Re: Vert. T Profile plot

From: Brandon Fisel <bjfisel_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Mar 09 2010 - 15:55:15 MST

Hi Mary,

A section of my NCL script is as follows:

; Set pointers to wrf output files
   var1 = "TT" ; var to process
   var2 = "TT" ; forcing var to process
   varName0 = "T_p"
   varName1 = "TT"
   f0 = addfile(dstr0+csho0+"_"+var1+".nc","r") ; wrfpost var output
   f1 = addfile(dstr1+csho1+"_"+var1+".nc","r") ; wrfpost var output
   f2 = addfile(dstr2+csho2+"_"+var1+".nc","r") ; wrfpost var output
   f3 = addfile(dstr3+csho3+"_"+var1+".nc","r") ; wrfpost var output
; g =
addfile(ifor+"met_em.d01.2007-"+mo(n)+"_"+var2+".nc","r") ;
forcing var output file
; Get times for each of the files
   TimeChar = f0->time
   year = f0->year
   month = f0->month
   day = f0->day
   hour = f0->hour
   minute = f0->minute
   month_h = month(::4)
   day_h = day(::4)
   print(year + "_" + month + "_" + day + "_" + hour + "_" + minute)
   DimTimeChar = dimsizes(TimeChar)
   print("TimeChar dimsizes:" + DimTimeChar)
   nTime = TimeChar(:) ; 1=00Z
   nTimes = dimsizes(TimeChar) - 1
   print("nTime:" + nTime + "and nt: " + nTimes)
; Set basic attributes
   latt = f0->lat
   lat = latt(:,0)
   lat!0 = "lat"
   lonn = f0->lon
   lon = lonn(0,:)
   lon!0 = "lon"
   lat2d = f0->lat(:,:)
   lon2d = f0->lon(:,:)
; Begin processing
     f_var0 = f0->$varName0$(:,:,:,:)
     f_var1 = f1->$varName0$(:,:,:,:)
     f_var2 = f2->$varName0$(:,:,:,:)
     f_var3 = f3->$varName0$(:,:,:,:)

     f_var0!0 = "time"
     f_var0!1 = "pressure"
     f_var0!2 = "lat"
     f_var0!3 = "lon"
     f_var1!0 = "time"
     f_var1!1 = "pressure"
     f_var1!2 = "lat"
     f_var1!3 = "lon"
     f_var2!0 = "time"
     f_var2!1 = "pressure"
     f_var2!2 = "lat"
     f_var2!3 = "lon"
     f_var3!0 = "time"
     f_var3!1 = "pressure"
     f_var3!2 = "lat"
     f_var3!3 = "lon"

; Daily average
     f_day = f_var0(::4,:,:,:) ; trick

     ntJump = 4 ; 6-hr step
     ntStrt = 0 ; start at 0 time
     ntLast = ntJump-1 ; end every 4 steps
     if (mo(n) .eq. "12") then ; fix for early december cut-off
      nTimes = nTimes-3
      nTimes = nTimes
     end if

     do na=0,nTimes,4
      f_day(na/4,:,:,:) = (
dim_avg_Wrap(f_var0(pressure|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|ntStrt:ntLast)) + \

dim_avg_Wrap(f_var1(pressure|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|ntStrt:ntLast)) + \

dim_avg_Wrap(f_var2(pressure|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|ntStrt:ntLast)) + \

dim_avg_Wrap(f_var3(pressure|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|ntStrt:ntLast)) )/4
      ntStrt = ntStrt+ntJump
      ntLast = ntLast+ntJump
     end do

     f_day = f_day - 273.15 ; convert to degC

; Monthly average
     f_mon = dim_avg_Wrap(f_day(pressure|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:))
     f_mon@lat2d = lat2d
     f_mon@lon2d = lon2d
; Calculate great circle and transect
     llat = lat2d(60,62)
     rlat = lat2d(55,77)
     llon = lon2d(60,62)
     rlon = lon2d(55,77)

     npts = 10
     dist = gc_latlon(llat,llon,rlat,rlon,npts,-2)
     points = ispan(0,npts-1,1)*1.0

     xgrid = rcm2rgrid(lat2d,lon2d,f_mon,lat,lon,0)
     xgrid!0 = "pressure"
     xgrid!1 = "lat"
     xgrid!2 = "lon"
     xgrid&lat = lat
     xgrid&lon = lon
     xgrid@_FillMissing = -999999

     trans = linint2_points(xgrid&lat,xgrid&lon,xgrid,False,dist@gclon

The script fails at the line where the transect variable, trans, is defined
with the following error:

fatal:linint2_points: The rightmost dimensions of fi must be nyi x nxi,
where nyi and nxi are the lengths of yi and xi respectively
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 174 in file

Some print output of the variables before the transect is being taken:

Variable: f_mon
Type: float
Total Size: 337500 bytes
            84375 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [pressure | 5] x [lat | 135] x [lon | 125]
            pressure: [1000..300]
            lat: [0..134]
            lon: [0..124]
Number Of Attributes: 9
  lon2d : <ARRAY of 16875 elements>
  lat2d : <ARRAY of 16875 elements>
  long_name : Temperature at Pressure Levels
  standard_name : air_temperature
  units : K
  _FillValue : -999999
  missing_value : -999999
  coordinates : lon lat
  average_op_ncl : dim_avg over dimension: time

Variable: xgrid
Type: float
Total Size: 337500 bytes
            84375 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [pressure | 5] x [lat | 135] x [lon | 125]
            lat: [49.83952..51.32257]
            lon: [137.6907..-138.8663]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  _FillMissing : -999999
  _FillValue : -999999

Brandon Fisel

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:30, Mary Haley <> wrote:

> Brandon,
> Exactly what errors do you get?
> --Mary
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Brandon Fisel wrote:
> NCL Help,
> I'm interested in plotting monthly averaged vertical temperature profiles
> for each lon in my domain. The variable I am trying to plot is a 3D variable
> (pressure,lat,lon). I would like for it to look similar to
> I've
> tried using that example, however I always receive errors doing so.
> Attached is the my .ncl file.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Brandon Fisel
> <plot_profile.ncl.txt>
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Received on Tue Mar 9 15:55:29 2010

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