Re: Help to find daily total

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Dec 23 2009 - 14:22:39 MST

Some useful functions:
Curious .... Why do you have
    mday = (/0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
Why is the zero present?

is better/cleaner than manual specification. In your case

            mday = days_in_month( iyr, imo )
        p = p0(lat_98|:,lon_98|:)
        p1(:,0:mlon/2-1) = p(:,mlon/2:mlon-1)
        p1(:,mlon/2:mlon-1) = p(:,0:mlon/2-1)


      do idy = 01, mday(imo)
       time(idy-1) = ut_inv_calendar(iyr,imo,idy,12,0,0,time@units,0)
       do ihr = 00, 00

This is only one hour??? Why 00? I assume it should be something like

       do ihr = 0, 21,3
       do ihr = 0, 18,6

[0] I would rewrite the code :-)

[1] For an example, use the following and compare outputs

   %> ncl_filedump flx.....grb | less

There will be no "time" dimension. Next, try

   %> ncl_filedump -itime flx.....grb | less

You will see a "time" dimension ["initial_time0_hours"]

float FOO ( initial_time0_hours, lat_98, lon_98 )

You will also see that NCL has provided
(a) the latitudes and longitudes. *No* need for you to compute them.
(b) the "time" variable ... *No* need for you to compute them.


      setfileoption("grib", "SingleElementDimensions", "All")
to make NCL include a time dimension. Place this before reading any
grib files.

[2] Use addfiles

Then I would read all the files for a specific day.

     fils = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; flx.fd"+

     f = addfiles(diri+fils+.grb", "r")

     p0 = f[:]->$vname$ ; read all time steps for this
day (time,lat,lon)

     psum = dim_sum_n_Wrap(p0, 0) ; sum all the hourly values

     psum!0 = "time"
     psum!1 = "lat"
     psum!2 = "lon"
     psum@long_name = "daily Precip Total"
     psum@units = "mm"

[4] Use the simple method to write the netCDF. For small
files this is easier/cleaner. Method 1

Good luck

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "/home/akila/ncl/lib/scripts/my_scripts.ncl"


    nlat = 94
    mlon = 192
    lat = latGau(nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")

    lon = lonGlobeF(mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")

; miscellaneous
    tunits = "hours since 1990-04-01 00:00:0.0"
    minute = 0
    second = 0.d0
    filAtt = True
    nline = inttochar(10)

    diri = "/xxxxx/"
    diro = "/xxxxx/"

    do iyr = 1990,1990
     do imo = 04,12
      fout =
      print(""+ fout)

      time = new(mday(imo),double,"No_FillValue")
      time!0 = "time"
      time@units = "hours since 1800-04-01 00:00:00"
      time@long_name = "Tim

      prec = new((/mday(imo),nlat,mlon/),float,"No_FillValue")
      prec@_FillValue = 1e+20
      prec!0 = "time"
      prec!1 = "lat"
      prec!2 = "lon"
      prec&lat = lat
      prec&lon = lonout
      prec@long_name = "Precipitation"
      prec@units = "mm"
; prec@units = "kg/m^2/s"

      prec = 0.0

      do idy = 01, mday(imo)
; do idy =09,31
       time(idy-1) = ut_inv_calendar(iyr,imo,idy,12,0,0,time@units,0)

       do ihr = 00, 00
        fin =
; print(iyr+" "+imo+" "+idy+" "+ihr+" "+fin)

        f = addfile(fin,"r")
; printVarSummary(f)


      if(any(fvname .eq. vname1))then
         p0 = f->$vname1$
      end if
      if(any(fvname .eq. vname2))then
         p0 = f->$vname2$
      end if
      if(any(fvname .eq. vname3))then
         p0 = f->$vname3$
      end if

        p0!0 = "lat_98"
        p0!1 = "lon_98"
        p = p0(lat_98|:,lon_98|:)
        p1(:,0:mlon/2-1) = p(:,mlon/2:mlon-1)
        p1(:,mlon/2:mlon-1) = p(:,0:mlon/2-1)
        p1@_FillValue = -1e+20
        prec(idy-1,:,:) = prec(idy-1,:,:) + p1*3600*24

       end do
; id =id+1
      end do
      time&time = time
      prec&time = time

      fnc = addfile(fout,"c")

      fatt = True
      fatt@title = "grb flux data"
      fatt@Accumulation_Hour = "Daily Average"

      dimname = (/"time","lat","lon"/)
      dimsize = (/mday(imo), nlat, mlon/)
      dimunlim = (/True, False, False/)

      filevardef(fnc, "time", typeof(time), getvardims(time))
      filevardef(fnc, "lat", typeof(lat), getvardims(lat))
      filevardef(fnc, "lon", typeof(lonout), getvardims(lonout))
      filevardef(fnc, "prec", typeof(prec), getvardims(prec))



      fnc->time = (/time/)
      fnc->lat = (/lat/)
      fnc->lon = (/lonout/)
      fnc->prec = (/prec/)

    end do
    end do
3.want to calculate daily average

On 12/23/2009 02:52 AM, Ammu Priya wrote:
> Sir,
> 1.Version 5.1.1
> 2.load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "/home/akila/ncl/lib/scripts/my_scripts.ncl"
> begin
> nlat = 94
> mlon = 192
> lon = ispan(0,mlon-1,1)*1.875-180
> ; lat = ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*1.875-88.54195
> print(lon)
> ;printVarSummary(lon)
> glat = gaus(nlat/2)
> lat =glat(:,0)
> lat=lat(::-1)
> print(lat)
> lat!0 = "lat"
> lat&lat = lat
> lat_at_long_name = "latitude"
> lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
> lon!0 = "lon"
> lon&lon = lon
> lon_at_long_name = "longitude"
> lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
> ; miscellaneous
> tunits = "hours since 1990-04-01 00:00:0.0"
> minute = 0
> second = 0.d0
> filAtt = True
> nline = inttochar(10)
> lonout = ispan(0,mlon-1,1)*1.875 -180
> lonout!0 = "lon"
> lonout&lon = lonout
> lonout@long_name = "Longitude"
> lonout@units = "degrees_east"
> lat@long_name = "Latitude"
> lat@units = "degrees_north"
> mday = (/0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
> diri = "/xxxxx/"
> diro = "/xxxxx/"
> p1 = new((/nlat,mlon/),float)
> do iyr = 1990,1990
> if(mod(iyr,400).eq.0 .or. mod(iyr,4).eq.0 .and. mod(iyr,100).ne.0)then
> mday(2) = 29
> else
> mday(2) = 28
> end if
> do imo = 04,12
> fout =
> diro+"prec.flx."+sprinti("%.2d",iyr)+sprinti("%.2d",imo)+""
> print(fout)
> time = new(mday(imo),double,"No_FillValue")
> time!0 = "time"
> time@units = "hours since 1800-04-01 00:00:00"
> time@long_name = "Time"
> prec = new((/mday(imo),nlat,mlon/),float,"No_FillValue")
> prec@_FillValue = 1e+20
> prec!0 = "time"
> prec!1 = "lat"
> prec!2 = "lon"
> prec&lat = lat
> prec&lon = lonout
> prec@long_name = "Precipitation"
> prec@units = "mm"
> ; prec@units = "kg/m^2/s"
> prec = 0.0
> do idy = 01, mday(imo)
> ; do idy =09,31
> time(idy-1) = ut_inv_calendar(iyr,imo,idy,12,0,0,time@units,0)
> do ihr = 00, 00
> fin =
> diri+"flx."+"fd"+sprinti("%d",iyr)+sprinti("%.2d",imo)+sprinti("%.2d",idy)+sprinti("%.2d",ihr)+".grb"
> ; print(iyr+" "+imo+" "+idy+" "+ihr+" "+fin)
> f = addfile(fin,"r")
> ; printVarSummary(f)
> fvname=getfilevarnames(f)
> vname1="PRATE_98_SFC_ave"
> vname2="PRATE_98_SFC_ave3h"
> vname3="PRATE_98_SFC_10"
> if(any(fvname .eq. vname1))then
> p0 = f->$vname1$
> end if
> if(any(fvname .eq. vname2))then
> p0 = f->$vname2$
> end if
> if(any(fvname .eq. vname3))then
> p0 = f->$vname3$
> end if
> p0!0 = "lat_98"
> p0!1 = "lon_98"
> p = p0(lat_98|:,lon_98|:)
> p1(:,0:mlon/2-1) = p(:,mlon/2:mlon-1)
> p1(:,mlon/2:mlon-1) = p(:,0:mlon/2-1)
> p1@_FillValue = -1e+20
> prec(idy-1,:,:) = prec(idy-1,:,:) + p1*3600*24
> delete(p0)
> delete(p)
> delete(f)
> end do
> ; id =id+1
> end do
> time&time = time
> ;print(time)
> prec&time = time
> printVarSummary(prec)
> printMinMax(prec,0)
> fnc = addfile(fout,"c")
> setfileoption(fnc,"DefineMode",True)
> fatt = True
> fatt@title = "grb flux data"
> fatt@Accumulation_Hour = "Daily Average"
> fileattdef(fnc,fatt)
> dimname = (/"time","lat","lon"/)
> dimsize = (/mday(imo), nlat, mlon/)
> dimunlim = (/True, False, False/)
> filedimdef(fnc,dimname,dimsize,dimunlim)
> filevardef(fnc, "time", typeof(time), getvardims(time))
> filevardef(fnc, "lat", typeof(lat), getvardims(lat))
> filevardef(fnc, "lon", typeof(lonout), getvardims(lonout))
> filevardef(fnc, "prec", typeof(prec), getvardims(prec))
> filevarattdef(fnc,"time",time)
> filevarattdef(fnc,"lat",lat)
> filevarattdef(fnc,"lon",lonout)
> filevarattdef(fnc,"prec",prec)
> setfileoption(fnc,"DefineMode",False)
> fnc->time = (/time/)
> fnc->lat = (/lat/)
> fnc->lon = (/lonout/)
> fnc->prec = (/prec/)
> delete(prec)
> delete(time)
> end do
> end do
> end
> 3.want to calculate daily average
> regards,
> amm
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Dennis J. Shea                  tel: 303-497-1361    |
P.O. Box 3000                   fax: 303-497-1333    |
Climate Analysis Section                             |
Climate&  Global Dynamics Div.                       |
National Center for Atmospheric Research             |
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