FW: passing values

From: jam hong <cumarporn_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 - 17:10:01 MDT

Dear all
Sorry I post it again, nobody answers me yet. I try to fix my error, it did not show the severe error anymore only warning message that
Somebody please give me idea.
(66) 290.64
(67) 289.83
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
warning:A bad value was passed to stringtointeger, input strings must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value

Variable: ntim
Type: integer
Total Size: 4 bytes
            1 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes: [1]
(0) 68
warning:lbLabelFont is not a valid resource in ihop_site2_xy.PlotManager at this time
warning:mpShapeMode is not a valid resource in ihop_site2_xy at this time

This is my code
; open file and read in data

diri = "/ptmp/ucharuso/jam/WRF3.1_RC/WRFV3/run/" ; input directory
fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri +"; ls *wrfout_d02*")
fili = fili +".nc" ; explicitly add file extension
f = addfiles(diri+fili, "r") ; refers to *all* files
print (f)
 ListSetType (f, "cat") ; concatenate or "merge" (default)

  T = f[:]->T2(:,109,82)
  T@_FillValue = 9.96921e+36
  U = f[:]->U10(:,109,82)
  V = f[:]->V10(:,109,82)
  WIND = sqrt(U*U + V*V)
  TH = f[:]->TH2(:,109,82)
  PS = f[:]->PSFC(:,109,82)
 PS = PS*.01
  TS = f[:]->TSK(:,109,82)
  RANC = f[:]->RAINC(:,109,82)
  RAIN = f[:]->RAINNC(:,109,82)
  QF = f[:]->QFX(:,109,82)
  HF = f[:]->HFX(:,109,82)
  L = f[:]->LH(:,109,82)
 TM = f[:]->TMN(:,109,82)
 PBL = f[:]->PBLH(:,109,82)

lat = f[:]->XLAT(0,109,82)
lon = f[:]->XLONG(0,109,82)
 SM = f[:]->SMOIS(:,0,109,82)
 ST = f[:]->TSLB(:,0,109,82)
; lat = 37.3781 and Lon=-98.1636 for ihop site 5.

ivg_usgs = f[:]->IVGTYP(:,109,82)
diri2 = "/ptmp/ucharuso/jam/LLJ/WRF_LDAS_USGS/" ; input directory
fili2 = systemfunc("cd "+diri2 +"; ls *wrfout_d02*")
fili2 = fili2 +".nc" ; explicitly add file extension
f2 = addfiles(diri2+fili2, "r") ; refers to *all* files
print (f2)
 ListSetType (f2, "cat") ; concatenate or "merge" (default)

  T1 = f2[:]->T2(:,109,82)
  U1 = f2[:]->U10(:,109,82)
  V1 = f2[:]->V10(:,109,82)
  WIND1 = sqrt(U1*U1 + V1*V1)
  TH1 = f2[:]->TH2(:,109,82)
  PS1 = f2[:]->PSFC(:,109,82)
 PS1 = PS1*.01
  TS1 = f2[:]->TSK(:,109,82)
  RANC1 = f2[:]->RAINC(:,109,82)
  RAIN1 = f2[:]->RAINNC(:,109,82)
  QF1 = f2[:]->QFX(:,109,82)
  HF1 = f2[:]->HFX(:,109,82)
  L1 = f2[:]->LH(:,109,82)
 TM1 = f2[:]->TMN(:,109,82)
 PBL1 = f2[:]->PBLH(:,109,82)
 T1A = T1(0:67)
lat1 = f2[:]->XLAT(0,109,82)
lon1 = f2[:]->XLONG(0,109,82)
 SM1 = f2[:]->SMOIS(:,0,109,82)
 ST1 = f2[:]->TSLB(:,0,109,82)
ivg_modis = f2[:]->IVGTYP(:,109,82)
 g1 = asciiread("IHOP_site21.txt",(/146,18/), "float")

  T11 = g1(:,5)+273.15
  T12 = T11(0:145:2)
  T13 = T12(0:67)
  T11@_FillValue = 9999
  T12@_FillValue = 9999
        HF11 = g1(:,16)
  HF11@_FillValue = 9999
  HF12 = HF11(0:145:2)
  L11 = g1(:,15)
  L11@_FillValue = 9999
  L12 = L11(0:145:2)
  WIND11 = g1(:,7)
  WIND11@_FillValue = 9999
  WIND12 = WIND11(0:145:2)
  PS11 = g1(:,6)
  PS12 = PS11(0:145:2)
  PS11@_FillValue = 9999
 ; MR11 = g1(:,3)
 ;SFCTEMP11 = g1(:,5)+273.15
; print(HF12)
  ntim= dimsizes(T11)
 HF12@_FillValue = 9999
 L12@_FillValue = 9999



; Read all the times. Convert to units for plotting

 Times = chartostring(f[:]->Times) ; Times is of type character
 Time = WRF_Times2Udunits_c(f[:]->Times, 0) ; convert to "hours since"
 ntim = dimsizes(Time) ; # of times on file
 wks = gsn_open_wks("ps" ,"ihop_site2") ; ps,pdf,x11,ncgm,eps
   plot = new(1,graphic) ; create a plot array
  res1 = True ; plot mods desired
  res1@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw
  res1@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame

   res1@lbLabelFont = "times-roman"
   res1@tmXBLabelFont = "Times-Roman"
   res1@tiYAxisFont = "Times-Roman"
   res1@tiXAxisFont = "Times-Roman"
   res1@tiMainFont = "Times-Roman"
   res1@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.020
   res1@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.020
  res1@mpShapeMode = "FreeAspect"
  res1@vpWidthF = 0.7
  res1@vpHeightF = 0.4

; res1@tiMainString ="Walnut River(KS)" ; "+ lat+"N "+fabs(lon)+"E"
  res1@tiXAxisString = "UTC (2-5 June 2002)" ;Time@units ; label bottom axis with units
  res1@tiYAxisString = "Temp at 2m (K)" ; axis string
  res1@xyDashPattern = 1 ; Make curves all solid
  res1@xyLineThicknesses = 1
  res1@xyMarkLineMode = "MarkLines" ; Markers *and* lines
  res1@xyMarkers = 16 ; 3 different markers
  res1@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.015
  res1@trYMaxF = 310 ; axis max
  res1@trYMinF = 285
  res1@tmYROn = False ; Don't draw labels for
  res1@tmYRLabelsOn = False ; right Y axes, b/c left
  res1@tmXTOn = False
  res1@tmXTLabelsOn = False
res1@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.020
res1@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.020
  res1@tmYLMode = "Manual"
  res1@tmYLTickStartF = 285
    res1@tmYLTickEndF = 310
  res1@tmYLTickSpacingF = 4
  res1@tmXBMode = "Explicit" ; Define your own tick mark labels.
  res1@tmXBMinorOn = False ; No minor tick marks.
  res1@tmXBValues = ispan(0,67,1); Values from 0 to 12.
 ; res1@tmXBLabels = (/"00UTC","12UTC","00UTC","12UTC","00UTC","12UTC"/)

;res1@gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize size

  res2 = True
  res2@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw
    res2@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame
; res2@gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize size
  res2@xyDashPattern = 1 ; Make curves all solid
  res2@xyLineThicknesses = 1
  res2@xyMarkLineMode = "MarkLines" ; Markers *and* lines
  res2@xyMarkers = 4 ; 3 different markers
   res2@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.015
  res2@trYMaxF = 310 ; axis max
  res2@trYMinF = 285
  res2@tmYROn = False ; Don't draw labels for
  res2@tmYRLabelsOn = False ; right Y axes, b/c left
  res2@tmXTOn = False
  res2@tmXTLabelsOn = False

   res3 = True
   res3@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw
     res3@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame
; res3@gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize size
   res3@xyDashPattern = 0 ; Make curves all solid
   res3@xyLineThicknesses = 1
; res3@xyMarkLineMode = "MarkLines" ; Markers *and* lines
; res3@xyMarkers = 4 ; 3 different markers
   res3@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.015
   res3@trYMaxF = 310 ; axis max
   res3@trYMinF = 285
   res3@tmYROn = False ; Don't draw labels for
   res3@tmYRLabelsOn = False ; right Y axes, b/c left
   res3@tmXTOn = False
   res3@tmXTLabelsOn = False

plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy3(wks,Time,T,T1A,T13,res1,res2,res3)


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Received on Wed Oct 21 17:10:15 2009

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