About Wrf_cape_3d.shtml function

From: <z3303149_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Feb 23 2010 - 19:25:29 MST

Hello Dennis

  i used these functions before but i got wrong result and when i asked the wrf
help about the problem, they told me this functions was developed for wrf model
and there is a large change that this will not work for other model output. i
work in MM5 model.



Hi group

    i'm trying to calculate the CAPE from skew T digram , all my variables 4D
(time, level,lat,lon) i attachment the figure, it work just in (eps) and i
can't open it as (x11) or (pdf),but i got the figure without the red line of the
parcel lapse rate like in example no. 2 in skew examples because i want to
calculate the CAPE, if anyone can help me please.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"


colmin = 40
colmax = 47
rowmin = 33
rowmax = 40

class = 6

 diri = "/srv/science/maths1/z3236814/data02/swap/co2/fc/"

  f = addfile(diri+"evb_minclass_200noev_2095.nc","r") ; open data netcdf file

  topo = f->terrain
  w = f->w(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  u = f->u(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  v = f->v(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  t = f->t(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  q = f->q(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  pp = f->pp(class-1,:,:,:,:)
  sigma = f->sigma_level
  ps = f->pstarcrs
  time = f->time
  lat = f->latitcrs
  lon = f->longicrs
  ptop = f->ptop

  dsize = dimsizes(q)
  pres = new(dsize,float)

;to calculate the pressure for each grid point
 pres = pp + ptop +conform(pp,ps,(/2,3/))*conform(pp,sigma,1)

rel = relhum(t,q,pres)

 ;to calculates the dewpoint temperature
  dewpoint= dewtemp_trh(t,rel)

dewpoint = dewpoint -273 ;returned depoint temperature in (C)

 ; to define the dewpoint
 dewpoint!0 = "time"
 dewpoint!1 = "sigma_level"
 dewpoint!2 = "i_cross"
 dewpoint!3 = "j_cross"

 pres = pres*0.01 ; to converte it to (hPa)

;calculate virtual temperature
 vir_temp = new(dsize,float)
 vir_temp = t*(1.+q*0.61)

 ; to define the pres
 pres!0 = "time"
 pres!1 = "sigma_level"
 pres!2 = "i_cross"
 pres!3 = "j_cross"

 ; to define the virtual temperature
 vir_temp!0 = "time"
 vir_temp!1 = "sigma_level"
 vir_temp!2 = "i_cross"
 vir_temp!3 = "j_cross"

t = t-273 ; to converte it to (C)

 gh = hydro(pres(time|:,i_cross|:,j_cross|:,sigma_level|::-1), \
             vir_temp(time|:,i_cross|:,j_cross|:,sigma_level|::-1), \

 ; to define the geopotential height
 gh!0 = "time"
 gh!1 = "i_cross"
 gh!2 = "j_cross"
 gh!3 = "sigma_level"

;to calculates the meteorological wind direction
r2d = 45.0/atan(1.0) ;to conversion from radians to degrees because the return
value in radians
wdir = atan2(u,v)* r2d + 180

 wdir!0 = "time"
 wdir!1 = "sigma_level"
 wdir!2 = "i_cross"
 wdir!3 = "j_cross"

  wks = gsn_open_wks ("eps", "skewclass62095")

  z =
wind =
 temp =
dew1 =

  skewtOpts = True
  skewtOpts@DrawFahrenheit = False
  skewtOpts@DrawWind = True
   skewtOpts@DrawHeightScale = True

    dataOpts = True ; options describing data and ploting
    dataOpts@linePatternDewPt = 1
    dataOpts@colDewPt = "red"

;add legend
  legend = create "Legend" legendClass wks
    "vpXF" : 0.15
    "vpYF" : 0.88
    "vpWidthF" : 0.24 ; width
    "vpHeightF" : 0.09 ; height
    "lgPerimOn" : True ; perimeter
    "lgItemCount" : 2 ; how many
    "lgLabelStrings" : (/"Temperature","Dew point Temperature"/)
    "lgLineThicknessF" : 3.0
    "lgBoxMinorExtentF" : 0.2
  end create

  skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)


   draw (skewt_data)
   draw (skewt_bkgd)



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