a problem with streamline

From: orangeboy <orangeboy_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Dec 23 2009 - 22:44:40 MST


    I want to display the streamlines(or vector)+windspeed for wrfout, which looks like fig.1 but streamlines instead for barb. But it's only barb+windspeed when I use "wrf_vector". So I prepare the nclsrcipt as follow:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl" ; Add special wrf functions
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_csm.ncl"

  a = addfile("/data2/zhai/shf_wrf/case/090724/ctl/wrfout_d01_2009-07-23_00:00:00.nc","r")
  type = "ps"

  wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"wind-stream")

  times = wrf_user_list_times(a) ; get times in the file
  ntimes = dimsizes(times) ; number of times in the file

  pressure_levels = (/ 850., 700., 500., 200./) ; pressure levels to plot
  nlevels = dimsizes(pressure_levels) ; number of pressure levels

  do it = 0,ntimes-1,48 ; TIME LOOP
    print("Working on time: " + times(it) )

    u = wrf_user_getvar(a,"ua",it) ; u averaged to mass points
    v = wrf_user_getvar(a,"va",it) ; v averaged to mass points
    p = wrf_user_getvar(a, "pressure",it) ; pressure is our vertical coordinate
   lat = wrf_user_getvar(a,"lat",it)
   lon = wrf_user_getvar(a,"lon",it)

 do level = 0,nlevels-1 ; LOOP OVER LEVELS
      pressure = pressure_levels(level)
      u_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d( u,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
      v_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d( v,p,"h",pressure,0.,False)
      spd = (u_plane*u_plane + v_plane*v_plane)^(0.5) ; m/sec
      spd@description = "Wind Speed"
      spd@units = "m/s"
      u_plane@units = "m/s"
      v_plane@units = "m/s"
    ; Set some Basic Plot options
      res = True
      res@tiMainString = "Wind-Stream"
      res@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Black" ; Overwrite map settings
      res@mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
      res@mpMinLonF = min(lon)
      res@mpMaxLonF = max(lon)
      res@mpMinLatF = min(lat)
      res@mpMaxLatF = max(lat)
      res@mpLimbLineColor = "Black"
      res@mpNationalLineColor = "Black"
      res@mpPerimLineColor = "Black"
      res@mpUSStateLineColor = "Black"
      res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
      res@mpDataSetName = "Earth..4"
      res@mpOutlineSpecifiers = (/"China:states"/)
      res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.0
      res@mpGridLineThicknessF = 1.0
      res@mpLimbLineThicknessF = 1.0
      res@mpNationalLineThicknessF = 1.0
      res@mpUSStateLineThicknessF = 1.0

      ; MAKE PLOTS
        if ( pressure .eq. 850 ) then ; plot windspeed,vector
          plot = gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map(wks,u_plane,v_plane,spd,res)
        end if

  end do ; END OF LEVEL LOOP
  end do ; END OF TIME LOOP

However,I can't obtain what I want. The result is Fig.2. The problem is: 1), map; 2) attribution of windspeed
It's also somt warning :
(0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
(0) A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values:
(0) 'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north' 'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'
(0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.

Thanks a lot

                                             Hangfeng Shen

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fig1.JPG fig.2.JPG
Received on Wed Dec 23 22:44:58 2009

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