) ; surface geopotential (m2/s2)
                                  ; (monthly average)

 HT = PHIS/grav ; proxy for height of topography

; a few others...

a1 = f->hyam(4:25) ; hybrid A coefficient at layer
;a1 = f->hyam ; hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints
hyam=doubletofloat(a1) ; coerce, for future calculations
b1 = f->hybm(4:25) ; hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints
;b1 = f->hybm ; hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints
hybm=doubletofloat(b1) ; coerce, for future calculations

; this is done to eliminate the missing value flag of zero, which
; otherwise sets subquent calculations to zero

nlat = dimsizes(lat)
nlon = dimsizes(lon)
nlev = dimsizes(lev)

; assign these attributes

cape = new((/nlat,nlon/), float)
ripcape = new((/4,nlat,nlon/), float)
s06 = new((/nlat,nlon/), float)
uavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
vavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
tavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
qavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
zavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
pavg = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
ppsavg = new((/nlat,nlon/), float) ; surface pressure, get surface z and
;tsavg = new((/nlat,nlon/), float)
;qsavg = new((/nlat,nlon/), float)
sev = new((/nlat,nlon/), float)

uavg_at_units = "m/s"
uavg_at_long_name = "mean zonal velocity"

vavg_at_units = "m/s"
vavg_at_long_name = "mean meridional velocity"

tavg_at_units = "K"
tavg_at_long_name = "mean temperature"

qavg_at_units = "kg/kg"
qavg_at_long_name = "mean specific humidity"

zavg_at_units = "m"
zavg_at_long_name = "mean geopotential height"

pavg_at_units = "Pa"
pavg_at_long_name = "mean pressure"

ppsavg_at_units = "Pa"
ppsavg_at_long_name = "Surface Pressure"

;tsavg_at_units = "K"
;tsavg_at_long_name = "2m mean air temperature"

;qsavg_at_units = "kg/kg"
;qsavg_at_long_name = "2m mean specific humidity"

sev_at_units = "days"
sev_at_long_name = "SEV"

cape_at_units = "J/kg"
cape_at_long_name = "CAPE"

ripcape_at_units = "J/kg"
ripcape_at_long_name = "CAPE"

; try defining the variables
T = new((/365,nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
Q = new((/365,nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
U = new((/365,nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
V = new((/365,nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
Z3 = new((/365,nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
pps = new((/365,nlat,nlon/), float)
rc = new((/365,nlat,nlon/), float)
;tts = new((/365,nlat,nlon/), float)
;qqs = new((/365,nlat,nlon/), float)

; create 3D array of pressure
P = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

ntot = 1460 ; this is the sum of all 6-hr periods in a 365-day year
               ; fortunately, this run assumes no leap years

; in this version, only do a year at a time
do nd = 0,0

year = decade+nd
tbeg = 0
tend = 72

;do nf = 0,4
; only read the files through Aug
do nf = 0,3


fa = addfile(file3, "r")
fb = addfile(file4, "r")

print("tbeg,tend="+tbeg+" "+tend)

;Read Variables
T(tbeg:tend,:,:,:) = fa->T(::4,4:25,:,:) ; here, the ::4 indicates
                                            ; every 4th time, i.e., 00 UTC
Q(tbeg:tend,:,:,:) = fa->Q(::4,4:25,:,:)
U(tbeg:tend,:,:,:) = fa->U(::4,4:25,:,:)
V(tbeg:tend,:,:,:) = fa->V(::4,4:25,:,:)
Z3(tbeg:tend,:,:,:) = fa->Z3(::4,4:25,:,:)
pps(tbeg:tend,:,:) = fa->PS(::4,:,:)
; Note** need to read the new variables!
; for example,
;qqs(tbeg:tend,:,:) = f2->Q2M(0,:,:)
;tts(tbeg:tend,:,:) = f2->TSA(0,:,:)


tend = tbeg+72

end do

; start processing the months...

; only do the warm season months MAM - JJA
do nm = 6, 6
;do nm = 2, 7

print("the month is"+nm)

; initialize to zero for each *month*
  uavg = 0.
  vavg = 0.
  tavg = 0.
  qavg = 0.
  zavg = 0.
  pavg = 0.
  ppsavg = 0.
  ;tsavg = 0
  ;qsavg = 0
  sev = 0

  ntlev = 0

  dybeg = jday(nm)
  dyend = jday(nm+1)-1
  print("for month="+nm+" dybeg="+dybeg+" dyend="+dyend)

do nt = dybeg,dyend ; this should read only the 00 UTC files
T3D = T(nt,:,:,:) ; as currently configured, that's the only
Q3D = Q(nt,:,:,:) ; time in the arrays
U3D = U(nt,:,:,:)
V3D = V(nt,:,:,:)
ps = pps(nt,:,:)
GP = Z3(nt,:,:,:)
;ts = tts(nt,:,:)
;qs = qqs(nt,:,:)

do k=0,nz
end do


; now to the CAPE

; for cam, arrays are already top to bottom
;ripcape = wrf_cape_2d(P,T3D,Q3D,GP,HT,ps,True)
ripcape = rip_cape_2d(P,T3D,Q3D,GP,HT,ps,True) ; the True flag indicates
                                               ; sigma level data
                                               ; since this is a hybrid
                                               ; will need to be careful...

cape = ripcape(0,:,:)

; let's try plotting some of the variables...

; create plot
 res = True ; plot mods desired
 res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True
 res_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color fill
 res_at_mpFillOn = False ; turn off continent gray
 res_at_mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates"
 res_at_cnLinesOn = True
 res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = True

 res_at_gsnAddCyclic = False ; this applies to the windowed

 res_at_mpLimitMode = "LatLon" ; control map zoom with lat/lons
 res_at_mpMaxLatF = 55. ; actual values of zoom
 res_at_mpMinLatF = 25.
 res_at_mpMinLonF = 220.
 res_at_mpMaxLonF = 300.

 res_at_gsnMaximize = False

 plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,cape, res) ; create plot

; New: compute 0-6km shear, using external fortran function
  SHEAR::bshear(U3D, V3D, GP, HT, s06, nlon, nlat, nlev)

; find the environment days (i.e., those that exceed the shear & cape

; include the ppsavg, and avg sfc variables in this call...

;Note**: you need to pass the original arrays of ps, ts, qs to discrim
; and then you need to modify discrim to accomodate this


end do ; all days in a month

print("getting averages...ntlev="+ntlev)

; before computing final avg...set avg to missing where sev = 0
sev = mask(sev,sev.eq.0, False)

do k = 0,nz
   uavg(k,:,:) = uavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   vavg(k,:,:) = vavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   tavg(k,:,:) = tavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   qavg(k,:,:) = qavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   pavg(k,:,:) = pavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   zavg(k,:,:) = zavg(k,:,:)/sev(:,:)
   ppsavg(:,:) = ppsavg(:,:)/sev(:,:)
  ; tsavg(:,:) = tsavg(:,:)/sev(:,:)
  ; qsavg(:,:) = qsavg(:,:)/sev(:,:)

; include ppsavg and others here...
end do

; note: when you begin your 'production' processing, turn off plotting

   plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,sev, res) ; create plot
   plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,ppsavg, res) ; create plot
; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,tsavg, res) ; create plot
; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,qsavg, res) ; create plot
; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,vavg(nz,:,:), res) ; create plot
 ; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,zavg(nz,:,:), res) ; create plot
  ; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,pavg(nz,:,:), res) ; create plot

; plot average cape
; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,avgcape, res) ; create plot
; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,mavgcape, res) ; create plot

; plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,sev, res) ; create plot

; now, dump out the monthly averages to a
; netcdf file

  ncfile = year + monstrng(nm) + ".nc"
  ncdf = addfile(ncfile ,"c") ; open output netCDF file
; create global attributes of the file
  fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
  fAtt_at_title = "CAM output"
  fAtt_at_domxmin = lon(0)
  fAtt_at_domxmax = lon(nlon-1)
  fAtt_at_domymin = lat(0)
  fAtt_at_domymax = lat(nlat-1)
  fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt ) ; define file attributes
  dimNames = (/"lat","lon"/)
  dimSizes = (/nlat,nlon/)
  dimUnlim = (/False,False/)

  ncdf->uavg = uavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->vavg = vavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->tavg = tavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->qavg = qavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->pavg = pavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->zavg = zavg ; nlev, lat, lon
  ncdf->sev = sev
  ncdf->ppsavg = ppsavg
  ;ncdf->tsavg = tsavg
  ;ncdf->qsavg = qsavg

; add other variables to the netcdf output

  ncdf->lon = lon
  ncdf->lat = lat

end do ; all months

end do ; all years


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